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CLIC WORKSHOP - 2008. COOLING AND VENTILATION IN THE TUNNEL. J. Inigo-Golfin - C. Martel CERN TS/CV Wednesday 15 th October 2008. CLIC WORKSHOP - 2008. This is a preliminary study. Some concepts are presented based on estimated values to be confirmed.

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  1. CLIC WORKSHOP - 2008 COOLING AND VENTILATION IN THE TUNNEL J. Inigo-Golfin - C. Martel CERN TS/CV Wednesday 15th October 2008

  2. CLIC WORKSHOP - 2008 This is a preliminary study. Some concepts are presented based on estimated values to be confirmed. The confirmation of rate air/water is still standing. Cooling Ventilation • Ventilation functions- Heat load levels- HVAC principle - Tunnel section- Safety - Equipment - Perspectives • Water cooling requirements- Fluid circuits - Cooling principle - Main cooling station- Tunnel section. Piping- Equipment - Perspectives

  3. CLIC WORKSHOP - Ventilation Tunnel ventilation functions • Fresh air for people and ventilation (obligation).- Requested ambient conditions (T°C and humidity).- Remove heat loads in the air.- Prevent from any air stratification, condensation. - Purge before access.- Smoke or gas extraction (obligation).- Overpressure control linked to radiation (obligation).

  4. CLIC WORKSHOP – Ventilation Heat loads in the air Drive Beam sector = 250 kW UTRA cavern = 200 kW Loop = 90 kW UTRA 200 kW LOOP 90 kW 250 kW Heat loads in the Loops & UTRA: 290 kW / DB sector 1450 kW between two shafts Heat loads in the tunnel: 250 kW / DB sector 1250 kW between two shafts

  5. CLIC WORKSHOP - Ventilation HVAC of underground areas Loop • Three systems: • Tunnel • UTRAs • LOOPs 90 kW UTRA 200 kW Local cooling production

  6. CLIC WORKSHOP - Ventilation Tunnel Air flow rate considerations Tunnel section = 20 m2 DB sector volume =17 000 m3 Inter shaft volume = 90 000 m3 Basic data: Delta Temperature (Extraction – Supply) = 28 – 18 = 10°C Air flow rate Air duct section Heat loads in the tunnel Air duct Diameter 250 kW 1250 kW 500 kW 75 000 m3/h 370 000 m3/h 150 000 m3/h 1.73 m2 8.56 m2 3.3 m2 1.48 m 3.3 m 2 m DB sector Input data Intershafts Intershafts Proposal To be Optimised …

  7. CLIC WORKSHOP - Ventilation Tunnel Air handling from the surface HVAC equipment in surface buildings Air supply Extraction Air supply Extraction

  8. CLIC WORKSHOP - Ventilation Semi transversal ventilation in tunnel Extraction Air supply Extraction Air supply Optimisation of the air flow rate. Low air speed in the tunnel < 0.1 m/s. Optimisation of the temperature gradient. Recycling of the tunnel air possible. Reversible operation possible. Energy recovery possible. NEXT SHAFT POINT SHAFT POINT

  9. CLIC WORKSHOP - Ventilation Semi transversal ventilation in tunnel Extraction Air supply Extraction Air supply Possible fire resistant sectors, with 2 emergency exits per sector NEXT SHAFT POINT SHAFT POINT Minimum maintenanceSealed, modulatedFire resistantCompressed air control 1 Smoke extraction trap per sector 1 supply and 1 extraction grilles per 30 m

  10. CLIC WORKSHOP - Ventilation Safety considerations Extraction Air supply Extraction Air supply SHAFT POINT • Control of the pressure from both ends of a sector. • Control of the pressure (overpressure or underpressure in each area). • Fire detection per sector compatible to fire fighting via water mist.

