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Open heavy flavours and quarkonia measurements with ALICE

23 rd rencontres de Blois. Open heavy flavours and quarkonia measurements with ALICE. Bruno Espagnon IPN Orsay (CNRS/IN2P3 – Univ Paris Sud) For the ALICE collaboration. Bruno Espagnon IPN Orsay – Univ. Paris Sud. 23 rd rencontres de Blois Tuesday 31 May 2011 .

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Open heavy flavours and quarkonia measurements with ALICE

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  1. 23rdrencontres de Blois Open heavy flavours and quarkonia measurements with ALICE Bruno Espagnon IPN Orsay (CNRS/IN2P3 – Univ Paris Sud) For the ALICE collaboration Bruno Espagnon IPN Orsay – Univ. Paris Sud 23rdrencontres de Blois Tuesday 31 May 2011

  2. Open heavy flavours and quarkonia measurements with ALICE Physics motivations The ALICE experiment Highlight on Open heavy flavours and Quarkonia in p+p collisions Highlight on Open heavy flavours and Quarkonia in Pb+Pb collisions Conclusion Bruno Espagnon IPN Orsay – Univ. Paris Sud 23rdrencontres de Blois Tuesday 31 May 2011 1

  3. Physics motivations • Heavy flavours: • formed at the early stage of the collision in the highest density phase • travel and interact in the medium  full collision history • Characterisation of the medium crossed by heavy quarks: • energy loss depends on mass: c & b heavier than u, d, s + dead cone effect (2S) c J/ • Quarkonia: • Quarkonia family as a thermometer of the QGP: sequential suppression • RHIC measure similar suppression than SPS! • What is expected at LHC? Tc T<Tc T~1.1Tc T~Tc T>>Tc Binding En. Mass Bruno Espagnon IPN Orsay – Univ. Paris Sud 23rd rencontres de Blois Tuesday 31 May 2011 2

  4. Physics motivations Data also interesting for itself: Measurement of Charm & beauty production cross section  comparison with pQCD Probe of the gluon distribution at very low Björken x (down to 4.10-6)  saturation effect. pp collisions used as a reference for the study of heavy ion collisions. pA will be also needed. Presented results: p-p collisions at s = 2.76 and 7 TeV and Pb-Pb at sNN = 2.76 TeV Bruno Espagnon IPN Orsay – Univ. Paris Sud 23rdrencontres de Blois Tuesday 31 May 2011 3

  5. The ALICE experiment Central Barrel: || < 0.9 Open heavy flavour in hadronic & semi-leptonic decays (e) Quarkonia in the e+e- channel Tracking: ITS+TPC PID: TPC+TOF+TRD Muon spectrometer: -4 <  < -2.5 Open heavy flavour & Quarkonia in muonic channels Muon filters: front absorber + Iron wall Tracking + Trigger ALICE coll., J. Instrum. 3, S08002 (2008) Bruno Espagnon IPN Orsay – Univ. Paris Sud 23rd rencontres de Blois Tuesday 31 May 2011 4

  6. The p-p reference s = 2.76 and 7 TeV Bruno Espagnon IPN Orsay – Univ. Paris Sud 23rdrencontres de Blois Tuesday 31 May 2011 5

  7. Heavy flavours in pp collisions - Open charm - Measurement of D mesons in hadronic channel • 2 < pt < 12 GeV/c, with 1.6 nb-1 (~20% of 2010 statistics) for 7 TeV data • 2 < pt < 8 GeV/c, with 1.1 nb-1 (3 days of data 3 months ago!) for 2.76 TeV data • y acceptance is pt-dep (Δy~0.5 - 0.8): data scaled to |y|<0.5 • pQCD predictions (FONLL and GM-VFNS) compatible with our data Same behaviour for D0 not shown here p+p 7 TeV FONLL: Cacciari et al., in preparation GM-VFNS: Kniehl et al., in preparation p+p 2.76 TeV Bruno Espagnon IPN Orsay – Univ. Paris Sud 23rd rencontres de Blois Tuesday 31 May 2011 6

