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Parent Workshop 2 Nutrients

Parent Workshop 2 Nutrients. Presented by: Network for a Healthy California — LAUSD. For CalFresh information, call 1-877-847-3663. Funded by USDA SNAP, an equal opportunity provider and employer. Visit www.cachampionsforchange.net for healthy tips. •California Department of Public Health.

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Parent Workshop 2 Nutrients

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  1. Parent Workshop 2 Nutrients Presented by: Network for a Healthy California—LAUSD For CalFresh information, call 1-877-847-3663. Funded by USDA SNAP, an equal opportunity provider and employer. Visit www.cachampionsforchange.net for healthy tips. •California Department of Public Health

  2. Key Messages BALANCING CALORIES Enjoy your food, but eat less. Avoid oversized portions. • FOODS TO INCREASE • Make half your plate fruits and vegetables • Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk

  3. Key Messages FOODS TO REDUCE Compare sodium in foods and choose the foods with lower numbers Drink water instead of sugary drinks • DAILY PHYSICAL ACTIVITY • Adults – 30 minutes • Children – 60 minutes

  4. Review: MyPlate Fruits Vegetables Grains Dairy Protein

  5. Review: • Nutrition and Physical Activity Goals See page 7 in your Workshop 1 materials • Homework Activity – Brown Rice See page 8 in your Workshop 1 materials

  6. The foods you eat produce energy for your body A calorie is a measurement of energy available from food Calories are the energy from food 1 gram carbohydrates = 4 calories 1 gram protein = 4 calories 1 gram fat = 9 calories What are Calories?

  7. Relationship Between Calories and Weight Weight Maintenance • Weight Gain • Weight Loss

  8. Calories and Weight 500 calories x 7 days = 3500 calories = 1 pound + = 500 calories

  9. Three Main Sources of Calories Carbohydrates Protein Fat

  10. Carbohydrates Best source of energy for the body Includes sugars, starches and fiber Which sections of MyPlate have carbohydrates?

  11. Fiber Not digested by the body; it provides no calories Recommended Intake: Women: 25 grams per day Men: 38 grams per day Average fiber intake in U.S. : 15 g per day

  12. Insoluble Fiber • Helps prevent constipation. • Works like a scrub brush to clean the inside of your colon. • High in insoluble fiber • Strawberries, bananas, and pears, green beans, broccoli, peppers, nuts, wheat bran and whole grains.

  13. Soluble Fiber • Helps lower cholesterol levels • Helps control blood sugar levels • Keeps food in the stomach longer so you feel full • High in soluble fiber • Apples, oranges, pears, peaches, grapes, sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, beans, peas, oat bran, and barley.

  14. How Much Fiber? CaloriesFiber (g) Apple, 1 medium 75 3.3 Applesauce, ½ cup 95 1.5 Potato, mashed, ½ cup 120 1.6 Potato, baked, 1 medium 160 3.8 Whole Wheat Bread, 1 slice 70 1.9 White Bread, 1 slice 65 0.6

  15. Demonstration – Fiber in Apples

  16. Protein Muscle repair, growth of hair and nails Building blocks for enzymes, hormones and vitamins Body prefers not to use protein for energy Many foods that contain protein also contain some fat Which sections of MyPlate have protein?

  17. Is fat good or bad? Fat • Protects our organs • Helps keep us warm • Helps transport some vitamins

  18. Types of Fat Unsaturated fats – More healthy Saturated fats & Trans fats – Less healthy • Which fat has more calories?

  19. Healthier Fats Unsaturated Fats Liquid at room temperature Two types of unsaturated fat: Monounsaturated: olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil, avocado, almonds, pecans Polyunsaturated: safflower oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, grapeseed oil, walnuts

  20. Less Healthy Fats Saturated Fats Solid at room temperature • Exceptions: tropical oils, coconut, palm, palm kernel oils • Sources: meat, manteca, poultry, and whole milk products

  21. Less Healthy Fats Trans Fats • Unsaturated fat turned into saturated fat • Increases shelf life of item • Sources: cookies, crackers, and pastries

  22. Cholesterol Fat-like substance only in animal products Your body naturally produces cholesterol Sources: shellfish (shrimp, crab, lobster) organ meats (liver, heart, stomach) egg yolks

  23. Helps to form hormones Builds our cell walls Helps to make some vitamins Cholesterol – Good or Bad?

  24. LDL & HDL Cholesterol LDL Cholesterol – Bad Carries cholesterol to the tissues and deposits it in the artery walls. HDL Cholesterol – Good Carries cholesterol away from tissues for disposal.