  11. CLIC WORKSHOP - Ventilation Tunnel section SUPPLY DUCT EXTRACTION DUCT Circuit C : Fire Fighting Circuit B : general cooling Circuit D : compressed air Circuit A : Module cooling This cross section is for study purposes only Approved CLIC tunnel Diameter is currently 4.5m

  12. CLIC WORKSHOP - Ventilation Equipment issuesNot standard industrial fans High pressure fansAdapted products Not standard equipment

  13. CLIC WORKSHOP - Ventilation Equipment issuesSpecial design Extraction unit Fan in specific concrete section Concrete air ductsDirect driven fans (no belts)Fan in specific concrete section Concrete sound attenuation Supply unit 6000

  14. CLIC WORKSHOP - Ventilation Perspectives • Heat loads in tunnel air to optimize- Heat loads in Exp. caverns, Klystrons to be defined?- Radiation levels in the various areas to be defined- Integration of ventilation ducts in the tunnel section to finalize

  15. CLIC WORKSHOP - Cooling Cooling • Water cooling requirements- Fluid circuits - Cooling production - Main cooling station- Tunnel section. Piping- Equipment considerations- Perspectives

  16. CLIC WORKSHOP - Cooling Water cooling requirements Modules cooling (circuit A) Modules total power: 70 MW Required flow-rate: 3215 m3/h Delta temperature: 20 K Temp. Supply: 25 °C

  17. CLIC WORKSHOP - Cooling Water cooling requirements General cooling (circuit B) Dump Dump 1000 kW 1000 kW 1000 kW 0 kW ? Loop 1000 kW Loop 0 kW ? UTRA UTRC Modules total power: 15 MW Required flow-rate: 1612 m3/h Delta temperature: 8 K Temp. Supply: 27 C

  18. CLIC WORKSHOP - Cooling Fluid circuits per side • CIRCUIT A : MODULES COOLING – 70 MW Demineralised water, 25/45°C, 2 pipes Ø600 Accelerator structure, Loads, PETS, Quadripoles • CIRCUIT B : GENERAL COOLING – 15 MW Demineralised water, 27/35°C, 2 pipes Ø300 UTRA, UTRC, Loop, Vacuum, Beam Dump • CIRCUIT C : FIRE FIGHTING - Water mist – Ø80 • CIRCUIT D : REGULATION Compressed Air – 760 m3/h, Ø150, 8 bars - For solids (dust): class 1 with max. 0.1 mg/m3 - For water : class 2 with -40°C dew point - For oil : class 1 with max. 0.01 mg/m3

  19. CLIC WORKSHOP - Cooling Raising circuits Raising pumps Tunnel section Drain

  20. CLIC WORKSHOP - Cooling CoolingProduction Pumping station

  21. CLIC WORKSHOP - Cooling Main Cooling station WATER MIST CIRCUIT A CIRCUIT B M ~ N+1 Main Linac Z.E. ? MW ? MW 11 EXCHANGERS 10 MW ? 2 m Back to lake From lake

  22. CLIC WORKSHOP - Cooling Tunnel section. Piping Circuit C : Fire Fighting Circuit B : general cooling Circuit D : compressed air Circuit A : Module cooling This cross section is for study purposes only Approved CLIC tunnel Diameter is currently 4.5m

  23. CLIC WORKSHOP - Cooling • Out of standard pipe diameters- Special tooling, welding process- On request manufacturing, PN an issue?- Extra large heat exchangers Equipment considerations 6 MW Heat Exchanger 3.2 m 1.8 m 1.2 m

  24. CLIC WORKSHOP - Cooling Missing items affecting main cooling station • Cooling power for experimental cavern ?- Cooling power for Main dumps- HVAC and cooling for klystrons- Confirmation about the rate air/waterOther items to be considered:- Fire-fighting flow-rates- Infiltration water, raising pumps, slopes

  25. CLIC WORKSHOP - 2008 Longitudinal principle Extraction Air supply NEXT SHAFT POINT SHAFT POINT Large air flow rate High speed Temperature gradient Base: 150 000 m3/h 1250 kW Delta T°C = 24 = (41-17) Air speed = 2 m/s

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