Triple cord wrapping This 28 week gestation infant had a nuchal cord wrapped around the neck three times. The image shows the stretched pale neck with a hint of the cord grooves. This male infant was AGA, weighed 1075 g at autopsy and was estimated to have 4-12 hours of intrauterine post mortem retention and did not have intrathoracic petechiae.
Triple cord wrapping This 16 week stillborn fetus had a triple nuchal cord with some cord tension from the neck to the umbilicus.
Nuchal groove This is a 16 week fetus with prolonged intrauterine postmortem retention with a groove in the neck and edema and congestion of the head.
Complex cord wrapping The umbilical cord was wrapped around the shoulders and the right leg. There was deep groove of the right leg from the cord. The major underlying cause of death was digynic triploidy. The role of the cord is moot.
Tight double nuchal cord This sixteen week fetus (15 week size) was received with a history of a double nuchal cord that had been unwrapped. The neck showed a deep constriction that narrowed the neck and scalp edema. Eight days before death the fetus was a normal 15 week gestation