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clic detector and physics status. Ivanka Bo ž ovi ć Jelisav č i ć Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade [on behalf of the CLIC Detector & Physics Collaboration]. overview. Reminder – CLIC environment and detector implications Detector optimization studies Hardware R&D
clic detector and physics status Ivanka Božović Jelisavčić Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade [on behalf of the CLIC Detector & Physics Collaboration]
overview • Reminder – CLIC environment and detector implications • Detector optimization studies • Hardware R&D • Software development • Status of the ongoing Higgs physics analyses • About CLICdp • Conclusions 2 I. Bozovic Jelisavcic CLIC Detector & Physics Status AWLC 2014, Fermilab, 12-16 May 2014
reminder - clic machine environment • Small beam profile at IP • Bunch population ~3.7109 • High E-fields of colliding bunches, intense BS causing distortion in luminosity spectrum, incoherent production of e+e- pairs, hadron production from • Deposition of 19 TeV visible energy per train in calorimeters • Drives timing requirements:10 ns time-stamping +PFA to remove background CLIC 0.5 TeV CLIC 3 TeV L [cm-2s-1] 2.3×1034 5.9×1034 BX/train 354 312 BX separ. 0.5 ns 0.5 ns Rep. rate 50 Hz 50 Hz L/BX [cm-2] 1.1×1030 3.8×1030 σx/σy202/2 nm 40/1 nm (X)/BX 0.2 3.2 3 I. Bozovic Jelisavcic CLIC Detector & Physics Status AWLC 2014, Fermilab, 12-16 May 2014 Trade-off between occupancies and reconstruction (i.e VTX pixel size, calorimeter integration time vs. bck.)
requirements from the beam conditions • High tracker occupancies small cell sizes • BCK energy high-granularity calorimetry FCAL radiation hardness (3105 inc. pairs/BX at 3TeV) • BCK suppression overall need for precise hit timing ~10 ns hit time-stamping in tracking 1 ns accuracy for calorimeter hits • Low duty-cycle triggerless readout (read all after 156 ns train) • Incoherent pair background determines: angular coverage of vertex detector, forward tracking discs; FCAL apertures/technologies, design of beam pipe 4 I. Bozovic Jelisavcic CLIC Detector & Physics Status AWLC 2014, Fermilab, 12-16 May 2014 Vertex detector – ultra light Calorimetry – ultra heavy and compact
detector concepts • Based on initial ILC concepts (ILD and SiD) • Optimized and adapted to CLIC conditions 5 I. Bozovic Jelisavcic CLIC Detector & Physics Status AWLC 2014, Fermilab, 12-16 May 2014 The aim is to have one optimized concept – end 2014
detector optimization studies • In order to achieve detector: • Adapted to physics needs (Higgs measurement prospects, EW precision measurement, discovery reach for BSM physics) • With manageable occupancies • Realistic and cost-effective technology solutions • Parallel work on detector optimization in several areas: • Vertex detector optimization • Forward region studies • ECAL optimization studies • and other (e.g. aspect ratio, tracker radius, barrel/endcap transition, B-field) 6 I. Bozovic Jelisavcic CLIC Detector & Physics Status AWLC 2014, Fermilab, 12-16 May 2014 Optimization studies linked to physics performance (flavor-tagging, Ejet resolution, forward region coverage)
vertex detector optimization: flavour tagging 5 barrel and 4 FVD single layers 3 barrel and 3 FVD double layers b-tagging performance a. b. Similar performance for both layouts The material budget has a larger impact than the geometry. 7 I. Bozovic Jelisavcic CLIC Detector & Physics Status AWLC 2014, Fermilab, 12-16 May 2014 More in talk by Philipp Roloff
ecal optimization studies • PFlowcalorimetry requires • reconstruction of four-vectors of all visible particles in an event. • The momenta of charged • particles are measured in the tracking detectors, while the energy measurements for photons and neutral hadrons are obtained from the calorimeters . • In PFA it’s needed to perfectly associate all energy deposits with the correct particles (confusion term) • drives granularity requirements • Granularity requirements and use of Si as active material make the ECAL expensive. 8 I. Bozovic Jelisavcic CLIC Detector & Physics Status AWLC 2014, Fermilab, 12-16 May 2014 Studies of scintillator based calorimeters instead of silicon as active layer – cost driven by Si surface (~2600 m2 ILD_ECAL)
