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Fra forskningssamarbeid til utdanningssamarbeid - hvilke institusjoner i India samarbeider norske forskningsmiljøer m

Fra forskningssamarbeid til utdanningssamarbeid - hvilke institusjoner i India samarbeider norske forskningsmiljøer med?. Hans M Borchgrevink, Norges forskningsråd SIU-seminar BI, Oslo 19 okt 2012. Key recommendation :

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Fra forskningssamarbeid til utdanningssamarbeid - hvilke institusjoner i India samarbeider norske forskningsmiljøer m

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  1. Fra forskningssamarbeid til utdanningssamarbeid- hvilke institusjoner i India samarbeider norske forskningsmiljøer med? Hans M Borchgrevink, Norges forskningsrådSIU-seminar BI, Oslo 19 okt 2012

  2. Key recommendation: • Start Indo-Norwegian collaboration in education at institutionswithongoingresearchcollaboration • Add master students to an ongoing or startingresearchprojectwhich has Indian and Norwegian supervisors. Requiresspecialfunding, as RCN does not fund master students • Take it from there and follow-up withMoUsoncollaboration in education

  3. Norwegian researchinitiativestowards India (1) • Indo-Norwegian state-to-state agreement 2006 (researcher exchange etc)- Joint Working Group (JWG) Sci & Tech between *Indian DeptSci & Tech (DST) and *The Norwegian Ministry for Education and Research (facilitated by RCN)- Programme of Cooperation (2009-2012) specifies research priorities • The NorwGovernment’sStrategy for Cooperation Norway - India (2009) http://www.regjeringen.no/upload/UD/Vedlegg/Utvikling/Indiastrategi_Norsk_engelsk_endelig.pdf.Cooperation onresearch and highereducation to be strengthened • INDNOR 2010-2019: a 2.5 mill € per yearresearchprogramme for 5+5 years for Indo-Norwegian researchcollaborationadministered by RCNInitial priorities: - Climate, environment, cleanenergy- Societaldevelopment- International politicalissuesCalls administered by thethematically relevant RCN programme/-board

  4. Norwegian researchinitiativestowards India (2) • JOINTINDNOR: INDNOR call with Indian (activity-matched) co-funding, so far with DST, joint project description involving Indian and Norwegian research institutions submitting proposals to DST and RCN, respectively. JWG approves.Initial priorities:• Climateresearchincluding CCS (carboncapture / storage)  • Renewableenergyincluding solar energy • Geotechnology and earlywarning systems for geohazards • Nano-science/ technologyrelated to renewableenergy • INDEMB: Norw Embassy in Delhi funding calls 3 mill€/year for 5 years, RCN adm. • NorwSciCounsellor in Delhi from Aug 2012: Marianne Jensen, former RCN • EU initiatives incl Norway: SFIC for coordination of European research towards India/China/USA. India pilot country.New Indigo: ERA-Net supporting networking and collab. calls

  5. General options for researchcollaborationIndia – Norway • Non-Norwegian researchersmay be funded via Norwegian researchinstitution(e.g. institute, university) – whichis the RCN contract partner • Indo-Norwegian projectsmaycompete for all RCN funds via the Norwegian institution • Norwegian GovernmentingoingScholarshipsopen for India in competitionwithothercountries (RCN, 2009--) • INDNOR & JOINTINDNOR fundingearmarked for Indo-Norwegian researchcollaborationprojects

  6. Indo-Norwegian research priorities Programme of Cooperation (PoC) in Science & Technology India – Norway (2009-2012) • Climate research including ocean and arctic/polar research • Clean (renewable) energy • Geotechnology and early warning systems for geohazards • Marine research – bioprospecting and polar research • Nano-science/ technology primarily related to clean energy and solar energy and medical issues • Vaccines – human and fish/ animal, including vaccination programmes and biotechnology of new vaccine development Supplementary areas agreed during JWG Sci & Tech (2011): • ICT • Glaciology • Medical research (cancer, diabetes, infectious diseases etc) • Social aspects of climate change related issues (adaption)

