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This talk explores the derandomization of procedures that use both randomness and nondeterminism, specifically focusing on the approximation counting and random sampling of accepting instances of a given circuit. The goal is to eliminate randomness while keeping nondeterminism. The talk discusses various assumptions and techniques used in derandomization.
Pseudorandomness for Approximate Counting and Sampling Ronen Shaltiel University of Haifa Chris Umans Caltech
What is this talk about? Main technical result: • We define and construct “pseudorandom objects” associated with: • Approximate counting of accepting instances of a given circuit. • Random sampling of accepting instances of a given circuit. • But in fact it all relates to derandomization and it’s a long story: • Once upon a time there was an evil magician called Merlin and a handsome prince called Arthur. One day as Arthur was tossing coins he came about a beautiful NP statement…
This talk is about derandomization • Derandomization of procedures that use both randomness and nondeterminism. • Arthur-Merlin games (by derandomization we mean AM=NP). • Approximate counting of accepting instances. • random sampling of accepting instances • Goal: Get rid of randomness (we don’t expect to get rid of nondeterminism). • Under what assumptions? • We derandomize some randomized procedures using assumptions that seem weaker than those we are “supposed to use”.
Approximate counting and sampling of accepting instances • Two common computational tasks used frequently in complexity: • approximate counting: • given circuit C on n bits • output approximation of |C-1(1)|: • random sampling: • given circuit C on n bits • output random x in C-1(1) • Solvable using randomness and nondeterminism [Sto,JVV,BGP]. What do we mean by derandomizing a sampling procedure? objects of interest (C recognizes) {0,1}n
Derandomization: Hardness versus Randomness Initiated by [BM,Yao]. Assumption: hard functions exist. Conclusion: Derandomization. A lot of works: [BM82,Y82,HILL,NW88,BFNW93, I95,IW97,IW98,KvM99,STV99,ISW99,MV99, ISW00,SU01,U02,TV02,KI03,GST03]
input A output random bits input A output PRG seed pseudo-random bits few truly random bits many“pseudo-random” bits Pseudo-Random Generators Use a short “seed” of very few truly random bits to generate a long string of pseudo-random bits. Pseudo-randomness: no efficient algorithm can distinguish truly random bits from pseudo-random bits. Nisan-Wigderson setting: The test A can’t run PRG. (i.e., for tests that runs in time n3 the PRG is allowed to run in time n5).
Hardness versus Randomness Assumption: hard functions exist. Exists pseudo-random generator Conclusion: Derandomization.
Hard function Proof takes a distinguishing A and uses it to construct a circuit/algorithm for the supposedly hard function. input A output PRG PRG seed pseudo-random bits Derandomization Algorithm for function a contradiction The meta-argument Assume (for contradiction) that A that is not fooledby PRG A The hardness assumption is against procedures at least as complex as A. Meta-Argument: We can’t derandomize the probabilistic version of a complexity class C without a lower bound against C.
A brief survey: Achieving the meta argument Meta-Argument: We can’t derandomize the probabilistic version of a complexity class C without a lower bound against C. Actually, we usually require a lower bound against the nonuniform version of C of size 2Ω(n) [KvM99]. Assumption: There is a function in E=DTIME(2O(n)) that cannot be computed for size 2Ω(n)circuits of a certain type.
SAT SAT SAT PNP …. …. PNP|| ordinary circuit …. NP coNP SAT SAT SAT NP coNP ordinary circuit …. P Different types of nondeterminsim Adaptive SAT circuit Nonadaptive SAT circuit • PNP : Poly-time with access to a SAT oracle. • PNP||: Poly-time with nonadaptive access to a SAT oracle.
Beating the Meta-argument Arthur-Merlin counting S2P sampling • Prvs results:Each can be derandomized using respective hardness. • Our results: All can be derandomized using only hardness for non-deterministic circuits. (Same assumption as the one for AM). • This results beat the meta-argument! • It is known that S2P contains PNP. • We’ve “derandomized” S2P using a lower bound for a weaker circuit class than supposed to!
A little bit more formally… • Theorem: Assume that there is a problem in E=DTIME(2O(n)) that cannot be computed by size 2Ω(n)(SV-)nondeterministic circuits then: • AM=NP (known result [MV99,SU01], new proof) • Approximate counting and “sampling” can be done in PNP||. • S2P=PNP • BPPpath=PNP|| • The learning algorithm of Bshouty et al. can be derandomized. • More… • Remarks: • E can sometimes be replaced by stronger classes: NE coNE, ENP|| ,ENP.
