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STAGE 10 rhetor. Culture: Roman Education New Grammar Concepts: 1 . Addition of 1 st & 2 nd Person Plural Present Tense Verb Endings (- mus , - tis ) 2 . Addition of 1 st & 2 nd Person Plural Present Tense Being Verbs ( sumus , estis )
STAGE 10rhetor Culture: Roman Education New Grammar Concepts: 1. Addition of 1st & 2nd Person Plural Present Tense Verb Endings (-mus, -tis) 2. Addition of 1st & 2nd Person Plural Present Tense Being Verbs (sumus, estis) 3. Addition of plural 1st & 2nd Person Pronouns (nos=we, vos=you all) 4. Comparative Forms of Adjectives
1st & 2nd Person Plural Present Tense Verb Endings -mus (nos = we) -tis (vos= you all) In stage 10, you will add the 1st & 2nd person plural verb endings, completing all the endings for the Present Verb Tense. You have learned these present tense verb endings & the corresponding pronouns:
Conjugating a Verb in the Present Tense (We carry) (I carry) portamus (You carry) portas (You all carry) portatis (He, she, it carries) portat portant (They carry) Now that you have learned all the present tense verb endings, you will be able to CONJUGATE a verb in the present tense: Conjugation of the verb “porto”:
Conjugating the Irregular Verb “Eo” (go) in the Present Tense (I go) (We go) imus (You go) is (You all go) itis (He, she, it goes) it eunt (They go) Some verbs are “irregular”, like the verb “eo”, but will still use the same present tense verb endings:
1st & 2nd Person Plural Present Tense Being Verbs: sumus (nos = we) estis (vos= you all) In stage 10, you will add the 1st & 2nd person plural being verbs, completing all the Present Tense Being Verbs. You have learned these present tense being verbs & the corresponding pronouns:
LET’S PRACTICE! (pp. 162 -165) Romanusdicit, “nos Romani sumusarchitecti. The Roman says, “We are Roman architects.” “nosvias et pontes aedificamus.” “We build roads and bridges.” “nos Romani sumusagricolae.” “We Romans are farmers.” “nosfundosoptimoshabemus.” We have very good farms.”
Grammar Cont. Present Tense Forms of Verbs Comparatives of Adjectives
Conjugating a Verb in the Present Tense (I advise) monemus (We advise) mones (You advise) monetis (You all advise) (He, she, it advises) monet monent (They advise) You have CONJUGATED the 1st conjugation verb “porto” in the present tense, now conjugate the 2nd conjugation verb “moneo”:
Comparative Adjectives angry (Positive Degree) (Superlative) Very angry/angriest The 3rd Degree of Adjectives is called the Comparative Degree and is used to compare two things or groups with one another. Comparatives are formed by adding an “-or” ending similar to the “-er” ending in English. Examples: fortior/braver Comparatives are often used with “quam” (than/how). You have learned the positive and superlative forms of adjectives: Examples: Iratus: Iratissimus:
Let’s Practice: Pompeianisuntstulti. The Pompeians are foolish. NucerinisuntstultioresquamPompeiani. The Nucerians are more foolish than the Pompeians. Diodoruseratiratus, sedThrasymachuseratiratiorquamDiodorus. Diodorus was angry, but Thrasymachus was angrier (more angry) than Diodorus. Mea villa estpulchra, sedtua villa estpulchriorquam mea. My house is beautiful, but your house is more beautiful than mine.
Homework Statuae p. 168
Conjugating a Verb in the Present Tense (I drag) trahimus (We drag) trahis (You drag) trahitis (You all drag) (He, she, it drags) trahit trahunt (They drag) You have CONJUGATED a 1st & 2nd conjugation verb in the present tense, now conjugate the 3rd conjugation verb “traho”:
1st & 2nd Person Plural Present Tense Being Verbs: sumus (nos = we) estis (vos= you all) Review the present tense being verbs & the corresponding pronouns:
Pronouns Cont. ego (I) nos (we) (to/for me) nobis mihi (to/for us) me nos (us) (me) tu (you) vos (you all) tibi vobis (to/for y’all) (to/for you) te (you) vos (you) In Stage 10 you are introduced to the plural forms of these pronouns. You have learned the following pronouns:
Let’s Practice! “minime! Frater, damihipuellam!” “No! Brother, give the girl to me!” “vosestisfelices.” “You are lucky.” “ego vobisdonumhabeo.” “I have a gift for you (pl). “ego tibisenem do.” “I give the old man to you (sing.) Nossumusiuvenes. We are young men. Vosestispictores. You all are painters/artists.