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Andrew Jackson

Andrew Jackson. Topic 18 (Chapter 10, Sections 1 and 2). Review – The Era of Good Feelings. #5 James Monroe – 1817-1825 Democratic-republican Very “old-fashioned” Nearly 60 years old Wore 1700s fashion and his powdered wig. Didn’t have any enemies Major Political Events:

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Andrew Jackson

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  1. Andrew Jackson Topic 18 (Chapter 10, Sections 1 and 2)

  2. Review – The Era of Good Feelings #5 James Monroe – 1817-1825 • Democratic-republican • Very “old-fashioned” • Nearly 60 years old • Wore 1700s fashion and his powdered wig. • Didn’t have any enemies • Major Political Events: • Missouri Compromise • Monroe Doctrine • Florida becomes part of USA #6 John Quincy Adams – 1825-1829 • People admired him but thought he was kind of distant before he was president. • Election was disputed: Andrew Jackson won pop. Vote but none of the 4 candidates had a majority. The corrupt bargain was struck. • Most Americans disliked him. • Major Political Events: • Tried to pay for internal improvements and arts. • Erie Canal finished and railroads begin.

  3. The Election of 1828 • Expanded voting rights in the 1820s led to more men being able to vote. • Ran against JQ Adams. • Personality and privilege became a big election issue.

  4. #7 Andrew Jackson 1829-1837 • The people’s president • First westerner to be president (from Tenn.) • Inauguration wrecked the white house • Very protective of his wife, Rachel. • Major Political Events: • The spoils system • Closed down Bank of US • The Indian Removal Act

  5. Jackson’s Inauguration • “Off the chain” party at the W.H.! • Drunk, loud all over the white house lawns. • Trashed the White House – furniture, carpets, china, etc.

  6. What were the USA’s political Borders?Where is the North? South? West? Click here to view an animated map of development from 1800-1830.

  7. Sectional Differences

  8. State’s Rights Issues • Tariffs – were supposed to help American businesses by making foreign items more expensive. Hurt Southern States. • State’s Rights – some believed in strong central government, others thought that took away state’s rights. He stopped SC protests from getting out of hand. • The Bank of the US – Even though the Supreme Court said the bank was allowed (McCulloch v. Maryland), Jackson did NOT renew its contract because he believed the State Banks should control the money.

  9. The Nullification Crisis • John C. Calhoun, Vice President, protested against the Federal government, saying that states had the right to reject laws if they hurt the state. • Ended up resigning as VP. • Daniel Webster believed that we were ONE Nation and so the rules must apply to everyone.

  10. #8 Martin Van Buren 1837-1841 • First President born an American citizen. • Close friend to Jackson (but very opposite in character.) • All talk, little action • Major Political Events: • Panic of 1837 – first economic crisis • Established the Treasury department.

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