Main technical result Theorem: (boosting hardness): if E requires size 2Ω(n)nondeterministic circuits then E requires size 2Ω(n)PNP||-circuits. Contra-positive: (downward collapse): If Ehas PNP||-circuits of size s(n) then E has nondeterministic circuits of size s(n)O(1). (E can be replaced by PSPACE, P#P, ENP, E||NP, NEXP coNEXP)
Quick survey on assumptions implying AM = NP L worst-case hard for PNP||-circuits L average-case hard for PNP||-circuits KvM KvM • PRG for PNP||-circuits L worst-case hard for non-det. circuits L average-case hard for non-det. circuits AK PRG for non-det. circuits SU AM = NP MV HSG for co-non-det. circuits this paper All assumptions are equivalent.
Strong PRGs from weak assumptions L worst-case hard for PNP||-circuits KvM • PRG for PNP||-circuits L worst-case hard for non-det. circuits “Boosting hardness” PRG for (co-) non-det. circuits SU AM = NP MV HSG for co-non-det. circuits this paper PRG for stronger circuits than “supposed to”.
L worst-case hard for PNP||-circuits KvM • PRG for PNP||-circuits L worst-case hard for non-det. circuits “Boosting hardness” PRG for (co-) non-det. circuits SU AM = NP MV HSG for co-non-det. circuits this paper The current picture of nondeterministic hardness L worst-case hard for adap. PNP-circuits • PRG for adap. PNP-circuits KvM open problem
We have to use that f is complete for E Outline of proof • Assumption: small PNP||-circuitC for a complete f in E: (for simplicity assume that it makes only one SAT query). • Goal: Show that f has small nondeterministic circuitC’: Note: in general can’t replace small PNP||-circuit with small nondeterministic circuit (implies, e.g., coNP NP/poly) ordinary circuit SAT C ordinary circuit …. • Naïve attempt for simulating a SAT query in a nondeterministic circuit: • Guess whether the query is answered by “yes” or “no”. • If query is answered by “yes”: guess satisfying assignment and verify. • If query is answered by “no”: ?????????
w.l.o.g. a function in E is a low degree multivariate polynomial Theorem: (low degree extension) [BF] There is a function family fn:Fqn Ffor q=nO(1) that is complete for E.
Simulating C by a randomized nondeterministic circuit C’ low degree f • On input x: Pass a random low degree curve through x. • Field size polynomial => curve has poly many points x1,..,xq. • Suppose we construct a nondeterministic circuit C’ that computes f(x1),..,f(xq) with at most an fraction of errors. • Then we can compute f(x)! • Because f restricted to curve is a low degree univariate polynomial. Use Reed-Solomon decoding. ordinary circuit x SAT x1 x2 xq C x3 ordinary circuit x4 x5 …. Fqn
Using nonuniformity (following [FF91,SU01,BT03,..]) All points y in Fd s.t. the SAT query on y is answered “yes”. low degree f • On input x: Pass a random low degree curve through x. • Let p = fraction of y’s in Fd s.t. the SAT query on y is answered “yes”. • Hardwire p to circuit C’. • Points on random curve are k-wise independent for k=poly. • ∀x with high probability (over curve) the fraction of xi‘s on curve s.t. the SAT query on xi is answered “yes” is p. ordinary circuit x SAT x1 x2 xq C x3 ordinary circuit x4 x5 …. Fqn
By choosing large enough poly degree for curve. There exists a fixed choice of random bits that is good for all x’s. Simulating C on all xi‘s on curve with only few errors. f ordinary circuit x SAT x1 x2 xq C x3 ordinary circuit x4 x5 …. Fqn • the fraction of xi‘s on curve s.t. the SAT query on xi is answered “yes” is p. • Goal: Simulate C(x1),..,C(xq) with at most -fraction oferrors. For every xi we simulate C up to the SAT query. • Guess fraction of p-xi‘s on curve and witnesses showing that all queries of xi‘s are answered “yes”. • Assume queries of other points on curve are answered “no”. • <2 errors.
Story so far… Arthur-Merlin counting sampling S2P • Goal: Derandomize using only hardness for nondeterministic circuits. • We’ve seen: can boost hardness: From nondeterministic circuits to nonadaptive SAT circuits. • This gives: new proof for AM=NP. • “Implies”: derandomizing counting and sampling. • What does it mean to derandomize sampling?