ecal optimization: ejet resolution • For models using Si or scintillator (Sc) as the active material, recent simulation studies have examined variation of jet energy resolution as a function of • key ECAL parameters: • Transverse granularity; Number of layers; Inner radius; B-Field strength and Sc thickness. • Have also examined novel ECAL models that use Si for the first few active layers, then move to Sc deeper in the calorimeter. Width of Sc cell sizes can increase with calorimeter depth. 9 I. Bozovic Jelisavcic CLIC Detector & Physics Status AWLC 2014, Fermilab, 12-16 May 2014 Comparable performance of Si and Sc as active materials
hardware r&d - vertex detector • Various R&D aspects for CLIC Vertex Detector are covering broad spectrum of technologies (sensors, support, cabling, powering, cooling, readout, DAQ, assembly) • Integrated R&D effort simultaneously addressing CLIC vertex detector • challenges 10 I. Bozovic Jelisavcic CLIC Detector & Physics Status AWLC 2014, Fermilab, 12-16 May 2014 More in talks by D. Dannheim, F.X. Nuiry, P. Roloff
vertex detector r&d – thin sensors Hybrid technology option: Low-power and small-pitch readout ASICs (Timepix) bonded to ultra-thin sensors 11 I. Bozovic Jelisavcic CLIC Detector & Physics Status AWLC 2014, Fermilab, 12-16 May 2014
vertex detector r&d – hv-cmos active sensor with capacitive coupling • 65 nm CMOS technology, 6464 pixel matrix (25 m pitch) • Combined prototype for ATLAS and CLIC 12 I. Bozovic Jelisavcic CLIC Detector & Physics Status AWLC 2014, Fermilab, 12-16 May 2014
vertex detector r&d – air cooling and low-mass support • The power dissipation of the readout chips is reduced by means of power pulsing, allowing for a cooling system based on a forced gas (dry air) flow. • Preliminary validation results suggest that air flow cooling with low-mass • supports is feasible 13 I. Bozovic Jelisavcic CLIC Detector & Physics Status AWLC 2014, Fermilab, 12-16 May 2014
calorimetryr&d -shower timing in tungsten hcal • Key reconstruction challenge at CLIC: Pile-up of hadronic background from several bunch crossings (i.e 19 TeV depositions in calorimeters over 20 BX) • Rejection via timing cuts – relies on timing in calorimeters • Precise modeling of time structure of hadronic showers is crucial CALICE T3B (setup of 15 small plastic scintillator tiles read out with Silicon Photomultipliers): A dedicated experiment to measure the time structure of showers in tungsten absorbers arXiv:1404.6454 14 I. Bozovic Jelisavcic CLIC Detector & Physics Status AWLC 2014, Fermilab, 12-16 May 2014 Demonstrated importance for tungsten absorbers of using high precision treatment of low-energy neutrons in physics models
calorimetryr&d-scintilator -tungsten hcal in the test-beam • Analysis of test beam data of highly granular scintillator-tungsten HCAL (high-momentum 10-100 GeV e+, +, K+, p) • Measurement of response, energy resolution and shower shapes JINST 9 (2014) 01004 CALICE Analysis Note 044 15 I. Bozovic Jelisavcic CLIC Detector & Physics Status AWLC 2014, Fermilab, 12-16 May 2014 • Demonstrated linearity of detector response • Energy resolution well described by: • Reasonably good agreement between data and Geant4 models, room for improvement
fcalr&d • Electrical characterization done for 40 prototypes LumiCal sensors (strip pitch 2.2 mm) and 30 prototypes of compensated GaAssensors (BeamCal); • Sensor + Front-end ASIC+ ADC ASIC ( 32 channels fully equipped) in the test-beam (2-4.5 GeV electrons at DESY) • Future: novel connectivity technology (e.g. bump bonding, thin fan-out PCB), construction of a demonstrator calorimeter, test E and resolution and biases Probe station for BeamCal sensor characterization Impact point reconstruction using the beam telescope - LumiCal sensor average S/N ratio ~19 16 I. Bozovic Jelisavcic CLIC Detector & Physics Status AWLC 2014, Fermilab, 12-16 May 2014 • S/N ~19 for all channels. • Independent pad areas show identical charge collection. • Homogeneous response of • the pad signal. • Edges-loss of about 10% • of the signal.
