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Michael Perillo and Pat Anders Hospital Webinars September 18 and September 23, 2014

Required Capabilities for HPP-Qualified Exercises Deliverable 15: Multi-Agency Medical Countermeasure Distribution Exercise. Michael Perillo and Pat Anders Hospital Webinars September 18 and September 23, 2014. Multi-Agency Medical Countermeasure Distribution Exercise.

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Michael Perillo and Pat Anders Hospital Webinars September 18 and September 23, 2014

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  1. Required Capabilities for HPP-Qualified ExercisesDeliverable 15: Multi-Agency Medical Countermeasure Distribution Exercise Michael Perillo and Pat Anders Hospital Webinars September 18 and September 23, 2014

  2. Multi-Agency Medical Countermeasure Distribution Exercise • To prepare healthcare facilities for the required joint HPP-PHEP Strategic National Stockpile exercise scheduled for BP4 (July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016), the following exercise is an additional deliverable, that will be run in parallel with a local health department led multi-agency medical countermeasure dispensing exercise. • If this deliverable is selected, each hospital will be expected to participate with other partners in planning this full-scale exercise, as well as evaluate the exercise at the hospital. • A hospital module with the same scenario as the medical countermeasures dispensing exercise will be developed by OHEP and provided to hospitals for incorporation into the LHD dispensing exercise. • This module is required for this deliverable, and will address the four required HPP capabilities:

  3. The Four Required Capabilities • Capability 3: Emergency Operations Coordination • Objective 1: HCDDA #11: Healthcare coalition demonstrates coordination within the jurisdictional response framework during emergency operations • Objective 2: HCDDA #12: Healthcare coalition demonstrates they can communicate the status of the healthcare system during response • Objective 3: HCDDA #14: Healthcare coalition engages in the jurisdictional resource management process to support healthcare system operations • Capability 6: Information Sharing • Objective 1: Continuity #4: Healthcare coalition demonstrates redundant means of communication for achieving and sustaining situational awareness. • Objective 2: Joint Measure #6.1: Report Essential Elements of Information • Capability 10: Medical Surge • Objective 1: MS #4: Implement resource management processes to deliver appropriate levels of care to all patients as well as to provide no less than 20% immediate availability of staffed members' beds, within 4 hours of a disaster • Objective 2: MS #5: Monitor acuity, staff, beds; off-load and on-load patients, track patient movement • Objective 3: Continuity #3: Implement a process to enhance its members' situational awareness to support activation of immediate bed availability through continuous monitoring • Capability 1: Health Care Systems Preparedness • Objective 1: Continuity #6: Implement resource processes to assist healthcare coalition members to ensure the delivery of essential healthcare services.

  4. Elements of Completion • Hospitals will identify controller/evaluator role(s), conduct the exercise module, complete Exercise Evaluation Guides and participate in an exercise hot wash session. • NOTE: No After Action Report/Improvement Plan (AAR/IP) is required. Technical assistance will be available should a facility wish to write an AAR/IP for their internal benefit. • Target Date: January 1, 2015 – March 31, 2015 • Payment: Payments will be made based on participation in the multi- agency planning, exercise and host wash. • Planning: $7,000; Exercise: $5,000; Hot Wash: $2,000 • Element of Completion: • Planning:Documentation that summarizes the exercise planning activities. Include the planning session date(s), summary of topics discussed, and attendees (names/titles) and their roles in the exercise. • Exercise:Documentation of participation, including names, titles and roles. • Hot Wash: Documentation of participation, including names, titles and roles. Participation in each stage must be clearly titled and documented separately.

  5. Emergency Operations Coordination 3 Healthcare Coalition Developmental Assessment factors (HCCDA) and 1 Core Capability

  6. Information Management 1 HCCDA, 1 Program Measure, 2 Core Capabilities, 3 Functions within the Core Capabilities, and 1 Joint PHEP-HPP Performance Measure

  7. Medical Surge 3 Program Measures, 1 Core Capability, 3 Functions within Capability

  8. Medical Surge (cont.)

  9. Medical Surge (cont.)

  10. Healthcare System Preparedness 1 Program Measure, 2 Core Capabilities, 2 Functions with the Capabilities

  11. Questions, support or technical assistancepatricia.anders@health.ny.govmichael.perillo@health.ny.gov

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