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Surface Area to Volume Ratio as a factor limiting cell size (a boring Learning Outcome for something awesome!!). IB Biology Topic 2. Now you will carry out a lab to investigate this !. But firstly …..a review !. What is wrong with this table ?. Table showing oxygen :.
Surface Area to Volume Ratio as a factor limiting cell size(a boring Learning Outcome for something awesome!!) IB Biology Topic 2
Nowyouwillcarryout a labtoinvestigatethis! Butfirstly…..a review!
Whatiswrongwiththistable? Tableshowingoxygen:
A tableshowingthevolume of carbondioxideproducedbySaccharomycescerevisaewithdifferentconcentrations of glucosebeingutilised as theprimaryrespiratorysubstrate
Extension: ‘Theunsexiestthing in science’ reading • Readthroughtthearticle • Copythearticle sub headingsintoyour notebook butleave a spaceundereachone -What’sitallabout? -Keepingyourcool -Limitstogrowth -Scaling: Galileo one, Gulliver nil • UnderneatheachsubheadingSUMMARISE thatsection of thearticle in toFIVE BULLET POINTS