software development – detector description for hep • DD4HepSingle source of information for simulation, reconstruction, visualization • DD4Hep validation: Comparing performance for one full concept • (CLIC_ILD or CLIC_SiD) • New CLIC detector model - Only one concept implemented in DD4Hep 17 I. Bozovic Jelisavcic CLIC Detector & Physics Status AWLC 2014, Fermilab, 12-16 May 2014
software development – ilcdirac grid interface ILCDirac GRID interface for centralized production http://ilcdirac.cern.ch • More and more users in the LC community (CLIC, ILD, SiD, Calice) • Move to CVMFS for software distribution • Include interface for new applications: Whizard2, DD4hep based sim. programs • Upgrade to new DIRAC version, move to virtual machine infrastructure for better performance and reliability 18 I. Bozovic Jelisavcic CLIC Detector & Physics Status AWLC 2014, Fermilab, 12-16 May 2014 CPU Time in years, used on different grid sites in the last 6 months (production and users) User jobs per hour during the last 6 months Many thanks to the GRID site administrators for their support Special thanks to Strasbourg administrators who unfortunately had to stop their support for the ILC virtual organization
status of the ongoing higgs analyses 19 I. Bozovic Jelisavcic CLIC Detector & Physics Status AWLC 2014, Fermilab, 12-16 May 2014 • 350 GeV: SM precision measurements, Higgs-recoil, top mass • 1.4 TeV: rare Higgs decays, Higgs self-coupling, BSM discovery • 3 TeV: highest precision for rare decays and self-coupling, highest discovery reach CLICdp AWLC talks
single higgs production at clic σ ~ log(s) • Large samples of Higgs bosons can be produced at CLIC • Already at 350 GeV by far surpassing the number of W bosons at LEP σ ~ 1/s Higgsstrahlung 20 I. Bozovic Jelisavcic CLIC Detector & Physics Status AWLC 2014, Fermilab, 12-16 May 2014 Higgs production at various stages with unploarized beams. Polarization (-80,+30)% can enhance x-sections for HZ and H for a factor of 1.4/2.3 VV fusion V=Z,W
σ(HZ) at 350 GeV using Z→qq q q • Absolute measurement of the gHZZcan be obtained from recoil mass distribution in Ze+e-,+- decays. However, BR(Z ll) l=e, is small ~3.4% • Exploit BR(Z qq) ~ 69% • Improvement in precision by a factor 2 compared to leptonic decays • Challenge: Z → qq reconstruction may depend on Higgs decay mode – separation • of H and Z hadronic decays in multy-jet topology • Ongoing study: bias seems very small 21 I. Bozovic Jelisavcic CLIC Detector & Physics Status AWLC 2014, Fermilab, 12-16 May 2014 See talk by M. Thomson Δ(σHZ) / σHZ ≈ 2% → Δ(gHZZ) / gHZZ ≈ 1% from hadronic Z decays
processes at higher energies ttH production – top Yukawa coupling Double Higgs production • Sensitive to the Higgs self-coupling λ at O(10%/16%) with polarized/ • unpolarizedbeams • Sensitive to the quartic HHWW coupling O(3%) • Requires higher CM energies and polarization • The strongest Higgs fermion coupling • ttH directly sensitive to gttH • Test coupling-mass linearity • Can be influenced by BSM physics • Complicated multy-jet topologies (6/8 jets) • Jet clustering, b-tagging • MVA needed (20 variables) • Combination of both final states gives • at 1.4 TeV 22 I. Bozovic Jelisavcic CLIC Detector & Physics Status AWLC 2014, Fermilab, 12-16 May 2014 More in talk by P. Roloff
