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Presentation about legends. ŞAHMARAN. ŞAHMARAN.
ŞAHMARAN • Thousands of yearsagoCemşabandfriendsdiscovered a cavefilledwithhoney. Cemşabcomesdowntotakeouthoneyandsees a hole in thecaveand he entersinto a beautifulgardenfromthis hole. He sees a pooland a lot of snakes in thisgarden. A milk-white-bodiedsnakewassitting on thethrone at thebeginning of pool. Çeşmabgainedtheconfidence of Şahmeran andlived in thisgardenformanyyears. Oneday Sultan getssick, Vizier (queen) saystheremedy of thedisease is toeatthemeat of Şahmeran. Çeşmabshowstheplace of wellsandtheytakeout Şahmeran.Theyboil Şahmeran in a clay pot. Vizierdrinksitswaterand Sultan eatsitsmeat. Thus, VizierdiesTheSultangetswellandmakesCemşabVizier.
SacredFish Lake – Şanlıurfa Prophet Abraham beginstodefendthe idea of oneGodandfightsagainstcruelsovereign Nimrodandthepeopleworshipedidols. He wasthrownintothe fire fromthehillByNimrodwherethecastle is today. Meanwhile, Godorderedthe fire to be coolandsalvationto Abraham. Bythisorder fire turnsintowaterandwoodturnsintothefish. Abraham falls in a rosegardenalive. It is Rahman lake where Abraham fell . Nimrod'sdaughterZelihathrowshimself on fire after Abraham. ShefellintotheAynzeliha Lake. Fish in theboth lake is consideredsacredbythepeopleandprotected
Maiden'sTower- İstanbul Sultan'sdaughterandconcubineslived in thistower. Inthisdream Sultan seesthat her daughter is bitten by a snake. Sheputs her daughterintothepalace in ordertoprotect her from a snake. Oneday an oldwomangivesprincessgrapes. There is a snake in thegrapesand her daughtereatsthem. Whiletheprincess is sleeping, thesnakeremovesfromthe basket. Snakebitestheprincess, andtheprincessdies.
PAMUKKALE-DENİZLİ • Onceupon a time, therewas a woodcutter's an uglygirl. Shewasveryashamedforbeingugly. Onedaythegirljumpedoffthecliff. Thesamedaytherecame a handsome boy forhunting.The boy saw a beautifulgirlneartherocks. Boy fell in lovegirlandtheygotmarried. Pamukkale'swatersgavebeautyto her bytaking her ugliness.
HeavenAndHell / Silifke Thosewhosays "Heavenandhell is thisworld" shouldgoto Silifke. There is a churchfromthe 5th century at theentrance of Heavensinkhole. An interestinglegendcompletesthescaryview of thepit of hell .Zeus defatsthehundred-headed dragon Typhonandimprisonedhim in the 120 meterhorriblepit of Hell'sbeforeclosingunderMountEtnaforever.
LAKE VAN MONSTER • Lake Van Monster is a mythicalcreaturewhich is claimedtolive in Lake Van. Accordingtopeoplewhosaidtheysawthemonsterwas a creature of 15 meterslength, withspikes on his back, likeplesiosaurorIchthyosaurus.
WeepingRock-Niobe / Manisa • It’sbelievedthatWeepingRock in Manisa, Niobe, is daughter of thekingTantalus. Accordingtolegend, themultitude of thechildren of Niobe is theenvy of thegoddessLeto.LetowantsApolloand Artemis topunishtheNiobe'schildren.TheykilltheNiobe'schildren.Niobe is veryupsetthatshelost her children. Zeus changes her tothestonetoendthissituation .Niobe’spaindoesn’tendstilltearsflowfromtherock.
KARAHAYIT-DENİZLİ • Onceupon a time a shepherdwas in lovewith a beautifulgirlalsothe son of thelandownerwas in lovewiththegirl. Onedaywhilethegirlwastakingfoodtotheshepherd, shesawthe son of thelandownerapproached her. ShepraysGodtoturn her tostonebecauseshedidn’twanttomarrysomeone else excepttheshepherd. Girlturnedintostonewith her horsethere. Since thatday, thegirlspreparedformarriageandnewbridescometothisrock in Karahayıt, andprayfor a happymarriage.