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3 rd Grade Back to School Night

Explore the engaging daily routine and expectations in a 3rd-grade classroom, highlighting subjects, activities, discipline policies, and parent involvement opportunities.

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3 rd Grade Back to School Night

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  1. 3rd Grade Back to School Night

  2. An Average Day in Third Grade Afternoon • Recess/Lunch • Specials (Music, Art, PE, Tech) • Block 3 Class • Block 4 Class • Homeroom study hall for thirty minutes. • Pack up • Closing circle Morning • Homeroom for attendance and morning greeting activity. • Math • Block 1 class • Snack/Homeroom/Recess • Block 2 class History and Science Blocks are 49 minute periods; the Language Arts Block is a 1 hour, 40 minute period.

  3. Third Grade Daily Schedule 8:05 – 8:11 Homeroom 8:13 - 9:23 Math 9:25- 10:14 Block 1 Class10:16 – 10:39 Snack/Recess10:41 – 11:30 Block 2 Class11:32 - 12:17 Recess/Lunch12:20 – 1:05 Specials 1:08 – 1:53 Block 3 Class 1:55 – 2:48 Block 4 Class 2:50 - 3:20 Study Hall3:20 - 3:35 Pack up/Closing/Dismiss

  4. Specials (Music, Art, P.E., Technology) • Weekly rotation to different Specials class • Video from the teachers. https://safeshare.tv/x/ss5d60465ec03dc#

  5. High Expectations in Third Grade We follow the AA Discipline Policy, in 3rd Grade. An effort is made to involve parents very early in the process and, when necessary, the administration. Kickboard will be used for positive and improvement reinforcement. Balance each week starts at $10, then $2 for each positive Students who reach $30 receive weekly Fun Friday Negatives tracked by Dean of Students, -$3/-$6/-$9. Triggers for recurring issues lead to community service Please download the Kickboard app to track your student’s progress in real-time.

  6. The Big 5 • Come prepared to class with all supplies. • I will use class time wisely. • I will clean up after myself and around my desks. • I will not interfere with the learning of others. • I will be kind and RESPECTFUL to all things.

  7. AA Character Focus • August- Responsibility • September- Respect • October- Self Control • November- Compassion • December- Generosity • January- Courage • February- Humility • March- Integrity • April- Citizenship • May- Perseverance • Growth Mindset

  8. Homework • Each student should write down homework or “No Homework” for each class in their planner. • Homework can be viewed on Infinite Campus the day it is assigned, along with any notes left by the teacher. • One day late is 10% off. • Second day late is 20% off. • Third day late is 20% off. • On the fourth day, no credit is given. (This does not apply to absences.) How you can help your student • E-mail us at our AA email address if you have questions • Check Infinite Campus every day • Check their planner daily and ask about any blank classes

  9. Encourage Your Child to Self -Advocate In order for each child to grow and take responsibility for his/her education, it is important that they learn to self-advocate. There are many reasons for this: • Develops good working relationship with teachers • Takes ownership for their questions, problems, or concerns • Developing a sense of empowerment knowing that they can work through their own issues at school • Identify a grown-up at school he/she feels comfortable talking with in case they need help with a problem or emotions

  10. Birthday Celebrations • No food treats allowed Non-food Treat Ideas: • Pencil • Party favor • Book for the classroom See American Academy K-8 Parent Handbook, Page 12

  11. Electronic Newsletter • Friday email every week • Posted on American Academy Website: • Select MB Campus • Select Grade 3 • News

  12. Go Math • Student’s grades comes from homework, class assignments, quizzes and tests. • 10% Daily Homework • 20% In-class Assignments • 30% Quizzes • 40% Tests • Students have school workbooks for assignments/homework. • We will begin using interactive, online textbooks after students get into the rhythm of Go Math. • Self-paced and leveled • Includes videos and problem solving strategies

  13. 3rd Grade Back to School NightScience / STEM

  14. Science with Mr. Sells 3rd Grade Content • Based on Next Generation Science Standards • Scientific Process using ADI • Landforms • Weather/storms • Natural Forces • Life Cycles * STEM (robotics) • Adapting in Biomes • Heredity

  15. What to expect: • Science is a hands-on curriculum • Key is problem solving and justification • Class activities involve interacting with others • Use Scientific Method and lab reports • Authentic scenarios and assessments • Homework primarily due to unfinished assignments, project management, test prep, and lab reports.

