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Computer Architecture and Assembly Language. Practical Session 1. Data Representation Basics. Bit – b asic i nformation uni t : (1/0). Byte – sequence of 8 bits:. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. 0.
Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Practical Session 1
Data Representation Basics • Bit–basic information unit: (1/0) • Byte – sequence of 8 bits: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MSB (Most Significant Bit) LSB (Least Significant Bit) • Main Memory is an array of bytes, addressed by 0 to 232-1=0xFFFFFFFF • 232 bytes = 4∙210∙3 bytes = 4 G bytes address space physical memory • Word– a sequence of bits addressed as a single entity by the computer byte byte 16 bit word
Registers Register file - CPU unit which contains (32 bit) registers. general purpose registersEAX, EBX, ECX, EDX (Accumulator, Base, Counter, Data) index registersESP, EBP, ESI, EDI(Stack pointer - contains the address of last used dword in the stack, Base pointer, Source index, Destination Index) flag register / status registerEFLAGS Instruction Pointer / Program CounterEIP / EPC - contains address (offset) of the next instruction that is going to be executed (at run time)- changed by unconditional jump, conditional jump, procedure call, and return instructions Register file Extended High byte Low byte 16-bit register Note that the list of registers above is partial. The full list can be found here.
Assembly Language Program • consists of a series of processor instructions, meta-statements, comments, and data • translated by assembler into machine language instructions (binary code) that can be loaded into memory and executed • NASM - Netwide Assembler - is assembler and for x86 architecture • Example: • assembly code: • MOVAL, 61h ; load AL with 97 decimal (61 hex) • binary code: • 1011000001100001 1011 a binary code (opcode) of instruction 'MOV' 0 specifies if data is byte (‘0’) or full size 16/32 bits (‘1’) 000 a binary identifier for a register 'AL' 01100001 a binary representation of 97 decimal (97d = (int)(97/16)*10 + (97%16 converted to hex digit) = 61h)
Basic Assembly Instruction Structure label:(pseudo) instructionoperands; comment either required or forbidden by an instruction optional fields RAM • each instruction has its offset (address) • we mark an instruction with a label to refer it in the code • (non-local) labels have to be unique • an instruction that follows a label can be at the same / next line • colon is optional 2048 64 bytes Examples: movax, 2; moves constant 2 to the register axbuffer: resb64 ; reserves 64 bytes mov buffer, 2 = mov 2048, 2 Notes: - backslash (\) : if a line ends with backslash, the next line is considered to be a part of the backslash-ended line- no restrictions on white space within a line mov [buffer], 2 = mov [2048], 2 mov byte [buffer], 2 = mov byte [2048], 2
Instruction Arguments A typical instruction has 2 operands- target operand (left)- source operand (right) 3 kinds of operands exists- immediate : value- register : AX,EBP,DL etc.- memory location : variable or pointer Examples: mov ax, 2 mov [buffer], ax target operand source operand target operand source operand register immediate memory location register mov [var1],[var2] ! Note that x86 processor does not allow both operands be memory locations.
MOV - Move Instruction – copies source to destination mov reg8/mem8(16,32),reg8/imm8(16,32) (copies content of register / immediate (source) to register / memory location (destination)) mov reg8(16,32),reg8/mem8(16,32)(copies content of register / memory location (source) to register (destination)) operands have to be of the same size Examples: mov eax, 0x2334AAFF mov [buffer], ax mov word[var], 2 reg32 imm32 reg16 mem16 imm16 mem16 Note that NASM doesn’t remember the types of variables you declare . It will deliberately remember nothing about the symbol var except where it begins, and so you must explicitly code mov word [var], 2.
Basic Arithmetical Instruction <instruction> reg8/mem8(16,32),reg8/imm8(16,32) (source - register / immediate, destination- register / memory location) <instruction> reg8(16,32),reg8/mem8(16,32) (source - register / immediate, destination - register / memory location) ADD - add integers Example:add AX, BX;(AX gets a value of AX+BX) SUB - subtract integers Example:sub AX, BX ;(AX gets a value of AX-BX) ADC - add integers with carry (value of Carry Flag) Example:adc AX, BX;(AX gets a value of AX+BX+CF) SBB- subtract with borrow (value of Carry Flag) Example:sbb AX, BX;(AX gets a value of AX-BX-CF)
Basic Arithmetical Instruction <instruction> reg8/mem8(16,32)(source / destination - register / memory location) INC - increment integer Example: inc AX ;(AX gets a value of AX+1) DEC -increment integer Example: dec byte [buffer] ;([buffer] gets a value of [buffer] -1)
Basic Logical Instructions <instruction> reg8/mem8(16,32)(source / destination - register / memory location) NOT –one’s complement negation – inverts all the bits Example: mov al, 11111110b not al ;(AL gets a value of 00000001b);(11111110b + 00000001b = 11111111b) NEG –two’s complement negation – inverts all the bits, and adds 1 Example: mov al, 11111110b neg al ;(AL gets a value of not(11111110b)+1=00000001b+1=00000010b);(11111110b + 00000010b = 100000000b = 0)
