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EC Environment r es e arch FP6 “ ARCHAEOMAP ” coordination project Mid Term meeting – Roma-17/ 1 2 /08 « Archaeomap in context of EC policy and FP7 for cultural heritage research ». European Commission DG Research Directorate Environment Unit I 3 Mr Michel CHAPUIS.
ECEnvironmentresearch FP6 “ARCHAEOMAP ” coordination project MidTermmeeting –Roma-17/12/08 « Archaeomap in context of EC policy and FP7 for cultural heritage research » • EuropeanCommission • DGResearch • DirectorateEnvironment • Unit I 3 • Mr Michel CHAPUIS
Research for the “tangible”Cultural Heritage Mostly environment & internat.cooperation (MPC) research have supported and contributed so far to Community interventions programmes and policies: • Cultural heritage based on Art 151 of EC Treaty • Structural Funds based on Art 158 & 159 of ECT. • Water Framework Directive and complementary measures including civil protection • EC « CAFE » Initiative (Clean Air for Europe): mentions the effects of air pollution on C.H. • Legislation on export of cultural goods and cooperation between institutions and museums (mainly movable C.H.) • Since Framework Programme 2 (ENv) in 1986 , FP3 (ENv), FP4(ENv), FP5(ENv), FP6 (SSP), FP7 (ENv)
FP7 (2007-2013)The Specific Programmes Cooperation – Collaborative research Ideas– Frontier Research People – Marie Curie Actions Capacities – Research Capacity + JRC (non-nuclear) JRC (nuclear) Euratom
FP7 The Cooperation Programme Collaborative Research 10 Themes Health Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology Information and Communication Technologies Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and New Production Technologies Energy Environment (including Climate Change) Transport (including Aeronautics) Socio-Economic Sciences and the Humanities Security Space
Clustering in Cultural HeritageFP5-FP6 Projects (mainly ENV-+SSP) Impact of climate change and air pollution on cultural heritage:CARAMEL, MULTIASSESS, CULTSTRAT, NOAH’s ARK Damage preservation & restoration on historic buildings and monuments:ONSITEFORMASONRY, DIAS, ASSET, COMPASS, ROCEM, FORTMED, McDUR, FIRE-TECH,HISTOCLEAN, GRAFFITAGE,LICONS, SALTCONTROL, DESALINATION, CONSIST, CHEF, SPRECOMAH Novel Microbiological Tools for conservation:COALITION, CATS, BIOREINFORCE, BACPOLES, BIOBRUSH, BIODAM Environment inside museums and damage assessment of movable assets:IMPACT, MIMIC, MASTER, LIDO, VIDRIO, IDAP, MULTIENCODE, PAPYLUM, INKCOR, MIP, MODHT, TEXMED, LASERACT, SURVENIR, PAPERTREAT, FING-ART-PRINT, COLLAPSE, SENSORGAN, COINS, PROPAINT, CONSTGLASS, AUTHENTICO Integration of C.H. in the urban and rural setting, archaeology, landscapes and cultural tourism:SUIT, APPEAR, DEMOTEC, HERCOMANES, PICTURE, ARCHAIA, ARCHAEOMAP Others:CHRAF POPART -EC Paris kickoff M. Chapuis 13-14/10/08
FP7 Environment Theme • Objective: Sustainable management of the environment and its resources through: • Advancing our knowledge on the interactions between the biosphere, ecosystems and human activities - Improving understanding • Developing new technologies, tools and services in order to address in an integrated way global environmental issues– Finding solutions
FP7 Environment Theme • Climate Change, Pollution, and Risks(indoor air, strategies for prevention and mitigation of natural hazards) • Management of Resources: management of natural and man-made resources and biodiversity(management and planning of urban environment, preservation of landscape,...) • Environmental Technologies(includes water, waste, air, soil, built environment, cultural heritage, technological assessment…) • Earth Observation & Assessment Tools(forecasting methods, sustainable development & social & economic tensions related to climate change)
Environmental Technologies in FP7 • Environmental Technologies:for managing resources /treating pollution more efficiently, related to water, soil, air, sea, waste…; for preventing or reducing environmental risks and disasters, promoting sustainable production and consumption, technologies for the sustainable management of the human urban and rural environment. • Protection, conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage, including human habitat:improved damage assessment on cultural heritage, development of innovative conservation strategies, foster integration of cultural heritage in the urban setting. • Technology assessment, verification & testing:processes & products, life-cycle analysis (chemicals risk assessment), intelligent testing strategies, European Environmental Technologies Verification and Testing Systems.
