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The Australian Canola Industry Opportunities for Cooperation

The Australian Canola Industry Opportunities for Cooperation. Outline. AOF 2010 plan – where a cooperation alliance fits Cooperation alliance Why cooperate Areas of common interest Focus on research Final thoughts. The AOF 2010 Plan. AOF strategic plan.

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The Australian Canola Industry Opportunities for Cooperation

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  1. The Australian Canola IndustryOpportunities for Cooperation

  2. Outline • AOF 2010 plan – where a cooperation alliance fits • Cooperation alliance • Why cooperate • Areas of common interest • Focus on research • Final thoughts

  3. The AOF 2010 Plan

  4. AOF strategic plan The industry’s 2010 plan for growth • Replace hard fats with value enhanced soft oils • Replace imported meals and improve value relativity of local meals • Increased market share through quality enhanced products • New markets e.g. biodiesel • Access new food markets – edible beans • Meet domestic demand for minor oils • New oils for health and functionality • Functional foods, nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals • Industrial oils Short Medium Long

  5. Growing the industry • Expanding the market for oilseeds by promoting benefits for food, feed and industrial uses • Shift to healthier oils in the Australian market • Improved positioning of canola meal • Growth in the biodiesel market

  6. Growing the industry • Facilitating access to best agronomic practice advice for farmers • Increase production • Position canola as crop of choice

  7. % Growing the industry • Increasing industry’s access to research investment and technology Uptake of GM cotton in Australia

  8. Growing the industry • Enhancing Australia’s position in international markets • promotion of the industry • seeking a level playing field in trade • forming international partnerships

  9. Cooperation Alliance

  10. Why cooperate • Improve positioning of canola in minds of consumers • Grow the total market for canola • Ensuring canola is positioned to take advantage of opportunities in the oils and fats market • Leverage strengths of each party where common interests

  11. Areas of common interest • Cooperate on standards and trade issues • Removal of trade barriers • Payment for quality • Biodiesel • Market development • Brassica Juncea • Cooperate on research • Complement, not duplicate • Joint where appropriate • Cooperate on canola branding • Consistent messages • Encourage use of the name canola rather than rapeseed

  12. Opportunity for research cooperation • Oil • Improved understanding and awareness of health benefits • Market support/development for new variants • Meal • Improving meal quality and value • Decommoditise meal i.e. ruminant and monogastric canola meal • Canola quality objectives • Leverage global breeding investment in canola • Objective measurement methods

  13. Final thoughts • Canola industry is facing a bright future • Opportunity to increase the global market share held by canola by working together • Some issues to address in the how and what • Areas of focus • Level of formality • Funding • Innovative approach, but will require commitment from all parties

  14. Thank you

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