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Human Aspects of NEC: Decision-Making, Organisation and Information. Dr Andy Belyavin A presentation to: Operational Research Society Farnborough. 18 April 2007. NEC. Introduction of new IT to systems presents substantial challenges
Human Aspects of NEC: Decision-Making, Organisation and Information Dr Andy Belyavin A presentation to: Operational Research Society Farnborough 18 April 2007
NEC • Introduction of new IT to systems presents substantial challenges • National Audit Office concluded that benefits rarely realised if previous system is maintained by IT introduced keeping processes constant • Introduction of IT is an enabler of organisational change • Analysis of the impact must understand this key element • Focus of the analysis must be on the people dimensions of the system • If the focus is on the IT itself wrong conclusions will be drawn almost surely
Approaches to identifying solution • Developing strategy for organisation change is a hard problem • Tends to be done by constructing a plausible solution and then iterating by “trial and error” • Not a good solution for military systems • Clearly better if the problem can be approached analytically • Desirable elements of the solution identified • Undesirable elements ruled out • Put final polish on solution empirically • Presentation will discuss models of human decision-making and measures of performance for C2 systems
Key elements of modelling • At an abstract level can regard a C2 system as a complex system for taking large volumes of data in at one end and putting out decisions at a number of levels • Critically: need to be able to describe human elements in the system • Includes: • Need to be able to represent data flow in the system between human agents • Need to be able to model the process with time • Need to be able to represent conversion of data into models that can be used for information processing and decision-making
Problems in human representation • Key issues in the people component of NEC that need to be described for long term concept development • Decisions • Information flow • Organisation form and process • Training and doctrine • ……… • Focus discussion on decisions, information flow and the assessment of organisation performance
Basic principles and assumptions • Assumed that low- to medium- level military decisions are trained decisions made under time pressure • Appeal to Klein’s recognition-primed decision-making as the model • Effectively classify the inputs and map directly to courses of action • From the statistical point of view this corresponds directly to the multivariate discrimination problem • First approach developed by Fisher in 1930s – Fisher’s Linear Discriminant (LDF) • Demonstrated that solution to classification problem optimal if use weighted likelihood ratio
Measure 2 A appropriate c1>c2 B appropriate c1=c2 c1<c2 Measure 1 Simple discrimination Discriminant function slope
Components of the solution • Three key inputs to the classification • Mental model used to classify outcomes (discriminant function) • Perceived costs and benefits of outcomes (individual characteristics) • Data on which model is based (information) • Complicating factor is that decision is not at single time • Decision may evolve with time – need to model development • We can solve the problem for optimal classifier • In practice classifier does not need to be optimal; just pretty good and varies from individual to individual under some conditions • Can update decision with time to correct imperfect decisions
Investigating model choices in decision-making DECIDE • Objective of the trials was to investigate use of information in decision-making • DECIDE task was developed under the guidance of Neville Moray at Surrey University • The aim was to control flow of troops through hostile territory to achieve the largest number sent with minimum casualties • Casualties were incurred when enemy strength was high and low when strength low • Score determined as a combination of flow achieved and casualties incurred
DECIDE task (1) • The task is to send troops through a hostile zone • Enemy strength varies in the hostile zone and this determines the number of casualties taken • Participants had to decide when to send and when to stop sending troops • The task is to send the most number of troops through the zone whilst incurring the fewest casualties • Information is initially hidden and participants must request information by clicking on the source • Each request for information is recorded in a data log
DECIDE task (2) • Participants can access four sinusoidal information sources (with added noise) • The four sources have different amplitudes and wavelengths • They must use these sources to infer enemy strength • The actual enemy strength is the sum of the four sine waves (without noise) • The best indicator is given by the sum of the four noisy sources • Metric of task success is:
Participant performance • Performance was different for the three groups • Each group was given a different level of information about the task: • Group A: No information about the sources • Group B: Basic information about how the sources relate to enemy strength and an indication that two of the sources are better than the other two • Group C: Received the same information as Group B but after a period of training • A score of 500 represents a good score • The best participant scored 1600 on a number of runs
Human variability • Three main sources of human variability: • different sources of information used to estimate enemy strength: this was deduced from the frequency of request of each source and the post trial interviews • frequency of use for each source: each participant had access to different information depending on their update frequencies • willingness to take casualties: some participants sent as enemy strength was just start to drop and others sent when enemy strength had reached a trough • The information value at each time step of the task was collected and used to fit classification models to the behaviour of the subjects