  16. Content Practice – 30% Science Practice - 40% Assessments – 30% My young scientists will begin to start thinking and acting like real scientists. This includes utilizing higher level science practices: Evaluation, Creativity, and Analysis, and following ADI processes. Science Grading

  17. Types of Technology Used in Science • OneNote- supplementary reading, worksheets, assignments, and notes will be completed here. • We will use Mystery Science, BrainPop!, and Gizmos to do research and activities. • Students will use their science journal for recording lab information, taking notes, studying for tests, and documenting research.

  18. STEM • Taught by Engineering Instructor • October 21 - November 12, 2019 • January 7 - January 28, 2020 • STEM Department will be emailing parents

  19. 3rd Grade Back to School NightHistory

  20. History with Ms. Wambold 3rd Grade Content • Canada • World Geography • World Rivers • Ancient Rome • The Vikings • Earliest Americans • Explorers of North America • The Thirteen Colonies • History Notebooks-work in class, stays in class except for studying

  21. Assessments/Projects – 60% Homework – 40% History Grading

  22. Types of Technology Used in History • Technology in History might include use of the following applications: • Power Point -Other technology learned in Tech Class

  23. What to expect • Homework will usually be only if they didn’t finish the assignment in the time given and to study before a test • Class notes will be taken in a composition notebook • Cooperative learning projects in class • STEM learning centers for certain units (in class) • Some projects will be done at home for assessment, however I’m looking for your student’s work not parents  • Planners will be filled out every day-It will show what we are studying

  24. 3rd Grade Back to School NightLanguage Arts

  25. Language Arts Grading Reading - 35% Writing – 35% Spelling/Vocabulary – 15% Grammar- 15%

  26. 3rd Grade Language Arts with Ms. Mitchell Novels: • Sarah Plain and Tall • Wind in the Willows • Pompeii • Alice in Wonderland • Polly Anna • Stone Fox Other Core Knowledge Literature: • nonfiction • Poetry • Non fiction/fiction

  27. 3rd Grade Language Arts (continued) Spelling • Spalding Spelling utilizes spelling rules within the English • Weekly Spelling Homework will be given. • Phonograms weekly focus Grammar • DLI ( Daily Language Instruction) • Shurley Grammar Writing • Use of Step-Up to Writing, and Spalding curricula • Uses the writing process of brainstorming, prewriting, writing, revising, editing, and publishing • Graded using the Step-Up to writing rubrics • The full rubric may not always be used for every assignment

  28. Writing activities • Trimester book reports • Compare and contrast • Informative narrative • Description writing • Biography • Write poetry • Opinion paragraphs • Friendly letter • Mystery writing

  29. Language Arts Technology • Students will be using computers for various in class assignments, homework, and projects including but not limited to: • Book Reports • Publishing Writing pieces • Research-based projects • Spelling • -Spelling City, • - IXL for spelling, reading, grammar, and language arts

  30. 3rd Grade Language Arts with Ms. Newman (continued) Spelling • Spalding Spelling utilizes spelling rules within the English Language to help students identify how to spell unfamiliar words and improve oral fluency in reading. Weekly Spelling Homework will be given. Grammar • Used for daily grammar and writing instruction • DLI (Daily Language Instruction) and Shurley Grammar Writing • Use of Step-Up to Writing and Spalding curricula • Uses the writing process of brainstorming, prewriting, writing, revising, editing, and publishing • Graded using the Step-Up to writing rubrics • The full rubric may not always be used for every assignment

  31. Writing Activities • Trimester Book Reports • Compare and Contrast • Informative Narrative • Descriptive Writing • Biography • Writing Poetry • Opinion paragraphs • Friendly Letters • Mystery Writing

  32. 3rd Grade Language Arts with Ms. Newman Novels: • Sara, Plain and Tall • Wind in the Willows • Pompeii • Alice in Wonderland • Pollyanna • Stone Fox Other Literature: • Poetry • Non-Fiction • Non-Fiction/Fiction

  33. Language Arts Technology • Students will be using class computers for various in class assignments, projects, and assessments • Spelling City • IXL for spelling, reading, grammar, and language arts

  34. Language Arts: Reading Novels: • Sarah Plain and Tall • Wind in the Willows • Poetry • Alice in Wonderland • Stone Fox • Polly Anna Journeys: • Daily Phonics • Spelling: Matches the phonics focus that week • Vocabulary: goes along with the story • Also includes vocabulary strategies Book Report • 1 each trimester • 1 month to complete • Student choice, presentations

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