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Model Application for WQS Review Process

Model Application for WQS Review Process. December 14, 2011 Laura Weintraub. Intended Use of Models for WQS Review. Provide linkage between nutrient concentrations in the Truckee River and resulting dissolved oxygen levels

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Model Application for WQS Review Process

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Model Application for WQS Review Process December 14, 2011 Laura Weintraub

  2. Intended Use of Models for WQS Review • Provide linkage between nutrient concentrations in the Truckee River and resulting dissolved oxygen levels • Account for other factors (flow, temperature, light, organic matter, aeration) • Understand balance of nutrient concentrations which result in DO WQS attainment under a range of flow conditions Sunlight Temperature Flow Dissolved Oxygen Aeration Nutrients (N&P) Organic Matter Algae

  3. Water Quality Modeling to Support WQS Review Objective: Identify appropriate (site-specific) nutrient WQS that when met, would adequately meet DO criteria given a representative low flow condition • Identify low flow condition • Test range of instream concentrations of TN, TP, Ortho-P • Evaluate the extent to which the DO water quality standard will still be met

  4. Conceptual Plot of Model Results Relationship between Nutrient Concentrations and DO WQS Attainment % of time DO WQS is violated (Based on representative low flow condition) ? Possible Nutrient WQS

  5. Model Linkage – WQS Evaluation Flow Management Model Baseline Run Climate Soil Types WWTPs Nutrient Loads Land Use Watershed Water Quality Water Model Model Quality Management Water Practices Quantity WARMF TRHSPF

  6. Model Linkage – WQS Evaluation Flow Management Model Iterative Scenarios WWTPs Iterations over a range of instream nutrient concentrations will not require additional WARMF runs Nutrient Conc. Water Quality Water Model Quality Water Quantity TRHSPF

  7. Water Quality Model Linkage

  8. Model Assumptions • Flow management model will provide model inputs reflective of historical hydrology under selected river operations: • Reservoir releases • Diversions • TMWRF discharge flows • Climate – consistent with selected representative year • Land use / land cover – updated layer circa 2006 • Evaluate results for Water Year (not calendar year)

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