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Subject Verb Agreement

Subject Verb Agreement. Review. RULE. Subject and verbs must AGREE with one another in _________________. Therefore , if a subject is ______________ then the verb must be ______________. Agreement in Number. The narwhal never (fail, fails) to intrigue people.

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Subject Verb Agreement

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Subject Verb Agreement Review

  2. RULE Subject and verbs must AGREE with one another in _________________. Therefore, if a subject is ______________ then the verb must be ______________.

  3. Agreement in Number The narwhal never (fail, fails) to intrigue people. Some scientists (think, thinks) that the tusk is simply a secondary male characteristic. The narwhal (is, are) hunted by Eskimos.

  4. Words between Subject and Verb John’s father, with three other people from the neighborhood, (commute, commutes) to the city each day. Houses on the hillside (look, looks) very unstable. Imperfectly formed diamonds, together with those that contain a flaw, (is, are) set in drills used for building car engines.

  5. Compound subjects joined by and are always ______________. Many swimmers and surfers (have, has) been rescued from rough waters. Worms and moles (live, lives) underground.

  6. When the compound subject is joined by or or nor Neither the doctor nor the nurses (has, have) seen a similar case. Either Mary or the twins (take, takes) the car to school each day.

  7. Singular Indefinite Pronouns Each, every, someone, no one, nothing Each of the team members (get, gets) a chance to take batting practice. Someone in those classes (know, knows) about the schedule change

  8. Plural indefinite pronouns Both, few, many, several Unlike the planets, few of the planetary satellites (has, have) an atmosphere. Several of these dogs (make, makes) good guide dogs.

  9. Singular or plural indefinite pronouns All, most, none, plenty, some All of the pictures (is, are) over a thousand years old. Some of the lawn (has, have) been over watered.

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