Environmental Technologies Cultural Heritage 2007 Call 5 New Projects • ENV.2007. Damage assessment, diagnosis & monitoring for the preventive conservation & maintenance of the cultural heritage • TEACH (Assessment and diagnosis of air pollution) • POPART (Preservation of plastic artefacts in museums collections) • SMOOHs(Smart monitoring of historic structures) • ENV.2007. Technologies, knowledge transfer and optimisation of results in cultural heritage • ERA-NET: NET-Heritage • ENV.2007. Consolidation & dissemination of results • CHRESP (Ljubljana Conference)
Environmental Technologies Cultural Heritage 2008 Call 5 New Projects under negotiation • ENV.2008. Development and application of methodologies, technologies, models and tools for damage assessment, monitoring and adaptation to climate change impacts (excluding extreme events) • 1 Project • ENV.2008. “Cultural heritage identity card” • 2 Projects • ENV.2008. Framework conditions to enhance most promising prototypes • 2 Projects
Environmental Technologies Cultural Heritage 2009 Call Area 6.3.2.Protection, conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage 3 Topics Open • ENV.2008. Technologies for protecting cultural heritage assets from risks and damages resulting from extreme events, especially in the case of earthquakes • ENV.2008. Technologies for protecting cultural heritage assets from risks and damages resulting from extreme events, especially in the case of fires and storms • ENV.2009. : Knowledge transfer and uptake of EU research results
Environmental Technologies Cultural Heritage2009 Call (1) ENV.2008. for protecting cultural heritage assets from risks and damages resulting from extreme events, especially in the case of earthquakes Proposal should critically review existing methods, aim to develop and validate new integrated technologies and tools to reduce vulnerability of moveable and immoveable heritage through non destructive or low intrusive intervention, appropriate retrofitting and reinforcement techniques ensuring authenticity and sustainability. Sensitivity, compatibility and applicability of technology/ methodology/tools to be demonstrated. 1 or 2 small/medium size collaborative projects; participation of industry and SMEs recommended, including ICPCs (esp. MPC); improved maintenance , regulation and standards.
Environmental Technologies Cultural Heritage2009 Call (2) ENV.2008. for protecting cultural heritage assets from risks and damages resulting from extreme events, especially in the case of fires and storms The proposal may address one or both of these 2 risks. Proposal should critically review existing methods & aim to develop and validate new integrated technologies or tools to reduce vulnerability of moveable and immoveable heritage through non destructive or low intrusive intervention, or strengthening of structures whilst ensuring authenticity and sustainability. Sensitivity, compatibility and applicability of the technology/ methodology/ tools to be demonstrated. 1 or 2 small/medium size collaborative projects; high cost efficiency & transferability; participation of industry and SMEs, including ICPCs; improved maintenance, regulation and standards.
Environmental Technologies Cultural Heritage2009 Call (3) ENV.2009. transfer and uptake of EU research results Addressing one or more cross thematic issues including climate change, biodiversity, marine environment, earth observation, urban development and cultural heritage Products and deliverables include conferences and workshops, training, audiovisual and internet material etc. The consortium should include end-users (“policy makers”,civilsociety, industry/SMEs..) & increased collaboration between researchers and these end-users. Coordination and Support Action (supporting action)
Environmental Technologies Future Calls from 2010 onwardsIndicative Topics for Cultural Heritage (I) • Furtheringrecommendations and best practices for accepted methodologies, thresholds and standards in cultural heritage, targetting main urgent issues, in liaison with CEN • Consolidation & dissemination of results:, or other initiatives for exploitation of results, training & education, “audiovisual” material specific events, seminars, printed and e-publications,etc. all over FP7 etc. (through Support Actions) • Authentication, traceability and securityfor sustainable and integrated management of movable cultural assets (for re-consideration at level of Environment Programme Committee, possibly in context of overall«welfare and safety » environmental issues?) • Long term behaviour and use of compatible materials for conservation and restoration (coordinated or implemented jointly with FP7 NMP Programme)
