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Out-patient cost studies in Denmark 2009/2010. Janne Refnov and Line Kirk The National Institute of Health Data and Disease Control. The Danish casemix system. IN-PATIENT ( Based on diagnoses). DkDRG-system. NordDRG 2000 - 2002 DkDRG 2002. OUT-PATIENT ( Based on procedures).
Out-patientcost studiesin Denmark 2009/2010 Janne Refnov and Line Kirk The National Institute of Health Data and Disease Control
The Danish casemix system IN-PATIENT (Basedon diagnoses) DkDRG-system • NordDRG 2000 - 2002 • DkDRG 2002 OUT-PATIENT (Basedon procedures) Bothin- and out-patienttreatment DAGS-system (Danish AmbulatoryGrouping System)
The danishcasemix system Groups: The number of groups in a given year Activity: Out-patient = number of visits, In-patient = number of discharges Costs: Production value based on the DRG rates in a given year dkk.
Goals, preconditions and solution • Goals: • An incresed number of DAGS-rates calculated • A more transparent cost database • Preconditions: • Time – the results had to be incorperated in the cost database 2010 • The studies had to be representative • With a minimum of interference in the daily work on the ward • Solution: • A speciality specific weighting system for all out-patient procedures
Cost Studies I • The desirable/dream scenario: Activity Based Costing analyses of all types of out-patient activity • Estimated ressources: • Two full time employees, eight weeks per speciality. • About 35 specialities. • Significant involvement of the wards • The real scenario: Out-patient cost studies based on the consumption time. • Available ressources: • Two full time employees, two dayes per speciality. • 21 specialities with the possiblity of expansion to all specialities
Cost studies II • Where? • Three wards representing different sizes and locations • Meetings at the hospitals • How long time? • Two hours • Who? • The doctor • The nurse • The secretary
SummAry Problems Limits Solution In the cost database all out-patienttreatment ”cost” the same The DAGS rates areoftenbasedoneducatedguess Time Ressources Easilyupdated A specialityspecificweighting system for all out-patient procedures A weighting system basedon time estimates
Before the meeting • List of registered procedures
During the meeting • Estimated consumption of time for the doctor, the nurse etc. for a standard out-patient examination • and extra time for each procdure carried out
During the meeting • Statement for potential expensive medicaments, utensils or implants X 2.600 kr.
After the meeting - The model Time, doctor standardexamination: 15 min. Rate, doctorstandardexamination: 165 kr. Total time, doctorstandardexaminations: 150 min. Wage, doctor: 2.500 kr. No. of standardexaminations: 10 Rate per min., doctor: 11 kr./min. Total rate,standardexamination: 240 kr. Total time, nursestandardexaminations: 150 min. Total time, doctor: 230 min. Rate, doctor procedure 1: 110 kr. Time, nurse standardexamination: 15 min. Time, doctor procedure 1: 10 min. Rate, nursestandardexamination: 75 kr. Total time, doctorprocedure 1: 80 min. Total time, nurse: 310 min. Total rate, procedure 1: 210 kr. Rate per min., nurse: 5 kr./min. No. of procedure 1: 8 Total time, nurse procedure 1: 160 min. Wage, nurse: 1.500 kr. Time, nurse procedure 1: 20 min. Rate, nurse procedure 1: 100 kr.
From rate to weight • The rate for a standard out-patient examination is set equal to a weight of 100
Results – an example • Two patients A B Standard examination + procedure 1 = weight 100 + 87,5 = weight 187,5 Standard examination = weight 100
Results • Cost weights for 19 specialities used calculating the out-patient (DAGS) rates • The last two specialities did not fit the model assumptions • Extended cost transparency – summable costs per procedure in stead of total costs per examination • Easy to update • Fully developed model