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Problem based Learning in Engineering and Science – Development of Facilitator

Problem based Learning in Engineering and Science – Development of Facilitator. Mona Dahms Department of Development and Planning Vestre Havnepromenade 5: 1-204, DK - 9000 Aalborg Phone : + 45 99408401, e-mail: mona@plan.aau.dk Lars Peter Jensen Department of Control Engineering

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Problem based Learning in Engineering and Science – Development of Facilitator

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  1. Problem based Learning in Engineering and Science – Development of Facilitator Mona Dahms Department of Development and Planning Vestre Havnepromenade 5: 1-204, DK - 9000 Aalborg Phone: + 45 99408401, e-mail: mona@plan.aau.dk Lars Peter Jensen Department of Control Engineering Fredrik BajersVej 7C, DK - 9220 Aalborg East Phone: + 45 99408740, e-mail: lpj@es.aau.dk URL: http://es.aau.dk/staff/lpj Associated Professors at Aalborg University

  2. Wednesday, October 30th 2013: PBL and The Aalborg model 9.00      Welcome by lecturer Mona Dahms and Lars Peter Jensen            Introduction and presentation of lecturer and participants.            Discussion of participants expectations (reflection-for-action).            Introduction to the program. 9.45 Why PBL? Competence profile 10.20 Break 10.30 What is PBL? Concept mapping 12.00      Lunch 13.00 Learning theories and PBL principles 13.45      Exercise in groups – make a project proposal across different engineering disciplines 14.45 Presentation of project proposals 15.15      PBL as educational model and Practice at Aalborg University            16.00      End of day one Home work for tomorrow: See the Video film about learning: “Teaching teaching and understanding understanding”

  3. Thursday, October 31th 2013: Facilitation 9.00       Unanswered questions from day one 9.15       Role play of a meeting between facilitator and students. 11.45       Lunch 12.30       Facilitation 14.00 Intercultural Communication in a PBL Environment 15.30       Forming Peer groups and planning experiment 16.00       End of day two

  4. Monday December 9th 2013: Results from experiments with facilitation situations + Examination Until the last day of the course the participants are helping each other/sharing experience in Peer Groups making an experiment with supervision. 9.00    Presentation and discussion of group excercises. 12.00    Lunch 13.00    Assessment/Examinations of projects: Why and How  15.00    Unanswered questions and evaluation of the course.

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