Environmental Technologies Future Calls Indicative Topics for Cultural Heritage (2) • Fostering the integration of cultural heritage in urban setting : regeneration of urban areas and surroundings and rational management of historic complexbuildings in relation with cultural tourism(provisionally “overarching” topic proposed for 2010, still to be confirmed) • Archaeology, cultural landscapes in rural setting: tools for mapping, GIS, excavations, surveying, planning (“overarching” topic envisaged for 2011 and /or 2012) • Protection of submerged cultural heritage including maritime, archaeological & coastal heritageas well as related to lakes, marshes, rivers... ( “overarching” topic possibly for 2012 or 2013)
Environmental Technologies Future Calls Indicative Topics for Cultural Heritage (3) • complementary or in line with FP5 & FP6 finished projects & withfirst finished projects FP7: probably from 2011 onwards taking account of previous projectresults • Further development and application of methodologies, technologies, models and tools for damage assessment, monitoringof cultural heritage objects for preventive conservation & adaptation to environmental/climatechange impacts
Cultural Heritage Need to better coordinate & contribute to: Cultural Heritage needs to be fully embedded in the overall EU Strategy for Sustainable Development : scope and funding limited, therefore: • Research needs to further improve conservation & restoration practices and strengthen the involvement of end-users: owners & managers, conservators, restorers, SMEs, industry • More complementarity & coordination with other EU programmes/ topics : eg built environment & EU programmes e.g. FP7 NMP, IST , public-private opportunities for research & coordination (European Technology Platforms esp. ECTP (but so far no ETP embedding the movable C.H.) and Joint Technology Initiative (JTI) also taking into account the new EU “Recovery Plan” ,operational EU programmes: Education and Culture, Regional policy, External relations (Europe-Aid, Euromed...) • More complementarity & coordination with National, European and international frameworks or those more specialised ( Council of Europe, ESF/COST, EUREKA) and integrate better international dimension (MPC countries, also, Latin America, China, Japan, India, US etc) and worldwide organisationsUNESCO & large agencies,ICCROM,ICOM, ICOMOS, Associations & NGOs (Europa Nostra,..) Contrib.to sp.Charters
Cultural Heritage What’s new? (next steps) • 1st FP7 projects starting in 2008 including NET-Heritage( ERA-Net), CHRESP (Ljubljana conference) ,POPART, TEACH, SMOOHs • European Conference on Cultural Heritage Research Ljubljana, 10th-14th November 2008 : http://www.chresp.eu • Starting negotiations for 5 projects from 2008 Call • Experts sought for next evaluation February-March 2009 for FP7 call 2009: expressions of interest through Cordis registration: avoid conflicts of interest ) • Starting preparation of Work Programme for 2010 (welfare environment and safety: possibly directed to urban C.H. etc..) • EU enlargement continues - after the 10 new EU MS - Romania, Bulgaria joined on 1/1/07& to be followed next by Croatia, and probably other candidate Balkan /neighbouring countries & international dimension, also EU Associated States
2009 CallKey dates • 3 September 2008: Call Published • 8 January 2009: Deadlinefor Call • February/March 2009: Evaluation of Proposals
FP7- Environment Theme Who to contact in DG Research? • Urban Development : Marie YEROYANNI (marie.yeroyanni@ec.europa.eu) • Built Environment : Adèle LYDON (adele.lydon@ec.europa.eu) • Cultural Heritage :Michel CHAPUIS (michel.chapuis@ec.europa.eu) • also Adele Lydon and Astrid Brandt-Grau • Water: Panagiotis BALABANIS (panagiotis.balabanis@ec.europa.eu) • Technology Assessment: Michele GALATOLA (michele.galatola@ec.europa.eu) • Waste: Wojciech KLIMEK (wojciech.klimek@ec.europa.eu) • Indoor Air Pollution: Claus BRUENING (claus.bruening@ec.europa.eu) • Natural Hazards : Denis PETER (denis.peter@ec.europa.eu)
Useful Websites FP7 & The Environment Theme • Calls & Docs: http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/calls • http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/environment/home_en.html • Helpdesk: http://ec.europa.eu/research/enquiries • NCP Network: http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ncp_en.html • Evaluators :http://cordis.europa.eu/experts • Technology Platforms : http://cordis.europa.eu/technology-platforms/home_en.html
Thank you for your attention • We expect & wish you a successful ARCHAEOMAP project michel.chapuis@ec.europa.eu