12 CLICdp AWLC talks: 7 physics + 5 detector related other higgs physics analyses presented at awlc • F. Simon H → bb/cc/gg at 350 and 1.4 TeV • -Large x-sections lead to small statistical errors, allows precision mH measurement, test SM predictions (linearity, gHcc/gHbb ratio) • C. GrefeH → γγ and H → Zγ at 1.4 TeV • - Induced by loops over heavy charged particles sensitive to BSM physics, rare decays BR~10-3, can be improved by polarization • S. LukicH →WW* at 350 GeV and 1.4 TeV • - Knowing gHWW , HWW* decay provides the Hat the percent level • A. Robson Higgs production in ZZ fusion • - Direct access to gHZZ (H) with inclusive H decays, Hbb final state promising for gHZZ/gHWW ratio determination without explicit knowledge of gHbb or H 23 I. Bozovic Jelisavcic CLIC Detector & Physics Status AWLC 2014, Fermilab, 12-16 May 2014
overview of allclichiggs studies • ZH, absolute determination of the production x-section O(2%), sensibility to invisible decay modes to BRinv~1% • ZH, Zee,, qqabsolute determination gHZZO(1%) (comparable sensitivity at 350 GeV and 250 GeV) • WW fusion, relative couplings to gHWW/ gHZZcan be determined at O(1%) – SM test • WW fusion, other relative BR measurements i.e. gHcc/ gHbbO(1.5%), Higgs rare decays NEEDS UPDATE 24 I. Bozovic Jelisavcic CLIC Detector & Physics Status AWLC 2014, Fermilab, 12-16 May 2014 Statistics can be improved by polarization up to a factor 2.3 Physics at the CLIC e+e- Linear Collider -- Input to the Snowmass process 2013, July 2013, arXiv:1307.5288 • * preliminary • estimates
Fit to results shown on the previous slide • Fully model-independent, only possible at a lepton collider • All results limited by 1% from σ(HZ) measurement • The Higgs width is extracted with 5.5% - 4% precision • High range of Higgs boson couplings can be measured at the O(2%) level • Higgs trilinear self-coupling parameter can be measured at the 10% (highest CM energy, beam polarization) model independent higgs couplings and width measurements NEEDS UPDATE 25 I. Bozovic Jelisavcic CLIC Detector & Physics Status AWLC 2014, Fermilab, 12-16 May 2014 See talk by F. Simon
Alternatively, fit can be performed using 9 scale factors i • H,model is a sum of SM partial widths – no invisible decays • Sub-percent precisions achievable at high energy • Results are strongly dependent on fit assumptions analysis similar to lhc experiments NEEDS UPDATE 26 I. Bozovic Jelisavcic CLIC Detector & Physics Status AWLC 2014, Fermilab, 12-16 May 2014
ABOUT CLICdp Collaboration of 23 institutes from 17 countries You can find CLICdp at: CLICdp home-page http://clicdp.web.cern.ch/ 27 I. Bozovic Jelisavcic CLIC Detector & Physics Status AWLC 2014, Fermilab, 12-16 May 2014 + UK , University of Bristol
CONCLUSIONS • Wide range of physics analyses, including full detector simulation and background from physics and machine related processes, have demonstrated: - Understanding of detector performance requirements; - Precision Higgs physics capabilities in CLIC environment, complementary to HL-LHC, in some aspects going significantly beyond. 28 I. Bozovic Jelisavcic CLIC Detector & Physics Status AWLC 2014, Fermilab, 12-16 May 2014 - Physics driven detector design and optimization is leading towards one detector concept – end of 2014. - Current focus is on hardware required for detector at CLIC, including optimization, engineering and integration studies.
