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Business in Medicine Project Presentation. Ani Baghdassarian , MD. BUSINESS IN MEDICINE. Chart review performed on 15 patients admitted to the LBVA, specifically S8. Test chosen was urinalysis Patients were reviewed to see if and when a UA was obtained and repeated. BUSINESS IN MEDICINE.
Business in Medicine Project Presentation AniBaghdassarian, MD
BUSINESS IN MEDICINE • Chart review performed on 15 patients admitted to the LBVA, specifically S8. • Test chosen was urinalysis • Patients were reviewed to see if and when a UA was obtained and repeated.
BUSINESS IN MEDICINE • Of the 15 patients reviewed, 11 of the patients had a urinalysis ordered during their hospitalization. • 8 of those patients had a UA ordered on admission, 5 of whom never had another UA done. • Of the other 3 of the 11 patients, one had a UA prior to admission and then multiple other times throughout and the other 2 had a couple ordered during their hospital stay but not on admission.
BUSINESS IN MEDICINE • Of the patients (8) who had the UA on admission, their reasons for admission: - 1 pt had frequent falls, found to have UTI - 1 came with memory loss, gait disturbance, and urinary incontinence- diagnosed with NPH. - 1 presented with shortness of breath and found to have a pleural effusion. - 3 were admitted for skin conditions: 2 for cellulitis and one for diabetic ulcer - 1 was admitted for chemotherapy, to be started on Cisplatin. - 1 was admitted for shortness of breath and treated for HCAP.
BUSINESS IN MEDICINE • In the repeated UA group (6/15), they were either done for AMS, fever, dysuria, on chemotherapy, and one was unexplained (couldn’t find indication in documentation). • In any of the subsequent UAs that were ordered, only one came back positive for infection (what the test was originally ordered to look for). The positive UA was found in a surgical patient admitted s/p a nephroureterectomy, requiring a hospital stay of many months.
CONCLUSIONS • In reviewing information online, cost of a UA can run from $6-20. • The majority of patients who had a UA obtained at admission really weren’t warranted for their reason for admission (to note, 7/8 were originally ordered by the ED). • Those who subsequently had repeat UAs done didn’t reveal any new information or alter management from that standpoint (except for the one surgical patient- restarted on antibiotics).