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2013 - 2014 RayTEAM Report & Recommendations For 2014 - 2015

2013 - 2014 RayTEAM Report & Recommendations For 2014 - 2015. Presentation to the Board of Education May 12, 2014. 2013 - 2014 RayTEAM Members. RNEA Teacher ’ s Organization Brian Wise – HCC Kristy Hensley - RSHS Kally Germano - BR MSTA Teacher ’ s Organization Linda Bettes - NF

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2013 - 2014 RayTEAM Report & Recommendations For 2014 - 2015

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  1. 2013 - 2014 RayTEAM Report & Recommendations For 2014 - 2015 Presentation to the Board of Education May 12, 2014

  2. 2013 - 2014RayTEAM Members • RNEA Teacher’s Organization • Brian Wise – HCC • Kristy Hensley - RSHS • Kally Germano - BR • MSTA Teacher’s Organization • Linda Bettes - NF • Susie Morgan – SV/SW • Kim Hamilton - CMS • Support Staff Employees • Valerie Ekengren – IA-NWSA • Laurie Boulware – LB Food Service • Jon Coleman-Technology • Brad Fischer- Buildings and Grounds/Custodians • Jeanne Lee- Secretary-SW • Administrative Employees • Steve Shelton – Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources • Debbie Kingrey – Principal Fleetridge Elementary School • Carl Calcara – Raytown South High School Assistant Principal • Facilitator • Dan Fenn

  3. Mission RayTEAM is a collaborative negotiations Team, working together towards consensus to improve the quality of the workplace and recommend an affordable and competitive compensation package for all employees of the Raytown C-2 School District.

  4. Norms • NORMS • PROCESS GUIDELINES • How will we conduct ourselves during our meetings? • Group guidelines • Respect feelings, thoughts, ideas, and perspectives of each other • Try as best as you are able to keep an open mind • Remain actively engaged • Start on time, end on time • Remember confidentiality – obligations must be met in regard to informing people. Members can discuss issues. It refers to quoting individual conversations, etc. • Do your homework • Be a good listener – paraphrase, summarize, and listen to feelings and content • Take responsibility for the process. Success belongs to every member • Don’t let things pass • Take a risk • Speak for yourself but remember you represent others

  5. RayTEAM’s Schedule and Method of Gathering Information RayTEAM met in September, December, February, March, April and May. In September we sent out our Survey to which about 872 employees responded out of about 1,350 total employees. We thank those who took the time to complete the survey.

  6. Survey Information Quality of Work Life Not money related • Voice/autonomy/accountability of time teachers have available • District morale/climate • Workload • Recognition and appreciation for the work and effort of staff members • Reduction of beyond workday expectations • Fewer meetings

  7. Survey Information Out of district conferences Classroom budgets Heat in buildings PD for classified Middle school teaming Teacher work days/plan time Quality of Work Life Money related • Class size • Technology • SPED • Safety • Building improvements • Classified workload

  8. Survey Information Benefits • PDO’s • Insurance cost/wellness requirements Compensation • Salary • Extra stipends • Getting steps back for frozen years • Travel expenses for in-district • Educational movement

  9. Highlighted actions taken • Increased the number of jeans days to 18 • Attended the Committee for Professional Learning to discuss conference attendance • Building leadership teams given autonomy to create their own Wednesday PD schedule • Staff members with district longevity will be recognized at convocation • Created a RayTEAM website where members can receive updates and contact information

  10. RayTEAM’s Recommendations • Compensation • $100 to the base • Step • Revision of personal leave policies • 3-5 year staffing plan

  11. Conclusion • RayTEAM acknowledges and appreciates the efforts the Board has taken to renew staff morale and community pride in our school district • RayTEAM acknowledges and appreciates the difficult decisions the Board is called upon to make as well as the time it takes to deliberate for those decisions • RayTEAM shares the same goal with the Board of Education to “Attract and retain a quality staff” for Raytown Quality Schools • RayTEAM believes that the problem solving model we use helps us to remain in a true Team effort through consensus building. We support continuing this model.

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