  8. Heavy flavours in pp collisions Extrapolation from pt = 2 GeV/c to 0 (about ×2) and fully using FONLL Consistent comparison with NLO over 3 orders of magnitude Charm cross section Bruno Espagnon IPN Orsay – Univ. Paris Sud 23rd rencontres de Blois Tuesday 31 May 2011 7

  9. Heavy flavours in pp collisions Beauty and charm measurement in muon and electron channel • Measured dσ/dpt in 2-10 GeV/c and dσ/dη in -4 to -2.5 • subtration of muons from primary K/ decay based on detector MC simulations • Well described by FONLL predictions • FONLL indicates beauty dominance above 6 GeV/c p+p 7 TeV p+p 7 TeV Inclusive electron spectrum – cocktail of background electrons Bruno Espagnon IPN Orsay – Univ. Paris Sud 23rd rencontres de Blois Tuesday 31 May 2011 8

  10. Quarkonia in pp collisions Integrated J/ production cross sections for 2.76 and 7 TeV (down to pt = 0) pp@2.76 TeV: sJ/y(|y|<0.9) = 6.4±1.7 mb (e channel); sJ/y(2.5<y<4) = 3.46±0.35 mb; ( channel) pp@7TeV: sJ/y(|y|<0.9) = 10.7±2.1 mb (e channel); sJ/y(2.5<y<4) =6.31±0.84 mb. ( channel) ALICE coll., arXiv:1105.0380v1 (2011) Good agreement with the other LHC experiments Bruno Espagnon IPN Orsay – Univ. Paris Sud 23rdrencontres de Blois Tuesday 31 May 2011 9

  11. Pb-Pb collisions s = 2.76 TeV Bruno Espagnon IPN Orsay – Univ. Paris Sud 23rdrencontres de Blois Tuesday 31 May 2011 10

  12. Geometry of heavy ion collision b impact parameter Spectators Participants • small impact parameter (b~0) • high energy density • large volume • Large number of produced particles • Geometry of the collision measured as: • fraction of cross section “centrality” • number of participants • number of nucleon-nucleon collisions SPD V0C/V0A From a Glauber Monte Carlo calculation Centrality selection based on a Glauber model fit of the V0 amplitude Bruno Espagnon IPN Orsay – Univ. Paris Sud 23rd rencontres de Blois Tuesday 31 May 2011 11

  13. How to compare pp and AA data? RAA the nuclear modification factor for a given collision centrality If the process yield scales with the binary collisions: RAA = 1 at high pT where the hard scattering dominate If the binary scaling is broken: RAA 1 For open heavy flavours, the pp reference is scaled from 7 to 2.76 TeV using pQCD (FONLL) Rcp comparison of the process between central and peripheral collisions If there is binary scaling: RCP = 1 If there are effects affecting in a different way central or peripheral collisions: RCP 1 Doesn’t need a pp reference Bruno Espagnon IPN Orsay – Univ. Paris Sud 23rd rencontres de Blois Tuesday 31 May 2011 12

  14. Heavy flavours in heavy ions collisions - Open charm - Measurement of D mesons in hadronic channel Suppression for charm is a factor 4-5 above 5 GeV/c Suppression clearly seen also in RCP (no pp reference) Factor 2-3 above 5 GeV/c Bruno Espagnon IPN Orsay – Univ. Paris Sud 23rdrencontres de Blois Tuesday 31 May 2011 13

  15. Heavy flavours in heavy ions collisions Electrons: Mid-rapidity |η| < 0.8 Muons: Forward rapidity -4 < η < -2.5 Same suppression within large sys. uncertainties For electrons, only above 4 GeV can be considered as electrons from HF Beauty and charm measurement in muon and electron channel Suppression is of about a factor 3 above 6 GeV/c According to FONLL, beauty dominant in this region Bruno Espagnon IPN Orsay – Univ. Paris Sud 23rd rencontres de Blois Tuesday 31 May 2011 14

