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This lecture.... The second and third in the series of five theoretical approachesStructuration TheoryInformation SocietyNetwork SocietyGlobal Flow of CommunicationTime-Space Disjuncture. The Information Society. There are many definitions of the IS, some of them are:a society in which the c
1. Theories of the Information Society&Network Society Media and Globalisation CourseMEVIT 3220/422011 October 2007Carol Azungi Dralega
2. This lecture... The second and third in the series of five theoretical approaches
Structuration Theory
Information Society
Network Society
Global Flow of Communication
Time-Space Disjuncture
3. The Information Society There are many definitions of the IS,
some of them are:
a society in which the creation, distribution,
diffusion, use and manipulation of information is a significant economic, political and cultural activity
Societies that have become dependent upon complex electronic information networks and which allocate a major portion of their resources to information and communication activities” (Melody, 1990: 26-7)
Information Society means social and economic structure, where productive usage of a resource such as information, as well as knowledge-intensive production performs a prominent role…and where individuals, such as consumers, workers, use information extensively (OECD, 1994)
4. Closely related concepts...
Post-industrial society
Post-modern society
Knowledge society
Network society
5. Theoretical Foundations Genealogy of the information society concept is usually traced to a term “post-industrial society- a term first used by sociologist Daniel Bell (1973). Refer to Frank Webster, Chapter 3 on elaboration of the post-industrial society.
Another source of the information society concept is attributed to debates on the “information economy” developed by American economists Fritz Machlup (1962) and Marc Porat (1977).
6. Theoretical Foundations The terms “information economy”, “information society”, “new economy” and “Networked economy”- all build on some of Bell´s ideas on the post-industrial society.
Characteristics of the post-industrial society:
Rise of the service sector
Decline of agricultural-based economy
Predominance of “information-based” work
Knowledge now key factor in the economy, outstripping physical plant / manufacturing
7. Bell on Information Society...
In the pre-industrial society life is a game against nature where one works with raw muscle power (Bell 1973 126);
8. Webster´s Five Types of Theories Most of the work in information society is futuristic and technologically deterministic and informed by few theoretical insights.
However, Frank Webster (2000) has build a useful typology to understand IS theories:
9. Webster´s Five Types of Theories Technological vision of the IS:
Puts emphasis on ICTs and their transformative powers.
Technological innovation: new possibilities in transmission and storage of information.
Society has moved from the “Industrial Revolution” and now entered an “Information Age”. “Computer technology is to the information age what mechanisation was to the industrial revolution” (John Naisbitt quoted in Frank Webster).
10. Webster´s Five Types of Theories Economic vision of the IS:
Concerned with “economics of information” (Fritz Machlup). Assesses the size and growth of the information industries.
Puts emphasis on the importance of knowledge to the economy.
Technological innovation central for increasing productivity and thus for growth of economics and competition between economies (inspired by Joseph Schumpeter´s thinking).
11. Webster´s Five Types of Theories Occupational vision of the IS:
Focuses on occupational change- argues that the predominance of occupation is found in information work: “service workers” now in the majority
Emergence of “white collar” society and decline of “blue collar” workers (influenced by Daniel Bell)
Many OECD and EU documents on the IS focus on this aspect of the IS.
12. Webster´s Five Types of Theories Spatial vision of the IS:
Puts emphasis on the information networks which connect locations and have great impact on the organisation of time and space.
Information Networks are linking together locations within and between offices, towns, regions, nations, continents and the entire world, seen in increase in transborder data, telecom facilities, ISDN, movements of money across nations, internet (Castells, 1996)
Concepts of “information superhighway” and “wired society” are found in these arguments.
13. Webster´s Five Types of Theories Cultural vision of the IS:
Contemporary culture is manifestly more heavily information laden than any of its predecessors- we are existing in a media saturated environment.
Growth of institutions dedicated to investing everyday life with symbolic significance - e.g. global advertising, publishing empires, film industry, fashion industry etc
Interactivity of new technologies provides many channels to consume cultural products, thus increasing our dependence on information for everyday interaction.