Basic Logical Instructions <instruction> reg8/mem8(16,32),reg8/imm8(16,32) (source - register / immediate, destination- register / memory location) <instruction> reg8(16,32),reg8/mem8(16,32) (source - register / immediate, destination - register / memory location) OR –bitwise or – bit at index i of the destination gets ‘1’ if bit at index i of source or destination are ‘1’; otherwise ‘0’ Example: mov al, 11111100 b mov bl, 00000010b or AL, BL ;(AL gets a value 11111110b) AND–bitwise and – bit at index i of the destination gets ‘1’ if bits at index i of both source and destination are ‘1’; otherwise ‘0’ Example: or AL, BL ;(with same values of AL and BL as in previous example, AL gets a value 0)
CMP – Compare Instruction – compares integers CMP performs a ‘mental’ subtraction - affects the flags as if the subtraction had taken place, but does not store the result of the subtraction. cmp reg8/mem8(16,32),reg8/imm8(16,32) (source - register / immediate, destination- register / memory location) cmp reg8(16,32),reg8/mem8(16,32) (source - register / immediate, destination - register / memory location) Examples: mov al, 11111100bmov bl, 00000010bcmp al, bl ;(ZF (zero flag) gets a value 0) mov al, 11111100bmov bl, 11111100 bcmp al, bl ;(ZF (zero flag) gets a value 1)
JMP – unconditional jump jmp label JMP tells the processor that the next instruction to be executed is located at the label that is given as part of jmp instruction. Example: mov eax, 1inc_again: inc eaxjmpinc_again mov ebx, eax this is infinite loop ! this instruction is never reached from this code
J<Condition> – conditional jump j<cond> label • execution is transferred to the target instruction only if the specified condition is satisfied • usually, the condition being tested is the result of the last arithmetic or logic operation mov eax, 1inc_again: inc eax cmp eax, 10jneinc_again ; if eax ! = 10, go back to loop Example: mov eax, 1inc_again: inc eax cmp eax, 10jeend_of_loop ; if eax = = 10, jump to end_of_loopjmpinc_again ; go back to loop end_of_loop:
d<size> – declare initialized data d<size> initial value Examples:var:db 0x55 ; define a variable ‘var’ of size byte, initialized by 0x55 var: db 0x55,0x56,0x57 ; three bytes in succession var: db 'a‘ ; character constant 0x61 (ascii code of ‘a’) var: db 'hello',13,10,'$‘; string constant var: dw 0x1234 ; 0x34 0x12 var: dw ‘A' ; 0x41 0x00 – complete to word var: dw ‘AB‘; 0x41 0x42 var: dw ‘ABC' ; 0x41 0x42 0x43 0x00 – complete to word var: dd 0x12345678 ; 0x78 0x56 0x34 0x12
Assignment 0 You get a simple program that receives a string from a user. Then, this program calls to a function (that you should implement in assembly) that receives a string as an argument and does the following: • let n - the fourth digit in the smaller id (of the partners’ ids), if n = 0 then you take the next digit in the id. (1<=n<=9) • Add n to each character of the input string to get the result string. • Count the number of letters in the input string that are converted to non-letter character in the result string. The function returns the result string and the counter. The characters conversion should be in-place. > stuvwxyz > wxyz{|}~ > 4 > abcd > efgh > 0 examples:
main.c #include <stdio.h> # define MAX_LEN 100 // Maximal line size extern int strToLeet (char*); int main(void) { char str_buf[MAX_LEN]; int count= 0; fgets(str_buf, MAX_LEN, stdin); // Read user's command line string count = add_Str_N(str_buf); // Your assembly code function printf("%s\n%d\n",str_buf,count); }
myasm.s section .data ; data section, read-write an: DD 0 ; this is a temporary var section .text ; our code is always in the .text section global add_Str_N; makes the function appear in global scope extern printf ; tell linker that printf is defined elsewhere ; (not used in the program) add_Str_N: ; functions are defined as labels push ebp ; save Base Pointer (bp) original value mov ebp, esp ; use base pointer to access stack contents pushad ; push all variables onto stack mov ecx, dword [ebp+8] ; get function argument ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; FUNCTION EFFECTIVE CODE STARTS HERE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; mov dword [an], 0 ; initialize answer label_here: ; Your code goes somewhere around here... inc ecx ; increment pointer cmp byte [ecx], 0 ; check if byte pointed to is zero jnz label_here ; keep looping until it is null terminated ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; FUNCTION EFFECTIVE CODE ENDS HERE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; popad ; restore all previously used registers mov eax,[an] ; return an (returned values are in eax) mov esp, ebp pop ebp ret
Running NASM To assemble a file, you issue a command of the form > nasm -f <format> <filename> [-o <output>] [ -l listing] Example: > nasm -f elf myasm.s -o myelf.o It would create myelf.o file that has elf format (executable and linkable format).We use main.c file (that is written in C language) to start our program, and sometimes also for input / output from a user. So to compile main.c with our assembly file we should execute the following command: gcc –m32 main.c myelf.o -o myexe.out The -m32 option is being used to comply with 32- bit environment It would create executable file myexe.out.In order to run it you should write its name on the command line: > myexe.out
How to run Linux from Window • Go to http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html • Run the following executable • Use “lvs.cs.bgu.ac.il” or “lace.cs.bgu.ac.il” host nameand click ‘Open’ • Use your Linux username and password to login lace server • Go to http://www.cs.bgu.ac.il/facilities/labs.html • Choose any free Linux computer • Connect to the chosen computer by using “ssh –X cs302six1-4” (maybe you would be asked for your password again) • cd (change directory) to your working directory