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Anesthesiology Critical Care Medicine Fellowship at the University of California, San Diego A Unique Educational Exp

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Anesthesiology Critical Care Medicine Fellowship at the University of California, San Diego A Unique Educational Exp

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    1. Anesthesiology Critical Care Medicine Fellowship at the University of California, San Diego …… A Unique Educational Experience in America’s Finest City……….


    3. 4 UCSD Staffed Hospitals

    4. Clinical ICU Training at Thornton ICU & Sulpizio CV Center, La Jolla, CA Thornton ICU - 12 Bed Med-Surg ICU Sulpizio CVC - 12 Bed Med-Surg ICU Options for Electives at Hillcrest Units SICU (Hillcrest) – 20 Bed Surgical /Trauma BICU (Hillcrest) – 8 Bed Burn Future Expansion may include: VA-ICU and Pediatric ICU Rotation at Rady Children’s Hospital

    5. Critical Care Faculty William C. Wilson, MD, MA – Division Chief/Fellowship Director Medical School: Temple, Anesthesiology Residency & CT Anesthesia Fellowship: UCSD, CCM Fellowship: UCSF Interests: Airway, Lung Disease, CT Anesthesia, Neurological Disease, Transfusion Medicine, Trauma, Resuscitation Anushrivan Minokadeh, MD – Journal Club Coordinator Medical School: LSU, Anesthesiology Residency: SUNY Downstate Hospital, CCM Fellowship: Johns Hopkins Interests: Liver Failure and Liver Transplantation, Endocrinological Emergencies, Mechanical Ventilation & Weaning Beverly Newhouse, MD – Education Director Medical School: U. North Carolina, Anesthesiology Residency: UCSD, CCM Fellowship: MGH Interests: Medical Education, Mechanical Ventilation & Weaning, Resuscitation Physiology Erik Kistler, MD, PhD – Director of Research Medical School: George Washington University, PhD & Anesthesiology Residency: UCSD, CCM Fellowship: MGH Interests: Sepsis and Shock (Mechanisms, Diagnosis and Treatment), E. Orestes O’Brien, MD – Currently at Yale, Joins UCSD Faculty 7/1/11 Medical School: Harvard, Anesthesiology Residency: UCSF, CCM Fellowship: MGH Interests: Monitoring and hemodynamic optimization. Has ongoing research project involving PICCO monitoring.

    6. Educational Overview: Core and Elective Rotations Each fellow will spend 9-11 months of clinical training in Thornton ICU (T-ICU) and Sulpizio Cardiovascular Center (S-CVC) ICU. The bulk of primary patient management will occur in the T-ICU, most of the clinical experience in the S-CVC ICU will be consultative, but for certain surgeons, the Fellow will have primary management responsibilities as well. In addition, the Fellow can opt for 1-2 months of elective time either on corollary services with relevance to critical care (e.g. Infectious Disease, Cardiology Service, TEE Service), or they can spend time in the UCSD Burn Unit at Hillcrest or the UCSD Trauma/SICU also at Hillcrest.

    7. Educational Overview (cont.). Expectations & Goals The primary goal of the core fellowship training (occurring at T-ICU/S-CVC ICU) is to provide the fellow with clinical experience in the management of critically ill surgical &(some) medical patients. The Fellow will also develop expertise in coordinating a multidisciplinary team, and in all of the common procedures used in CCM. Training in TEE, TTE, & Bronchoscopy will be specifically emphasized & provided to all fellows.

    8. TEE and TTE Training (All Fellows will become competent in both modalities) Echo Training Includes: Principles of 2D and Doppler echo, workings of the Echo machine & physics governing use of various probes. Expertise in obtaining 20 view TEE exam & abbreviated exam for HD unstable patients. Competence in Echo-assisted invasive line placement. Imaging of all cardiac & vascular structures. Recognition of common pathological echo findings (e.g. LV function, volume, RWMA, tamponade, Mitral, Aortic & tricuspid valve evaluation, etc. ) Proficiency in Doppler measurements & calculations. TEE & TTE Simulator available, and incorporated in curriculum. At Fellowship completion, each Fellow should be eligible to attain the American Board of Echocardiography’s certification.

    9. Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy (FOB) Training FOB Training and experience is one of the Core CCM Procedures that will be mastered by ACCM Fellows. All Faculty are proficient in FOB use and teaching. In addition, Dr. Jonathan Benumof, “originator of the ASA Difficult Airway Algorithm”, will personally teach FOB techniques in his Difficult Airway Lab. An Airway Simulator is available. All Fellows will become expert bronchoscopists.

    10. Research Opportunities Abundant research opportunities are available. All Fellows will be expected to graduate with one completed research project, including the production of a manuscript suitable for publication. Several ongoing projects are available to Fellows, or they can choose topics of their own. A list of current research projects will be provided during interview. UCSD belongs to the “UC Goal Directed Therapy Consortium”. As a member of this research group, we are actively involved in trials focused on optimizing the endpoints of resuscitation. CCM Faculty will closely assist the fellows in all aspects of research.

    11. San Diego Area Attractions

    12. Eligibility Criteria and Application Process The Eligibility Criteria For ACCM Fellowship are as follows: Board certification (or eligibility) in Anesthesiology by the ABA (or equivalent if non-American trained). Possess (or be eligible for) a California medical license (must have current license in State of Residence at time of application). Be intellectually curious, and of strong personal & moral character. Demonstrate interest in pursuing a career in critical care medicine. Application Process Submit a CV and letter of interest addressed to the program director by October prior to expected July start date. Some January starts available (inquire with Program Director – if interested). Have certification in ACLS (or equivalent), ATLS is also advised. Strong Letters of Recommendation from current and prior program(s). Address Inquires to: JUNguyen@UCSD.edu

    13. ACCM Fellowship Contact Information

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