2. Activity 3: Mandatory reporting Large group discussion:
Is everything reported to child protection?
Sibling abuse?
Abuse in families versus organisations?
For each state represented, do you know the mandatory reporting requirements in you state?
5-10 mins Run through actual mandatory reporting requirements in each state.
Any surprises?
Note differences between jurisdictions
Moral versus legal impetus to report
However, important to remember that these are legal requirements for reporting
Nothing prohibiting you from reporting maltreatment concerns outside these areas
Preventing maltreatment everybodys business
5-10 minsRun through actual mandatory reporting requirements in each state.
Any surprises?
Note differences between jurisdictions
Moral versus legal impetus to report
However, important to remember that these are legal requirements for reporting
Nothing prohibiting you from reporting maltreatment concerns outside these areas
Preventing maltreatment everybodys business
5-10 mins
3. ACT Mandatory Reporting
4. NSW Mandatory Reporting
5. NT Mandatory Reporting
6. QLD Mandatory Reporting
7. SA Mandatory Reporting
8. TAS Mandatory Reporting
9. VIC Mandatory Reporting
10. WA Mandatory Reporting