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3.052 Nanomechanics of Materials and Biomaterials. LECTURE # 1 : INTRODUCTION TO NANOMECHANICS. Prof. Christine Ortiz DMSE, RM 13-4022 Phone : (617) 452-3084 Email : cortiz@mit.edu WWW : http://web.mit.edu/cortiz/www. Basics of Nanotechnology. “Nanostructure”. Broad Definition :.
3.052 Nanomechanics of Materials and Biomaterials LECTURE # 1 : INTRODUCTION TO NANOMECHANICS Prof. Christine Ortiz DMSE, RM 13-4022 Phone : (617) 452-3084 Email : cortiz@mit.edu WWW : http://web.mit.edu/cortiz/www
Basics of Nanotechnology “Nanostructure” Broad Definition : Specific Definition : “Molecular Manufacturing” Electron-microscope image of the world's smallest guitar, based roughly on the design for the Fender Stratocaster, a popular electric guitar. Its length is 10 millionths of a meter-- approximately the size of a red blood cell and about 1/20th the width of a single human hair. Its strings have a width of about 50 billionths of a meter (the size of approximately 100 atoms). Plucking the tiny strings would produce a high-pitched sound at the inaudible frequency of approximately 10 megahertz. Made by Cornell researchers with a single silicon crystal, this tiny guitar is a playful example of nanotechnology, in which scientists are building machines and structures on the scale of billionths of a meter to perform useful technological functions and study processes at the submicroscopic level. (http://www.news.cornell.edu/science/July97/guitar.ltb.html, Dustin W. Carr and Harold G. Craighead, Cornell.) Readings : 1. "There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom," Richard P. Feynman's Classic Nanotechnology Talk (1959, APS-Caltech); 2. “Engines of Creation : The Coming Era of Nanotechnology,” K. Eric. Drexler, Anchor Books, Doubleday, 1986 (Chapter 1)
Nanostructured Materials (*http://www.rpi.edu/dept/materials/COURSES/NANO/crawford/index.html) Bone Self-Assembling Monolayer Nanoporous Alumina Membrane
Nanostructured Materials “Bottom-Up Manufacturing” “Top-Down Manufacturing”
Summary of Length Scales (m) hemoglobin 6.6 nm smallest observable feature of human eye, thickness of human hair length of a blue whale cell 50 mm Biological Sciences width of DNA, small globular proteins 2 nm size of the universe height of Mt. Everest 8848 m bacteria, internal organelles 1 mm height of a human being 1m grain of sand diameter of the earth quark atomic nucleus atomic radii covalent bond 0.1 nm proton, neutron size of of a bee virus electron 10-18 10-16 10-14 10-12 10-10 10-8 10-6 10-4 10-2 100 102 104 106 1025 size of C60 molecule, diameter of carbon nanotube, suprmolecular chemistry, colloidal particles, nanolithography microelectro mechanical systems (MEMS), micro-contact printing, integrated circuit transistor length of the Great Wall of China crystal grains height of NYC World Trade Center length of a Boeing 767 airplane integrated circuit chip Materials Sciences radius of AFM probe tip traditional man-made materials and structures
Inflammatory Response : Cell Rolling and Adhesion
Muscle Elasticity (*MARSZALEK, et. al Nature 402, 100 - 103 (1999)) SARCOMERE TITIN TITIN Actin Nebulin Myosin (*Cell and Molecular Biology, G. Karp)
Packing the Genome DNA simulation (*FEBS Lett. 371:279-282)
Packing the Genome http://gened.emc.maricopa.edu/Bio/BIO181/BIOBK/BioBookCELL2.html
Performance of Computer Hard Disks http://talke08.ucsd.edu/index/disk.html
Computer Head-Disk Interface http://talke08.ucsd.edu/index/disk.html suspension arm recording head 2 mm surface roughness 30-60 nm head flexure slider flying height 30-60 nm read / write element hard disk
Properties of Colloids (*http://wintermute.chemie.uni-mainz.de/coll.html) Silica sphere glued to an AFM-probe tip
Macroscopic Mechanical Properties of Materials Less Disorder More Disorder random coil Entropy - a natural law that expresses the driving force towards disorder F F r Fchain Fchain F F s Rubber Elasticity Non-Linear, Entropic Elasticity of Polymer Networks l
displacement detection system A Typical High-Resolution Force Spectroscopy Technique : General Components high-resolution force transducer sensor output d computer • controls system • performs data acquisition, display, and analysis probe sample high-resolution displacement control z