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Generating ECVs in the Copernicus Global Land Service

Generating ECVs in the Copernicus Global Land Service. R. Lacaze – HYGEOS on behalf the GIO - Global Land consortium. Outline. Overview and Objectives Service Description Infrastructures Portfolio Quality Control Dissemination Continuity and Evolution Contact. Global Land Service .

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Generating ECVs in the Copernicus Global Land Service

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  1. Generating ECVs in the Copernicus Global Land Service R. Lacaze – HYGEOS on behalf the GIO - Global Land consortium

  2. Outline • Overview and Objectives • Service Description • Infrastructures • Portfolio • Quality Control • Dissemination • Continuity and Evolution • Contact ECVs Collocation Meeting - 15th May 2013 - Brussels

  3. Global Land Service ECVs Collocation Meeting - 15th May 2013 - Brussels • Support and consolidate: • EU policies at international level • e. g. Climate and Development policies • EU commitments under international treaties and conventions • e. g. UN “Rio” and climate conventions • EU contribution to GEO/GEOSS • Policy focus: • Crop Monitoring and Food security • Biodiversity, Protected areas and Forest cover monitoring • Drought Assessment and Desertification • Carbon modeling, land use and land cover change • Support to Earth Observation African Activities

  4. Global Monitoring Service • Heritage • 10+ years of EU R&D activities • E.g. FP7-Geoland2 & FP7-DevCoCast research projects • Accompanied by e.g. EUMETSAT Land Surface Analysis SAF • Constraints • Core products for multiple users • Mature for operational activities • Sustainable & reliable deliveries • Validated following standards • No duplication but complementary • Structure • Production • Bio-geophysical variables • NRT & historical time series (up to 15 years) • Over the globe • Quality control • Archiving & re-processing • Dissemination & user support ECVs Collocation Meeting - 15th May 2013 - Brussels

  5. Outline • Overview and Objectives • Service Description • Infrastructures • Portfolio • Quality Control • Dissemination • Continuity and Evolution • Contact ECVs Collocation Meeting - 15th May 2013 - Brussels

  6. Operations infrastructure Process segment Cluster-based computing ECVs Collocation Meeting - 15th May 2013 - Brussels

  7. Dissemination system @VITO @IPMA @ZAMG PF Processing Facility Data ingest PF Processing Facility PF Processing Facility LTDA Long Term Archive Central DB PDF Product Distribution Facility L-HUB PDF Product Distribution Facility Product Catalogue MTDA Medium Term Archive Land Hub Product Customisation Product Customisation OGC Administrative portal End-user portal Delivery / Download Broadcast Delivery / Download ECVs Collocation Meeting - 15th May 2013 - Brussels

  8. Examples of products Land Surface Temperature Soil Water Index Leaf Area Index ECVs Collocation Meeting - 15th May 2013 - Brussels

  9. Current Portfolio * soon Global ECVs Collocation Meeting - 15th May 2013 - Brussels

  10. Technical Quality Monitoring target • Monitoring individual processing steps • take daily appropriate actions where needed (e.g. input data error, network error, storage error, …) • Visual inspection of images • e.g. checking a global image on artefacts as stripes, … • Monitoring generated files and timeliness • Checking for unreliable product values by displaying statistical variables of each generated product • i.e. for every timeslot and for each geographical region ECVs Collocation Meeting - 15th May 2013 - Brussels

  11. Scientific Quality Control • Per variable: following the guidelines, protocols and metrics defined by the Land Product Validation group of CEOS. • Quality Assessment: exhaustive evaluation of new products before operational production • Quality Monitoring to check continuously operational products quality is stable along time • Lighten procedure • Focus on metrics and criteria that can be easily automated • Cross-cutting check: consistency across variables using a Land Data Assimilation System (LDAS) • Assimilation of LAI, SWI, and optionally the surface Albedo • Passive monitoring of FAPAR and LST (simulated FAPAR and LST are compared to satellite products) ECVs Collocation Meeting - 15th May 2013 - Brussels

