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Music Education IN POLISH SCHOOL based on contemporary methods of music education. Teaching methods. Dance. MUSIC EDUCATION IN THE SYLLABUS (CURRICULUM). In our institution from the first grade of primary school , music lessons leads a teacher with music education .
MusicEducationIN POLISH SCHOOLbased on contemporarymethods of musiceducation
MUSIC EDUCATION IN THE SYLLABUS (CURRICULUM) • In ourinstitutionfromthe first grade of primaryschool ,musiclessonsleads a teacherwithmusiceducation. • Studentsintheclassroomhavecontactwith ,, active'' music /e. g. accompanimentsuch as guitar, violin, piano - to thesongs/ thanks to thisactivitiesstudentssingwithpleasure on theobligatoryclasses and take part inoutclassesartlessons. • Musical educationinourschoolisalsotheintegrationbetweenthesubjects. • Thanks to thisintegrationsuchsubjects as the first language (Polish), history, art and religionbecomesmoreattractive to students. • Musiceducationinourschoolplays an important role inchildren’s general development • Musiceducationdevelopments musical talents, abilities of creative thinking, sensitivity to the beauty of music. Help to understandthemusical language. Properly preparing for music perception.
Music Education: The student endedtheclass III: • ) for thereception of music: • a) knows and appliesthefollowingtypes of musical activity:- sings by earsongsin a team (not less than 10 tracksintheschoolyear), singsthe national anthem frommemory, • - playingpercussion and melodic instruments, - realizestherhythmicsyllables, gestures and movementsimplerhythms and rhythmicpatterns, reactsthemovement to thepulse of therhythmic and itschanges, changes of the tempo, meter and dynamics (marches, runs, jumps), • - dancesbasicsteps and figures of Krakowiak, Polka and othersimple folk dance. • b) distinguishesbetweenthebasicelements of music (melody, rhythm, pitch, accompaniment, tempo, dynamics) and signs of musicnotation (physicallyexpressestheduration of rhythmicvalues, notes and rests), • c) activelylistens to music and determinesitscharacteristics: distinguish and expresstheemotionalcharacter of music, recognizesthepieces: made solo and collectively, choir and orchestra; versedinthetypes of humanvoices (soprano, bass) and inthemusic instruments (piano, guitar, violin, trumpet, flute, percussion); recognizesthebasic musical forms - AB, ABA (and indicated by motionorgesture of another part). • 2 ) thecreation of music:a) createssimple audio illustrations to thetext and pictures and improvisationmovement to music,b) improvisesthevoice and on the instruments according to establishedrules,c) performsimpletracks , interpretsthemaccording to thetype and function.
Musiceducation. The student endedtheclass VI: • I. Receipt of expression and usetheinformation. The student learnsthebasicconcepts and terms of music, understandsthemeaning and usesin performing and listening to music, makingconversationsaboutmusic and looking for informationaboutmusic. • II. Creation of expression.The student creates an expressions- performsongs and dances, improvises and composessimplesoundstructures and danceroutine, showsthecharacteristics and nature of listened and performedsongswithwordsorothermeans of expression. • III. Analysis and interpretation of culturaltexts.The student interpretstheperformedcompositioninaccordancewiththetext, character and function. Listens to music, recognizes, distinguishes and discussesthefeatures of music, and submit his/herownattitude to theperformedrepertoire.