Sampling accepting instances: given circuit C on n bits. sample random x in C-1(1) Conditional discrepancy set: given circuit C on n bits. Output x1,..,xpoly(n) in C-1(1) No circuit of size (say n2) can distinguish a random xi from a random accepting x. C-1(1) C-1(1) x x {0,1}n {0,1}n A pseudorandom object for sampling accepting instances Sampling accepting instances: • given circuit C on n bits. • sample random x in C-1(1) Standard sampling: • sample random x in {0,1}n. Discrepancy set: • Output x1,..,xpoly(n) in {0,1}n • No circuit of size (say n2) can distinguish a random xi from a random x.
More applications Arthur-Merlin counting sampling S2P • Goal: Derandomize using only hardness for nondeterministic circuits. • We’ve seen: new proof for AM=NP. • We’ve seen: can boost hardness: From nondeterministic circuits to nonadaptive SAT circuits. • “Implies”: derandomizing counting and sampling. • Under the same hardness assumption S2P=PNP.
Derandomizing S2P • S2P ZPPNP [Cai] • Cai’s proof gives that: • Every S2P language has an algorithm that runs in PNP and uses conditional discrepancy sets. Theorem: if ENP requires exponential size nondeterministic circuits, then S2P= PNP.
Conclusions • conditional discrepancy set generators are “pseudorandom object” for sampling accepting instances. • (SV-)nondeterministic hardness assumption sufficient for: • AM = NP (and all assumptions are equivalent) • placing approximate counting in PNP|| • placing sampling in PNP|| • Placing S2P in PNP. • Use given assumptions in stronger ways!
Open questions • strengthen downward collapse to adaptive case? current result: “If E PNP||/poly then E NP/poly” open problem: “If E PNP/poly then E NP/poly” • uniform version? open problem: “If E PNP|| then E AM” Our techniques give E AM/log. Improvement by [KF05], E NP/log. • More examples of beating the meta-argument. Can it be done for weaker classes?
That’s it… Thank You!
Tool: low degree extension • Every language L E has a low-degree extension L E. • extend to f:Fqd Fq • f has low total degree (≤ hd) f can be computed in E and is a robust version of f. • f:{0,1}n {0,1} • H Fq (e.g. H={0,1}). • think of f as f:Hd Fq • Identify f with low-degree polynomial p:Hd Fq Hd Fqd
A pseudorandom generator for sampling objects of interest (C recognizes) • Approximate counting: • given circuit C • output approximation of |C-1(1)|: • Namely: a number r s.t. |C-1(1)|(1-) ≤ r ≤ |C-1(1)|(1+) Theorem: in PNP|| if E requires exponential size (SV-)nondeterministic circuits. {0,1}n
Derandomizing Approximate counting objects of interest (C recognizes) • Approximate counting: • given circuit C • output approximation of |C-1(1)|: • Namely: a number r s.t. |C-1(1)|(1-) ≤ r ≤ |C-1(1)|(1+) Theorem: in PNP|| if E requires exponential size (SV-)nondeterministic circuits. {0,1}n
Approximate counting and sampling • approximate counting: • given circuit C • output approximation of |C-1(1)|: • |C-1(1)|(1-) ≤ r ≤ |C-1(1)|(1+) • Note: PRGs for det circuits give: • |C-1(1)| - ≤ r ≤ |C-1(1)| + Theorem: in PNP|| if E requires exponential size (SV-)nondeterministic circuits. objects of interest (C recognizes) {0,1}n
Proof sketch • Start from weak assumption (hardness for (SV-)nondeterministic circuits). • Use boosting theorem to obtain PRG against PNP|| circuits. • Algorithm for counting works in “BPPNP||“. • Replace random bits with pseudorandom bits (careful: counting is not a decision problem).
Probabilistic procedure for Approximate counting [S,JVV,BGP] • try random hash fn. h into 1, 2, 3, … bits • NP query: y that has too many preimages? • with high probability when 2k |C-1(1)| no y has too many preimages. Output 2k. {0,1}1 {0,1}k … {0,1}n {0,1}n
Derandomized procedure for Approximate counting • try hash functions h into 1, 2, 3, … bits that are the outputs of a PRG fooling PNP||-circuits • NP query: “y that has too many preimages?” • when 2k |C-1(1)| no y has too many preimages with high probability over all hash functions. • therefore many hash functions that are outputs of the PRG will pass the NP test. Output 2k. {0,1}1 {0,1}k …
objects of interest (C recognizes) Pseudorandom Sampling • Discrepancy set generator: • given s, output T {0,1}ns.t. for all circuits D of size s: |Prx[D(x) = 1] - Prt[D(t) = 1]| ≤ • Conditional discrepancy set generator: • given C, s, output T {0,1}ns.t. for all circuits D of size s: |Prx[D(x)=1|C(x) = 1] - PrtT[D(t)=1|C(t)=1]| ≤ {0,1}n
Sampling • Conditional discrepancy set generator: • given C, s, output T {0,1}ns.t. for all circuits D of size s: |Prx[D(x)=1|C(x)=1] - PrtT[D(t)=1|C(t)=1]| ≤ Theorem: in PNP|| if E requires exponential size SV-nondeterministic circuits.