CLIC CALORIMETRY - DESIGN ECAL Si or Scint. + Tungsten cell sizes 13 mm2 or 25 mm2 30 layers in depth HCAL Several technology options: scint. + RPC Tungsten (barrel), steel (endcap) cell sizes 9 cm2 (analog) or 1 cm2 (digital) 60-75 layers in depth (HCAL depth ~7 Λi) REQUIREMENTS B1 I. Bozovic Jelisavcic CLIC Detector & Physics Status AWLC 2014, Fermilab, 12-16 May 2014
Vertex Detector – R&D Various R&D aspects for CLIC Vertex Detector are covering broad spectrum of technologies (sensors, support, cabling, powering, cooling, readout, DAQ, assembly) • Production and assembly of thin sensors: 100, 150, 200 and 300 μm sensors delivered (50 μm under consideration) • Spiral disks allow air flow through detector: air cooling seems feasible (ANSYS finite element simulation) • Demonstrator chip with fully functional 6464 pixel matrix in 65 nm CMOS technology; 100 chips delivered in February 2013 see more in D. Dannheim and François-Xavier NUIRY’s talks B2 I. Bozovic Jelisavcic CLIC Detector & Physics Status AWLC 2014, Fermilab, 12-16 May 2014 Low leakage currents ~ 1 nA
H decay bb, cc, gg • Large x-sections lead to small statistical errors • Allows Higgs mass determination • mH~ 30 MeV at energies above 1 TeV • Jet-energy resolution and flavor-tagging of crucial importance • Does flavor-tagging survive background? Yes • Serve to test coupling-mass linearity • Test SM prediction for gHbb/gHcc B3 I. Bozovic Jelisavcic CLIC Detector & Physics Status AWLC 2014, Fermilab, 12-16 May 2014
hz, h decays at 1.4 tev • Induced by loops over heavy charged particles sensitive to BSM physics • Rare decays, BRs ~ 0.16% and 0.23% • Large background - MVA • stat(HBR(H)) ~ 14.7% • stat(HBR(HZ)) ~ 41% due to limited signal efficiency of <25% • The later can be improved by beam polarization up to 27% for (-80,+30)% B4 I. Bozovic Jelisavcic CLIC Detector & Physics Status AWLC 2014, Fermilab, 12-16 May 2014 See talk by C. Grefe
HIGGS ANALYSES : WW FUSION,HWW* DECAY • ZH can be used to determine gHZZO(1%) • Once gHZZ is known, gHWW can be determined from WW fusion Hbb in a model-independent way: • Knowing gHWW , HWW* decay provides the total Higgs decay width: • Can be determined with 1.1% statistical accuracy (1.4 TeV) and 2% (350 GeV) • This way, H~8% uncertainty is achievable (all energy stages, -80% polarization) going down to 4% in combined fits B5 I. Bozovic Jelisavcic CLIC Detector & Physics Status AWLC 2014, Fermilab, 12-16 May 2014 See S. Lukic talk
HIGGS ANALYSES : HPRODUCTION IN ZZ FUZION • Hee~10% H; Hee 24.5 fb • Direct access to gHZZ (H) with inclusive H decays/limited sensitivity • Explicitly requiring Hbb using • b-tag gives clean signal separation • stat(HeeBR(Hbb)) ~ 1.5% • Promising for the gHZZ/gHWWratio without knowing gHbb or H • Main systematics comes from the detector (electron) acceptance in x 8 B6 I. Bozovic Jelisavcic CLIC Detector & Physics Status AWLC 2014, Fermilab, 12-16 May 2014 Hee See A. Robson talk
OTHER CLIC PHYSICSBENCHMARKS • Scales well beyond available CM energy accessible • SUSY masses and anomalous couplings measurable at the percent level or better • top Yukawa coupling can be measured at O(4%) at CM>1 TeV • Generally more precise than LHC/HL-LHC • Some searches (Higgs, Emiss signatures) can be done in a model-independent way B7 I. Bozovic Jelisavcic CLIC Detector & Physics Status AWLC 2014, Fermilab, 12-16 May 2014