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Te Whakahaumaru Rorohiko

Te Whakahaumaru Rorohiko. He Aha T e W hakahaumaru R orohiko. Ki te whakahaumaru i runga te ipurangi. Ki te whakaako I nga ture. Me P ehea Te A ko K i O H oa. Ki te noho ki te taha o toku hoa ki te whakaako i nga mea. Ki te whakarongo ki ahau.

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Te Whakahaumaru Rorohiko

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Te WhakahaumaruRorohiko

  2. He Aha Te Whakahaumaru Rorohiko Ki te whakahaumaru i runga te ipurangi. Ki te whakaako I ngature.

  3. Me Pehea Te AkoKi OHoa Ki te nohoki te taha o tokuhoaki te whakaako i nga mea. Ki te whakarongokiahau.

  4. He Aha NgaPikitiaHei Whakaatu I Te WhakahaumaruRorohiko Mena i purua to pikitia i runga i te ipurangikataea te aokatoaki te kitea.

  5. NgaTure 1.Whakaute i a koe ano. 2.Manaaki i a koe ano. 3.Whakaute i etahi atu. 4.Manaaki i etahi atu. 5.Whakaute i to mana motuhake. 6.Manaaki i to mana motuhake.

  6. NgaTure O te Kura Kaua e purua to pikitia I runga te ipurangi. Kaua e purua to ingoawhakamutunga i runga i te wiki. Kaua e haere i runganga mea monga matua.

  7. ArotakeMo Te Tau Ngature e ono o te whakahaumarurorohiko. Ki te mahingamahi i runga i te rorhiko. Ki te mahi i tetahiWeeby. Ki te puruanga You Tube i runga i te Weebly. Ki te puruanga You Tube me ngapikitia i runga i te Weebly. Ki te purua to poer point i runga i te wiki. Ki te puruangapikitiaki te Slide Show.

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