14. Critical Perspectives A crop of critical writers (mainly leftist) criticise the dominant view of the information society (e.g. Webster, Robins, Garnham, Preston, Melody, Mansell, Freeman). Some of the views are:
Theories too technologically deterministic- assumptions that technologies shape society more than society shapes technology (for instance see role of politics and military in determining technology).
All too often theories of the IS are seen as universally valid. However, assumptions about the information society in the West are not necessary relevant for the developing countries. Global Divide (the three strands)
15. Implications for Policy The Developed world:
R&D driving force in innovation
Life long learning
Flexible employment
Huge investment in broadband (ICT) and transport infrastructure
Constant policy reorientation due to fast changes in technology
16. Implications for Policy The Developing world:
Lack of infrastructure makes it hard for developing countries to fully become information societies. Still Africa cannot remain behind.
Dominant discourse on IS (privatisation, liberalisation, open trade) problematic for the developing world. Discourse offers “narrow” vision of development focusing on economic growth and GDP.
Digital divide still a grim reality for many countries in the South
17. Food for Thought… Does the IS constitute a radical break from the industrial society, just as industrialisation “displaced” agricultural society?
Are “information” and “knowledge” driving the global economy?
Can least developed countries become part of the IS?
Is the IS benefiting everyone in the developed world (e.g. Europe, US)?
18. The Network Society Builds onto the foundations of the Information society and focuses on networks and their organizational forms
19. The main proponents..
21. What is a Network Society? A new techno-economic system (society) where the key social structures and activities are organized around electronically processes information networks
Social Structures: involve the organized arrangements of humans in relations of production, consumption and reproduction, experiences and power expressed in meaningful communication coded by culture
Networks: a set of interconnected nodes, with no centre
22. So its not just about networks nor social networks because networks have been very old forms of social organization. It is rather about social networks which process and manage information and are using micro-electronic based technologies
23. Examples of nodes... A network is a set of interconnected nodes, a node is a point at which a curve intersects itself. For example:
They are stock exchange markets and their ancillary advanced service centers, in the network of global financial flows;
They are national councils of ministers and European commissioners in the political network that governs the EU
They are coco fields, clandestine labaratories, secret landing strips, street gangs and money laundering financial institutions in the network of drug trafficking that penetrates economies, societies and states through out the world...
24. Nodes continued... They are television systems, entertainment studios, computer graphics, news teams and mobile device generating, transmitting and receiving signals in the global network of the new media at the roots of cultural expression and public opinion in the Information age
The typology defined by networks determines that distance (intensity of interaction) between two points is shorter if both points are nodes in the same network that if they were not.
The distance (physical, social, economic, political, cultural) for a given point varies from zero( and infinite (
25. Characteristics of Networks contd... The new economy is organized around global networks of capital, management and information whose access to technological know-how is at the roots of productivity and competitiveness
The work process is individualized, labour is disaggregated in its performance and reintegrated in its outcome through the multiplicity of interconnected tasks in different sites, ushering in a new division of labour based on the attributes/capacities of each worker rather than on the organization of the task
For the first time, capitalist modes of production shapes social relations over the entire planet...(networks and financial flows)
26. Characteristics continued... Technological/technical convergence (telecoms, data comms and Mass comm) leading to:
Social integration/impact
The demise of Mass audiences
Two-way communication and interactivity
The death of time and distance
Personalized media
Globalization and Cultural standardization
Transformations in Politics and democracy (see virtual political parties, e-voting, e-referenda, e-advocacy, e-news etc)
Transformation of work and employment
27. Characteristics of these networks Networks work in binary logic of inclusion and exclusion (with processes of domination and counter domination)
Digital networks are global (emergence of globally interdependent social structures)
Adopt to operating environment and expansive
Emphasis shifted to organizational transformation
Self-reconfigarable (unity of purpose and flexibility in execution) (Appropriate for a capitalist economy based on innovation, globalization and decentralized concentration; for work, workers and firms based on flexibility and adaptability