  12. Service Quality Monitoring Response for the portal Response time of the ftp service Statistics on FTP orders • Continuous check of user-interface • both portal and product delivery services • throughscriptingembedded in networkmonitoring tools • Statistics of order logs ECVs Collocation Meeting - 15th May 2013 - Brussels

  13. Free and open product access • Simple registration required • Subscription to receive the near-real time products • Internet access • Website: http://land.copernicus.eu/global • Currently: • Geoland 2 portal: http://www.geoland2.eu/core-mapping-services/biopar.html • DevCoCast web site: http://www.devcocast.eu • GEONETCast broadcast access • Via EUMETCast over Africa & the Americas ECVs Collocation Meeting - 15th May 2013 - Brussels

  14. Upgrade of the FTP portal TODAY • FTP throughexistinginfrastructure • Pre-definedRegions: • 10° x10° Tiles, ContinentalTiles • AfricaCountries • SingleFormat: HDF4 or HDF5 • SingleProjection: LatLon END of 2013 • FTP throughnew Portal • CustomizeRegions: • Select ROI while ordering • Defaultstbd • CustomizeFormats: HDF, GeoTiff, … • CustomizeProjection: LatLon, Inspire, … ECVs Collocation Meeting - 15th May 2013 - Brussels

  15. Outline • Overview and Objectives • Service Description • Infrastructures • Portfolio • Quality Control • Dissemination • Continuity and Evolution • Contact ECVs Collocation Meeting - 15th May 2013 - Brussels

  16. Service Continuity • Keep 1km products service operational: • Replace nominal sensor by new sensors data: • E.g. ASCAT from MetOp-A to MetOp-B, • E.g. from SPOT-VEGETATION to Proba-V, Sentinel-3 • Back-up production in case of failure of the nominal sensor • E.g. Metop/AVHRR as back-up to SPOT-VEGETATION • Activities: • Adapt the methodologies to new input data • Adapt the processing lines according to algorithm evolutions • Check consistency between nominal, new and backup products and ensure they reach the quality level compliant with users’ requirements ECVs Collocation Meeting - 15th May 2013 - Brussels

  17. Service Evolution • Moving from Low (1km) to Medium (300m resolution) products • Proba-V ensures continuity between SPOT-VGT & Sentinel3 • Launched on 6th May 2013 • 6 months of commissioning (~ Nov 2013) • Objective: pre-operational NRT products starting on May 2014 over Europe. • Initial focus on LAI, FAPAR, Fcover • Using the achievements of the FP7-ImagineS project ECVs Collocation Meeting - 15th May 2013 - Brussels

  18. ImagineS project • Objectives: • Producing multi-scale (300m, 10m) multi-sensors (Proba-V, Sentinel-3 and Sentinel-2) biophysical variables (LAI, FAPAR, Fcover, Albedo) • Developing pre-operational processing line for global land data production • Building an agriculture service based upon a Land Data Assimilation System • Demonstrating the added value for users acting at global, European, national and regional scales • From November 2012 to February 2016 ECVs Collocation Meeting - 15th May 2013 - Brussels

  19. ImagineS output • Products: • Biophysical variables • global at 300m resolution • regional at 10m resolution over 14 demonstration sites around the world • Agricultural indicators • Crop maps • Software: • Pre-operational processing line running at global scale • Prototype running off-line over demonstration sites ECVs Collocation Meeting - 15th May 2013 - Brussels

  20. Outline • Overview and Objectives • Service Description • Infrastructures • Portfolio • Quality Control • Dissemination • Continuity and Evolution • Contact ECVs Collocation Meeting - 15th May 2013 - Brussels

  21. Contact Coordinator: Bruno Smets – VITO bruno.smets@vito.be S&T contact: RoselyneLacaze – HYGEOS rl@hygeos.com Website: http://land.copernicus.eu/global Helpdesk: helpdesk@vgt.vito.be Global Land consortium Associates ECVs Collocation Meeting - 15th May 2013 - Brussels

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