DECIDE taskIPME model • DECIDE was simulated using the underlying equations governing the generation of the information sources etc. • A simple probabilistic model of the monitoring of the information sources was created based on the observed frequency of request for the individual sources • A two-state (send/not sending) operator decision model was developed: • at the end of each iteration the state was re-evaluated using the classification model • state is changed when there were two consecutive positive decisions to change state • classification model was based on the current state of the decision
Classification model • Classification model is used to separate data into a number of populations • In the case of the DECIDE task we have two decisions: • to send when not sending • to stop when sending • The threshold of the decision was determined by coupling the model to an optimisation algorithm • The performance of the operator was used as the objective of the optimisation • The threshold was altered by the algorithm until the performance matched the observed performance • The threshold gives some indication as to whether people are willing to send early (upper boundary) or late (lower boundary)
Performance of the model against the observed data • The classification models were able to reproduce performance scores well for 38 participants • The remainder did not appear to be using the information sources • Start decision was well modelled • Stop decision was more difficult to model and there was a tendency for simulated participants to stop sending too soon and then resend shortly afterwards • There was a relationship between personality and the timing of the start/stop decisions Observed Score = 633 Simulated Score = 560
Summary conclusions • Basic classification model can vary from individual to individual • Crude representation of evolution of decision with time can be quite effective • Rule of three used in DECIDE task modelling • Criterion influenced by individual characteristics – personality in this case • Principles employed in simulation of behaviour of Anti-Air Warfare Officers in naval simulation with credible results
Information in an organisational context • Two aspects to system performance: time to perform and quality of output • Much analysis of processes focuses on time to perform but quality of output is as important • Can model decision making at the pattern matching level as described earlier • Can this be extended to provide assessment of processes and procedures within a C2 system? • Ideally need some approach that encapsulates these factors and can be used for engineering a system • Study described here was based on methods for measuring information • Two widely used measures of information content: • Shannon’s information (entropy) • Fisher’s Information
Shannon’s entropy • Data and information are different although often treated as the same • Data are part of the physical domain and measured in bits; information is in the cognitive domain and is measured in models of the current and future state of the world • Shannon’s entropy is strictly a measure of optimal coding for messages and therefore of data • Has no concern about the meaning of a message – information content • Interested in the quantity of data measured innumber of bits • Provides a measure of data flow given assumptions about the pattern of data elements in the stream
Fisher’s Information • Fisher’s Information measures the amount of information data provides about a set of model parameters • Expressed in terms of the precision of these estimates provided by the data • Derived from the Maximum Likelihood estimation procedure • Can be viewed as a measure of the quality of the model in terms of describing the data • Can be extended to describing the information content of the model • Decided to use Shannon’s entropy as a measure of data flow and Fisher’s Information as a measure of information content • Basic measures are not commensurate • Have used the approach of Cedilnik and Košmelj to bring them onto a common scale
Mathematical definition of the measures • Shannon’s entropy ep is defined by the equation on the right • If it is assumed that there are n possible values for the content and there are all equally likely, the measure simplifies • Fisher’s Information I is based on the estimate of the variances of a set of k parameters θ. • If it is assumed that the parameters lie in a range (a,b) the expression on the right provides a measure that is consistent with ep
Consider a sample of data that might be coming into the system Series of pairs of numbers – a sample shown on the right Considered from the point of view of Shannon’s entropy the information content is the length of the message The message comprises 20 numbers reported as a maximum of three decimal digits The length of the message is a maximum of 20 x 7 bits = 140 bits That is the data content……. (1.0 , 1.0) (2.0, 1.7) (3.0, 3.3) (4.0, 4.1) (5.0, 4.9) (6.0, 5.5) (7.0, 7.2) (8.0, 8.3) (9.0, 8.9) (10.0, 9.9) Example data flow
Develop context and model (1) • Suppose this sequence of pairs of numbers records the advance of an entity with time • Extra information: we can estimate the average speed
Develop context and model (2) • Suppose this sequence of pairs of numbers records the advance of an entity with time • Extra information: we can estimate the average speed • A model we are applying to the data • Speed is not exact as data has noise • Extra information can be estimated using Fisher’s information • Using basic assumptions the information added is 5.46
Develop context and model (3) • Suppose this sequence of pairs of numbers records the advance of an entity with time • Extra information: we can estimate the average speed • A model we are applying to the data • Speed is not exact as data has noise • Extra information can be estimated using Fisher’s information • Using basic assumptions the information added is 5.46 • We can estimate the position at 15 and 18 • Following same logic, further information added is 9.48
Develop context and model (4) • Suppose the underlying observations are twice as variable • Using basic assumptions the information added is 4.66 • We can estimate the position at 15 and 18 • Following same logic further information is 7.88
Fisher and good and bad models • Previous example was developed using the “true” model • What happens if inappropriate model is applied? • Appropriate model fit is shown in the upper graph • Inappropriate model shown on the lower graph • The estimates of Fisher’s information for the “slopes” in the two cases are: • 11.46 • 2.04 • If we used this for prediction the added information would be small for the inappropriate model