  16. Quarkonia in heavy ions collisions J/y mm, pT>0 J/ RAA larger at LHC (2.5<y<4) than at RHIC (1.2<|y|<2.2); Similar as RHIC (|y|<0.35), except for the most central collisions. Bruno Espagnon IPN Orsay – Univ. Paris Sud 23rdrencontres de Blois Tuesday 31 May 2011 15

  17. Quarkonia in heavy ions collisions « Peripheral » reference 40%-80% centralitybin • ALICE: • 2.5<y<4.0; • pT>0 GeV/c; • ATLAS: • |Y|<2.4 • 80% J/y, pt ≥ 6.5 GeV/c; • Error in 40-80% centrality bin not propagated. ALICE 2.5<y<4.0 exhibits less suppression than ATLAS data (high pT, |y|<2.4) Bruno Espagnon IPN Orsay – Univ. Paris Sud 23rdrencontres de Blois Tuesday 31 May 2011 16

  18. Conclusions • Heavy flavours and J/ have been measured in p-p and Pb-Pb collisions at LHC • The nuclear modification factors in Pb-Pb for heavy flavours have been measured by ALICE • The D meson and high-pt lepton RAA exhibit a strong suppression in central collisions (down to ~0.2 for D’s) • The suppression tends to vanish towards peripheral collisions. • Charm cross section calculated. • Inclusive J/ pp cross section at 2.76 and 7 TeV. • J/ (pT>0) RAA measurement: • Larger than RHIC & than ATLAS (not the same kinematical domain). • Unknown CNM, namely shadowing. pA is now needed at LHC! Only a little part of ALICE results presented here (40 talks and more than 70 posters at QM 2011 last week! For HF and Quarkonium : 24 posters, 5 parallel talks and 2 plenary talks) A lot of (very good ;) ) publications in the next few months  stay tuned http://aliweb.cern.ch/Documents/generalpublications Bruno Espagnon IPN Orsay – Univ. Paris Sud 23rdrencontres de Blois Tuesday 31 May 2011 17

  19. Central Pb-Pb collision at sNN = 2.76 TeV. Thank you for your attention Bruno Espagnon IPN Orsay – Univ. Paris Sud 23rd rencontres de Blois Tuesday 31 May 2011 18

  20. Backup Bruno Espagnon IPN Orsay – Univ. Paris Sud 23rd rencontres de Blois Tuesday 31 May 2011 19

  21. Heavy flavours study in  channel Bruno Espagnon IPN Orsay – Univ. Paris Sud 23rd rencontres de Blois Tuesday 31 May 2011 20

  22. Heavy flavours study in e- channel Bruno Espagnon IPN Orsay – Univ. Paris Sud 23rd rencontres de Blois Tuesday 31 May 2011 21

  23. D meson reconstruction in ALICE Bruno Espagnon IPN Orsay – Univ. Paris Sud 23rd rencontres de Blois Tuesday 31 May 2011 22

  24. pp reference at 2.76 TeV via pQCD-driven √s-scaling Bruno Espagnon IPN Orsay – Univ. Paris Sud 23rd rencontres de Blois Tuesday 31 May 2011 23

  25. Data Comparisons: D and π± Bruno Espagnon IPN Orsay – Univ. Paris Sud 23rd rencontres de Blois Tuesday 31 May 2011 24

  26. Model Comparisons: Shadowing Bruno Espagnon IPN Orsay – Univ. Paris Sud 23rd rencontres de Blois Tuesday 31 May 2011 25

  27. Quarkonia family Charmoniumfamily Bottomonium family Bruno Espagnon IPN Orsay – Univ. Paris Sud 23rd rencontres de Blois Tuesday 31 May 2011 26

  28. D J/ D c c c J/ Temperature T<Td c r The screening radius D(T) (i.e. the maximum distance which allows the formation of a bound qqpair) decreases with the temperature T vacuum Temperature T>Td c c r r if resonance radius > D(T)  no resonance can be formed if resonance radius < D(T)  resonance can be formed At a given T: Bruno Espagnon IPN Orsay – Univ. Paris Sud 23rd rencontres de Blois Tuesday 31 May 2011 27

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