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BRIEFING: PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE OF WATER AND ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS. 19 – 20 March 2013. CITES COP 16: OUTCOMES. PURPOSE. Inform the Portfolio Committee on the outcomes of the recent CITES CoP 16: Indicate the implication of the decisions/outcomes of the CoP on South Africa;
PURPOSE • Inform the Portfolio Committee on the outcomes of the recent CITES CoP 16: • Indicate the implication of the decisions/outcomes of the CoP on South Africa; • Request support from the PC on implementation of the Convention • Inform the PC of SA hosting CITES CoP 17 in 2016
The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) aims to: Ensure that international trade in listed species of wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival. The primary focus of CITES is: Regulate the international trade in species listed in three Appendices (I, II and III) according to the extent to which they are threatened by the international trade. BACKGROUND (I/II)
CITES COP meets every three years to: Assess the implementation of the provisions; Make recommendations to improve the effectiveness of the Convention; and Amend CITES Appendices. CITES COP 16 took place from 03 – 14 March 2013 in Bangkok (Thailand); Approximately 75 working documents and 71 proposals to amend the Appendices were discussed during the CoP. BACKGROUND (II/II)
Approach to South Africa’s position: Positions underpinned by sustainable use principles; Sustainable use is enshrined in the Constitution and National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (NEMBA), Act 10 of 2004 as an integral part of conservation; South Africa therefore supported proposals and working documents, which promote sustainable use of natural resources, provided they have a scientific basis and are aimed at securing the long term conservation of the species. SECRET SOUTH AFRICA - POSITION SECRET
CITES PROPOSALS AND WORKING DOCUMENTS (I) Rules of Procedure (RoP) • Currently – Rule 25: “..although it shall not normally be used, any Representative may request a secret ballot for other matters. The Presiding Officer shall ask whether the request is seconded. If it is seconded by 10 Representatives the vote shall be by secret ballot.” • History: African elephant down-listing and ivory trade proposals – adopted through secret votes • EU proposed amendment to require a simple majority to decide whether a secret vote can be used • Mexico proposed amendment to require one third of Parties to support a request for secret vote
CITES PROPOSALS AND WORKING DOCUMENTS (II) Rules of Procedure (RoP)….continue • South Africa raised point of order – Working Group established • Final decision taken through secret vote: Majority of Parties supported that two-third majority required to amend the RoP • Proposals to amend the RoP not adopted & proposed amendments to these proposals also not adopted • WAY FORWARD: South Africa to prepare proposal to next CoP to amend the RoP to clarify that two-thirds majority is required to amend the RoP
RHINO DECISIONS Reporting of seizures and sharing of information Use of specialized investigative techniques DNA analysis Consultation with importing Parties Stricter measures for re-exports Demand reduction strategies Community involvement and awareness raising among custom officials
RHINO DECISIONS Directed to Vietnam Progress with Joint Action Plan National legislation to regulate alteration of trophies Consumer behavior research Develop & implement demand reduction strategies
RHINO DECISIONS Directed to Mozambique Report on implementation of Res Conf 9.14 Implement national legislation to strengthen enforcement Directed to South Africa and Mozambique Bilateral engagements
SIDE EVENTS South Africa hosted and participating in side events: Rhino (3 events) UNEP/GEF project ‘Strengthening Law Enforcement Capabilities to Combat Wildlife Crime for Conservation and Sustainable Use of Species in South Africa (target: Rhinoceros)’ CITES & livelihoods SA will be hosting CITES CoP 17 in 2016. -Details and host City to be discussed by DEA management.
NETWORK OF PARLIAMENTARIANS Chair of the PCWEA Adv de Lange met: Chair of Tanzania’s PC of Natural Resources agreed to initiate a network of parliamentarians. The network to involve Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and another SADC State. SADC Ministers (Zim, SA, Namibia) nominated Namibia to be part of the network. Meeting to be held in SA preferable KNP. Officials will present sustainable utilisation approach.
NETWORK OF PARLIAMENTARIANS cont.. Adv de Lange also met with Col WinaiSompong MP of Thailand: They plan to visit SA in May/June. This is being planned with the Deputy Speaker of Parliament THANK YOU