  25. LDL, HDL & Total Cholesterol Total Cholesterol <200 Desirable 200-239 Borderline high 240 High LDL Cholesterol <100 Optimal 100-129 Near optimal/above optimal 130-159 Borderline high 160-189 High 190 Very high HDL Cholesterol <40 Low 60 High

  26. Water About 2/3 of your body weight is water. Helps your body use food Regulates body temperature (perspiration) Transports nutrients, body chemicals and waste products Protects brain, eyes and spinal cord

  27. Water An excellent alternative to sugary beverages The best thirst quencher for your body

  28. Vitamins Water soluble vitamins Dissolve in water Easily destroyed or removed during food storage and preparation Excess amounts are passed in urine

  29. Vitamins Fat soluble vitamins • Dissolve in fat • Stored in body. • Consuming large amounts can be harmful.

  30. Fruits and Vegetables Good source of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients Linked with reduced risk of chronic diseases Eat a variety of different colors for good health

  31. Vitamins - page 3 and 7 Vitamin A Helps maintain good vision, fight infection and keeps skin healthy Vitamin C Helps the body heal cuts and wounds and also lowers the risk of infection Folate Helps make healthy red blood cells and lowers a woman’s risk of having a child with certain birth defects

  32. Major minerals (examples: calcium, iron, potassium, sodium) Trace minerals (examples: iodine, magnesium, zinc) Why does our body need them? Minerals - page 4 and 8 Found in bones, teeth, muscle, blood and nerves Two Types:

  33. Sodium A part of table salt Linked to high blood pressure Americans consume up to 75 percentof their sodium from processed foods

  34. Sodium Recommendations 1500 mg. per day: • Adults 51 and older • African Americans (any age) • People with high blood pressure, diabetes or chronic kidney disease Less than 2300 mg. per day: All healthy Americans including children

  35. Reducing Sodium • Read food labels to compare sodium in foods and choose the foods with lower numbers. • Add spices and herbs to season food without adding salt. • Adjust your taste buds. Cut back on salt gradually and learn to enjoy the natural tastes of food.

  36. Amount of Sodium in Food 1/4 teaspoon salt = 600 mg sodium  1/2 teaspoon salt = 1200 mg sodium  3/4 teaspoon salt = 1800 mg sodium  1 teaspoon salt = 2300 mg sodium 

  37. Potassium Linked to decreasing blood pressure Sources: leafy green vegetables and root vegetables

  38. Important for: Building bones and teeth Maintaining bone mass Nerve transmission Muscle contraction Blood clotting Calcium

  39. Calcium Facts By nine years of age, calcium intake drops off dramatically, increasing the risk for osteoporosis later in life In the 20s, maximum bone mass accumulation occurs Adequate calcium intake and weight-bearing exercise can help keep bones strong and healthy.

  40. Calcium Demonstration AgeAmount of Calcium (grams) Newborn 27 10-year-old 400 15-year-old 800 Adult 1200 Adult with osteoporosis 750

  41. Physical Activity Break: Shine ‘Em Up

  42. Workshop 2: Key Vitamins & Minerals Handout • See page 1 in your workshop 2 materials. • Circle one item under each category that you might eat or use when preparing a meal.

  43. Workshop 2: Menu Planner Activity • See page 2 in your workshop 2 materials. • Design a menu for one day that includes the recommended amount of food from each food group.

  44. Workshop 2 Goals • See page 11 in your workshop 2 materials. • Circle at least one of the nutrition goals or write your own goal. • Circle at least one of the physical activity goals or write your own goal.

  45. Workshop 2 Homework • See page 12 in your workshop 2 materials. • Prepare at least two dinners for your family without adding any salt. Answer the follow up questions.

  46. Key Messages BALANCING CALORIES Enjoy your food, but eat less. Avoid oversized portions. • FOODS TO INCREASE • Make half your plate fruits and vegetables • Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk

  47. Key Messages FOODS TO REDUCE Compare sodium in foods and choose the foods with lower numbers Drink water instead of sugary drinks • DAILY PHYSICAL ACTIVITY • Adults – 30 minutes • Children – 60 minutes

  48. Shake a Salad

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