Metrics, models and data • Examples displayed in previous slides illustrate three key points: • We can construct a methodology for measuring effect of information transactions • The metrics are sensitive to data quality and model quality • They demand an understanding of how models are acquired • Simple example deals with a model constructed from data gathered as part of the information flow • For data fusion the model will have been constructed prior to system use • To apply the previous logic we need to know the quality of the model • In addition we will have to handle variability in the data to which we apply predictive models
Approach to testing the metrics in an organisational model • Selected a model with a repetitive decision that had been modelled previously • Based on the DECIDE task • Original form comprised a single-person task with multiple information sources • The task was taken as the basis for a model of a headquarters with four streams of information and a simple decision to make • Permits an overall measure of effectiveness through task score • Can manipulate information use and study overall effect • Includes natural delays and possible representation of corruption • Information flow resembles that of some Battlegroup headquarters
General Behaviours in an Organisation • Decision making is a special case of process where information is turned into an order
Structure • The structure of an organisation is determined by: • causality between processes • formal relationships between agents • informal relationships between agents
Basic building blocks in the HQ model • Information processing behaviours • Gather data • Process and fuse information • Decide • Order action • Representation of the impact of decisions by closing the loop using a pseudo-military task • Use original information pattern from DECIDE task • Abstract data observation and interpretation as flows between cells in a notional HQ
Problems to be represented in the metrics as applied to the model • Quality of decision-making procedure in information terms – reflecting training and experience • Impact of timeliness on decisions • Impact of unreliable information sources • Impact of inappropriate models • Two aspects must be addressed so that Fisher’s Information can be calculated • Precision of the fusion model • Variability of the data employed in the fusion
Acquisition of the data fusion models • In the development of the statistics of the data fusion model it was assumed that the model was based on experience of the real system • This was represented by gathering data from the simulated task and fitting the fusion model to the observations • From the model fits the variance characteristics of the model are described • It is assumed that training and experience is represented by a level of exposure to real situations • Observations of performance following training indicate a performance curve that follows a t-½ law where t is the training time • The model that assumes exposure will follow the same law statistically
Timeliness • The timeliness aspects of information are captured in two components of the model • The rate at which enemy strength changes in the simulated world • Time delays in the processing of information in the model
Unreliability of information and appropriateness of the model • In the simulated HQ information sources can become corrupt • An extra step was inserted in the information processing to check the quality of the source vulnerable to corruption • Simple linear prediction was used to describe the check • For the construction of this model it was assumed that effectively unlimited experience would be available for “own sensors” • Variance of the model therefore assumed to be small
Conditions tested • Simulations of the HQ model were conducted varying the following conditions • Amount of experience of the decision-maker • Level of noise on the data for the training of the decision-maker • Level of noise on the data in the simulated decision making • Presence or absence of source corruption • Effectively trying to measure three aspects of information handling • Quality of basic data • Quality of models used in decision-making • Appropriateness of decision making models
Basic features of demonstration • Data flows at the same rate under all circumstances • Noise on the data is used to modify the effective input information according to Shannon’s entropy – assumed that data reported to appropriate precision • Fisher’s Information is summed from the analysis of potentially corrupt data and from the calculation of fused information • In general the information added in data fusion is of the same order as the information in the input data • Quality of training and experience contributes about the same amount as the data gathered from sensors
Conclusions • It is possible to describe transactions in a model C2 system using a combination of Shannon’s entropy and Fisher’s Information • The information metrics correlate with overall performance in the abstract example used in the study • The key to the approach is the description of the models applied in decision-making • An essential element is the description of the statistical properties of these models • Some of these elements can be estimated through additional simulation • It is also important to describe data accuracy and information content in the same terms
Overall summary • Human decision-making in a range of contexts can be represented using models from statistical classification • There is variability in the quality of the models employed by individuals as a function of training and experience • Individual characteristics can affect the decision taken through perception of the outcomes • Impact of information flow processes can be captured using Fisher’s information • Sources of variability that affect Fisher’s information include • Quality of decision making model • Reliability of basic data on which it is based • Influence of organisational processes that affect variability • Within limits of current study Fisher’s information is a passable predictor of organisational performance