Proof sketch • Start from weak assumption (hardness for SV nondeterministic circuits). • Use boosting theorem to obtain PRG against PNP|| circuits. • Algorithm for sampling works in “BPPNP“. • Observe that adaptive NP queries are used mainly to find NP witnesses. (Given NP statement find witness). • Replace with non-adaptive witness finding [BCGL90] to get “BPPNP||”. • Replace random bits with pseudorandom bits.
Random sampling • pick random y, use NP oracle to enumerate: Sy = {x : C(x) = 1 and h(x) = y} (note: |Sy| ≤ n2) • pick random i in {1,2,…, n2} • output ith item in list, or “fail” if no ith item (requires adaptive queries). {0,1}1 {0,1}k … 2k |C-1(1)| {0,1}n {0,1}n
Pseudorandom Sampling • as before, using nonadaptive NP queries, can obtain hash function h:{0,1}n {0,1}k such that 2k |C-1(1)| and no y has > n2 preimages. • idea: use NP oracle to enumerate: Sy = {x : C(x) = 1 and h(x) = y} for those y that are the outputs of a PRG fooling PNP||-circuits • Note: Seems that we require fooling PNP circuits! {0,1}1 {0,1}k …
Sampling • idea: use NP oracle to enumerate: Sy = {x : C(x) = 1 and h(x) = y} for those y that are the outputs of a PRG fooling NP||-circuits • Two issues: • need to convert small circuit that catches this conditional discrepancy set into small NP||-circuit that catches the PRG. • enumeration step seems to require adaptive use of NP oracle.
Non-adaptive witness finding • can deal with both issues using non-adaptive NP witness finding • usual technique: given (x1, x2, …, xn) • 2 queries: is (c1, x2, …, xn) satisfiable for c1=0,1 • if satisfiable for c1=0, then 2 queries: is (0, c2, …, xn) satisfiable for c2=0,1 else 2 queries: is (1, c2, …, xn) satisfiable for c2=0,1 • etc… • at most 2n adaptive queries total
Non-adaptive witness finding • usual technique if unique satisfying assignment: given (x1, x2, …, xn) • is (c1, x2, …, xn) satisfiable for c1=0,1 • is (x1, c2, …, xn) satisfiable for c2=0,1 • … • is (x1, x2, …, cn) satisfiable for cn=0,1 • assemble into single satisfying assignment • 2n non-adaptive queries total
Non-adaptive witness finding • Valiant-Vazirani: randomized procedure • given (x1, x2, …, xn),produce 1, 2, …, n • with high probability this is a “good” set: at least one i has a unique satisfying assignment • Key observation (in KvM):there is a small circuit that given 1, 2, …, n uses non-adaptive NP queries to decide if input is a “good” set • the output of a PRG fooling NP||-circuits includes a “good” set • use non-adaptive procedure from previous slide in parallel on all formulas in the output of the PRG
Putting it all together “pseudorandom object for sampling” Conditional discrepancy set generator: • given C, s, output T {0,1}ns.t. for all circuits D of size s: |Prx[D(x)=1|C(x)=1] - PrtT[D(t)=1|C(t)=1]| ≤ Theorem: in PNP|| if E requires exponential size SV-nondeterministic circuits.
Applications • S2P = those languages L expressible as x L y z R(x, y, z) = 1 x L z y R(x, y, z) = 0 • given x, form matrix: x L: 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 x L: cell (y, z) = R(x, y, z) y z
Applications • Background BPP S2P • known: PNP S2P • S2P ZPPNP (Cai) Theorem: if ENP requires exponential size SV-nondeterministic circuits, then S2P= PNP. • Proof idea: Cai’s argument can be viewed as non-randomized reduction to sampling. Note: This is the strongest example we have of breaking the barrier. Moral: Make better use of assumptions.