28. Space of flows... Real power is to be found within networks rather than confined in global cities (Castells, 2001, 409)
Power of flows takes precedence over flows of power and
Network a place for the re-organization of power relationships
29. Criticism Digital Divide (see Norris Pippa, 2001)
Global divide: Not all Countries are a part of the Net (Gabriel Bar Harm)
Social divide: social equality is at stake since certain categories of people participate more than others
Democratic divide
Castells exaggerates the importance of links in the networks (Jan Van Dijk)
The rise of counter-networks (of the excluded)
30. Literature to consult Webster, Frank (2002) Theories of the Information Society. London: Routledge (2nd Edition)
Curran, J & Gurevitch, M (2005) Mass Media & Society. London: Hodder Arnold (4th Edition) - Chapter 15 by N. Garnham
Castells, M (1996) The Rise of the Network Society.Vol. 1 of the Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture. Oxford: Blackwell
Hamelink, C (1999) The Ethics of Cyberspace. London: Sage
Servaes, J & N. Capentier (eds.) (2005) Towards a Sustainable IS: Deconstructing the WSIS. Bristol: Intellect Books
Van Dijk J (2nd Ed.) (2006) The Network Society, Sage Publication, London
31. QUIZ: Information and Network Society
32. Q1. The information society can be described as a society in which;
The creation, distribution, diffusion, use and manipulation of information is a central economic, political and cultural activity
Information is more important than knowledge
Every one on the global has equal access to information since information can now reach all corners of the globe
33. Q2. The Information and Network societies are driven by
Economic ambitions
The need for global political, social and cultural integration
Developments in technological innovation
America and Europe
34. Q3. The Post Industrial Society was a concept first used by Daniel Bell to mean...
A society were knowledge is a key factor in the economy, outstripping manufacturing
The rise of a service sector
Decline in agricultural-based work
Predominance of Information based work
35. Q. 4. The Post-Fordism can be described as:
The decline in the production of the ford car brand
The decline in “mass production”, “mass audiences”
The Post-industrial Society
36. Q. 5. Who called the Information Society “the Knowledge Industry”.
Fritz Machlup (1962)
Manuel Castels (1999)
Daniel Bell (1973)
37. Q.6 What is the Japanese word for Information society
Johoka Shakai
Nanika atta
38. Q7. A Network soceity is one in which:
The network economy stresses that businesses will work collectively in webs or as part of business ecosystems rather than as stand-alone units.
Knowledge services and knowledge value put content into an economic context
Knowledge services integrates Knowledge management, within a Knowledge organization, that trades in a Knowledge market.
39. Q8. The following critic(s) have accused Castells of being too technologically deterministic.
Daniel Bell (1973)
Norris Pippa (2001)
Nicholas Garham (2004)
40. Q9. What was the World Summit of the Information Society about
A pair of UN sponsored conferences about Information and Communication (IS) that took place in 2003 (Geneva) and 2005 (Tunis)
Conference aimed to bridge the so-called global digital divide separating rich countries from poor countries by spreading the access to internet in the developing countries
Was a conference established 17 May as a World Information Day
41. Q10. Raw muscle power was to the pre-industrial society, machines were to the industrial society and ………….. is to the post-industrial society (Daniel Bell, 1973).
Nuclear power
42. Q.11. When we say the Information/Network society has brought about the demise of “Mass Audiences” we mean.
The fragmentation of audiences by media houses or communication business to suit their different needs
The death of our ancestors who lived in the pre and post industrial era
There is no more masses left to network With in the Network society
43. Q12.The nature of Castels networks are that they are:
Inclusive as much as exclusive
Have the same unit of purpose, goals, motivation
Emphasize organisational forms
Appropriate for capitalist economics and are based on flexibility and adaptability
All the above
44. Answers A
45. Food for thought.. Think of examples where the relationship between media and globalization does not work according to the network society thesis....
46. MESSAGES FOR STUDENTS... Seminar this week (Friday 12 October): Anders Moe is discussing the spread and popularity of Japanese comics and anime in Room 207. The seminar will combine all the groups and will take place at 12H00
MA students: Deadline for sending Sarah Chiumbu outline of term papers ideas is tomorrow, Friday, 12 October. Her email is: s.h.chiumbu@media.uio.no
Conference on Africa: on Monday 15 October, the Freedom of Expression Foundation is Hosting a seminar on `New news out of Africa`? The seminar will be discussing media images of Africa and how Norwegian journalists and Norwegian media presents the various aspects of change in African countries. Place: Radisson SAS Scandinavia Hotel Time:11.15-15.00