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Personal Opinion for Good Research. William Jen NCTU of Taiwan, Feb. 2011. Outline. 1. Good Research 2. Good Research Process 3. Good Dissertation (Thesis) 4. Conclusion. 1. Good Research. 1.0 Graduate vs. undergraduate 1.1 Original thought 1.2 Contribution to knowledge
Personal Opinion for Good Research William Jen NCTU of Taiwan, Feb. 2011
Outline 1. Good Research 2. Good Research Process 3. Good Dissertation (Thesis) 4. Conclusion
1. Good Research 1.0 Graduate vs. undergraduate 1.1 Original thought 1.2 Contribution to knowledge 1.3 Sound methodology 1.4 Others
1.0 Graduate vs. undergraduate • Researcher, re-search • Problem formulation and solution, researchable (narrow down) problem (system) • Research (scientific) methods, research methodology, philosophy of science. Thomas Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 1962, paradigm shift Karl R. Popper, Conjectures and Refutations, 1963, Science as Falsification
脫困 • 困而學之 • 學術 vs.非學術研究 (research vs. study) • 實證 vs. 探索研究 • 量化 vs. 質化研究方法 • 方法盲 vs. 問題盲 • EFA, CFA, Exploratory or Confirmatory Factor Analysis
1.1 Original thought • Contemporary hot, • Interesting (to others and self). • Thinking: 1. Logic, 2. critical, 3. creative, 4. political, 5. positive thinking
1.2 Contribution to knowledge • Integration of research stream, • Go beyond synthesis, • Well focused. • So what? • What’s new?
1.3 Sound methodology • Creative, unique, doable. • Method: mathematical model, statistical tools, abstract reasoning, empirical test. • Data: representative, variation, quality, ex. Economics: monthly established data set. Marketing: primary data survey. • Robust results: applicability / generalizable Management implications: policy, industry, business Parsimony vs. over fit model
Research Reasoning • Deduction Deduction is a form of inference that purports to be conclusive (i.e., the conclusion must necessarily follow from the reasons given). • Induction To induce is to draw a conclusion from one or more particular facts or pieces of evidence.
1.4 Others • Format, • Achievable in reasonable time, • Matches student capabilities, • Area for professional development, • Attractive for funding.
2. Good Research Process 2.1 Idea generating, 2.2 Planning a research, 2.3 Conducting a research, 2.4 Professional Communicating.
2.1 Idea generating • Every day life observation, • Journal and conference paper SSCI, SCI, EI, TSSCI, ISI, TRB Annual Meeting “current literature in traffic and transportation”, transportation library, Northwestern Uni. • problem oriented, • to be curious, • make a difference.
Synthesizes the literature • Do a review of your own • Read widely and deeply on your topic and its background, read review papers in your field • Helps to give structure and organization • Identifies trends and gaps and can support the significance of your research
2.2 Planning a research • Have an intense desire to know, • State the research objectives clearly, • Search the literature, • Formulate operational hypothesis, • Select a study strategy.
Proposal • 一個有趣且重要的問題,而非枝微末節 • 有助於科學現象的了解,不只是陳述而已 • 此計畫可行
No one Method is Better or Worse Obtrusive A Laboratory experiments Experimental simulations research operations Judgment tasks Field experiments Field studies Surveys B C Formal theory Computer simulations Unobtrusive research operations Universal Particular behavioral behavioral systems systems
Designs Thoughtfully • All research is flawed • Researchers very often examine only narrowly defined problems. • Researchers use less-than-perfect methods of observation • Researchers usually use less-than-perfect samples • Plays to the strength of the method • Pilots • Seeks criticism
2.3 Conducting a research • Project organization and management, • Measurement, • Data collection.
2.4 Professional communicating * IMRAD • Introduction • Methods • Results • Discussion
Select Your Journals, 我發表,故我在 • Have the researchers selected an important problem? Were the researchers reflective? • Are any major methodological flaws unavoidable or forgivable? • Is the report cohesive? • Does the report extend the boundaries of our knowledge on a topic? Is the research likely to inspire additional research?
SCI, “Transportation Science & Technology” 領域之期刊 (Accessed at 2007.05.28)
SCI, “Transportation Science & Technology” 領域之期刊(續) (Accessed at 2007.05.28)
Try Conferences and Minor Journals • Practicing – students and new researchers • Testing out ideas and getting feedback • Laying a claim to an idea • Raising profile / networking • Might score a special-issue journal paper
3. Good Dissertation (Thesis) • You really want to be an expert in this area, 3 essays. • Possible continuation. • Prepare: Lab. management, Project funding, Teaching, Peer review…… * “Recent doctoral dissertations”, Transportation Research, Part A.
Other Suggestions • Transportation research mostly empirical, needs to be relevant first, but then conducted and presented rigorously. • Work with others. Have multipleresearch areas but focus on becoming a true leader in one area. • Start early… takes a long time to publish, keep up a pipeline of work. • Stay visible …give talks, be a reviewer, write papers, be on program committees.
4. Conclusion • 看似平常最奇絕,成如容易卻艱難 ~王安石 • 問君那得清如許,謂有源頭活水來 ~朱熹 • 王國維,人間詞話 • 昨夜西風凋碧樹,獨上西樓,望盡天涯路 ~晏殊 • 衣帶漸寬終不悔,為伊消得人憔悴 ~歐陽永叔 • 眾裡尋他千百度,驀然迴首 ,那人卻在燈火欄珊處~辛幼安 • (流水落花春去也,天上人間 ~李煜)
Reference 1. 《撰寫博碩士論文實戰手冊》 http://www.sinica.edu.tw/~cida 2. Graduate School Survival Guide http://smi.stanford.edu/people/pratt/smi/advice.html 3. How to Succeed in Graduate School: A Guide for Students and Advisors http://info.acm.org/crossroads/xrds1-2/advice1.html 4. 研究所新生完全求生手冊 http://ppsc.pme.nthu.edu.tw/ 5. Wei, K. K., Publishing Papers in IS Journal, 2008/4/24
Reading Guidelines 1. Understand the key theme 2. Articulate author’s conceptual framework - Typology - Underlying rationale and assumptions 3. Identify strengths and weakness - New insights - Conflicts (internal and external) - Contributions - Other comments 4. Develop your own framework
Presentation Guidelines 1. Assume everyone in the class has already read the assigned material. 2. The 1st one: outline the reading material, comment and questions. 3. The 2nd one: comments and questions. 4. Questions and answer session. 5. Conclusion * All the sit-in students are cordially invited to participate the class discussion.
Class Performance 1. Is the participant a good listener? 2. Are the points that are made relevant to the discussion? Are they linked to the comments of others? 3. Do comments show evidence of applying the concepts from the readings to the analysis of the case? 4. Is there a willingness to test new ideas, or are all comments “safe”? (e.g., repetition of case facts without analysis and conclusion) 5. Do comments clarify or build upon the important aspects of earlier comments and lead to a clearer statement of the concepts being covered and the problems being addressed?
Q & A wljen@mail.nctu.edu.tw