  7. Indo-Norwegian workshops 2007-2012 co-organised/funded by RCN (mostly in India) • Climate Change • Renewable Energy • Geohazards • Vaccination • Maternal / Child Health • Waste treatment • Solar energy • Water and Climate Change (2011) • Geohazards (2011) • India NTNU 2011 Week (Oct 2011, >100 papers) • ICAM-2011: Solar Energy Materials; Hydrogen Storage • Climate Change and Hydrology (DSDS Delhi 2012) • Social sciences (Univ Bergen; NTNU Trondheim 2012)

  8. Recentcalls co-funded by RCN programmes, INDNOR and EU • NORKLIMA: Climate change and impacts in Norway 2,25 mill Eur, 3 projects funded • RENERGI: Cleanenergyfor thefuture, 2,25 mill Eur, 3 projects funded • NORGLOBAL: Norway Global partner - Social science, ca 2 mill€, in process • New-Indigo: European ERA-net, call 0.6 millEur «Biotechnology and human Health», in process JOINTINDNOR with India (DST): MILJØ 2015Environment- Water Resource Management- Water relatedeffectsofchanges in massbalanceofglaciers/rivers- Studies ofAquatic and TerrestrialEcosystems- FreshwaterBiodiversity2 mill USD from RCN, DST activitymatchedfunding, in process

  9. PhDs in Norway by foreigners 1990-2011

  10. Norway receives an increasing number of PhD students from other countries South America North America Africa Asia Europe

  11. Indo-Norwegianco-publications2000 - 2010

  12. Indo-Norwegianco-publications 2000-2010 • NO-IN co-publications, averagecitations per co-pub andnumberofjournals

  13. Fields ofresearch 2006-10 The 10 mostimportant ASJC classes2006-2010 [new in thelist = highlighted):

  14. Third countries Whicharethethird countries involved in Norway-Indiacollaborations

  15. Indian institutions in NO-IN co-publications 2000 - 2010

  16. Norwegianinstitutions in NO-IN co-publications 2000 - 2010

  17. Other Norwegian research institutions active in Indo-Norwegian research, by field, funded by INDNOR, JOINTINDNOR or Embassy (1) • Environment/climate change: - Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Univ of Bergen- Nansen Envirnomental Research Centre, Univ of Bergen- CICERO, Univ of Oslo- Inst Mathematics, Univ of Oslo- NIVA, Oslo • Biotechnology/food/environment:- Bioforsk, Univ of Ås (UNM)- Univ of Ås (UNM) • Clean energy:- Institute for energy technique (IFE), Kjeller- SINTEF Energy- SINTEF Petroleum- Natural Sciences, Univ of Tromsø- Univ of Oslo

  18. Other Norwegian research institutions active in Indo-Norwegian research, by field, funded by INDNOR, JOINTINDNOR or Embassy (2) • Geotechnology/geohazards:- Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Oslo- NORSAR, Kjeller • Waste/pollution:- SINTEF • Social Sciences:- NUPI, Oslo- Prio, Oslo- Fridtjof Nansen Inst, Oslo- NIBR, Oslo Most of the research institutes have scientific personnel also employed at a university or university college as e.g. Professor 2,who are authorised teachers at master and PhD levels

  19. Indian research institutions active in Indo-Norwegian research, by field, funded by INDNOR, JOINTINDNOR or Embassy • Environment/climate- Indian Institute of Technology- TERI- Cochin Univ- Anna Univ- Univ Agricultural Sciences, Kodagu • Clean energy- Indian AssocCultivSci, Universityof Calcutta- SahaInst, SN BoseNat’l Centre for Basic Sciences- Indian Instituteof Technology, Madras- Instofhimalayangeology, Panjab Univ- TERI • Social sciences- Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group

  20. Key recommendation: Start Indo-Norwegian collaboration in education at institutionswithongoingresearchcollaboration Add master students to an ongoing or startingresearchprojectwhich has Indian and Norwegian supervisors. Requiresspecialfunding, as RCN does not fund master students Take it from there and follow-up withMoUsoncollaboration in education

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