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Hidden Markov Model. Three Holy Questions of Markov. EHSAN KHODDAM MOHAMMADI. Markov Model (1/). Used when modeling a sequence of random variables that aren’t independent the value of each variable depends only on the previous element in the sequence
Hidden Markov Model Three Holy Questions of Markov EHSAN KHODDAM MOHAMMADI
Markov Model (1/) • Used when modeling a sequence of random variables that • aren’t independent • the value of each variable depends only on the previous element in the sequence • In other words, in a Markov model, future elements are conditionally independent of the past elements given the present element
Probabilistic Automata • Actually HMM is an Automata • States • Probabailstic rules for state-transition • State-Emission • Formal definition will come later • In an HMM, you don’t know the state sequence that the model passes through, but only some probabilistic function of it • You Model the underlying Dynamics of a process which generating surface events, You don’t know what’s going on but you could predict it!
Markov model (2/) • X = (X1, …, XT): a sequence of random variables, Taking values in some finite set S = {s1, …, sN} or the state space • Markov properties • limited horizon: • P(Xt+1 = sk| X1,t) = P(Xt+1 = sk| Xt) • time invariant (stationary): • P(Xt+1 = Si| Xt = sj) = P(X2 = si| X1 = sj) • X: a Markov chain
Markov Model (3/) • Transition matrix, A = [ aij ] aij = P(Xt+1 = si| Xt = sj) • Initial state probabilities, Π = [ πi ] πi = P(X1 = si) • Probability of a Markov chain X = (X1, …, XT) P(X1, …, XT) = P(X1) P(X2|X1) … P(XT|XT-1) πX1aX2.X1 … aXTXT-1 = πX1Πt=1,T-1aXtXt-1
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Three Holy Questions! • 1. Given a model = (A, B,П), how do we efficiently compute how likely a certain observation is, that is P(O|μ)? • 2. Given the observation sequence O and a model μ how do we choose a state sequence X1, …, XT, that best explains the observations? • 3. Given an observation sequence O, and a space of possible models found by varying the model parameters = (A, B, П), how do we find the model that best explains the observed data?
The Return of Crazy Machine • What is the probability of seeing the output sequence {lem, ice_t} if the machine always starts off in the cola preferring state?
Solutions to Holy Questions! • Forward Algorithm(D.P.) • Viterbi Algorithm (D.P.) • Baum-Welch Algorithm (EM optimization)
REFERENCE • “Foundations Of Statistical Natural Language Processing”, Ch 9, Manning & Schutze , 2000 • “Hidden Markov Models for Time Series - An Introduction Using R”, Zucchini, 2009 • “NLP 88 Class lectures” , CSE, Shiraz University, Dr. Fazli, 2009