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WHAT IS THE SPIRIT SAYING TO US?. GREED. HIV Aids. We can with our tell another story . . . transformed and changed.
We can with our tell another story . . . transformed and changed
Look at the image, taking in every detail without critiqueObserve the colors, shapes, shadow, lines, empty spacesAllow your unfiltered response to arise – feelings, memories, thoughtNotice and welcome these reactions without evaluationHow do these feelings, evoked by the image connect with your life at present?What desires are stirring in you?How are you drawn to respond?Simply rest in God’s presence
As warriors for the human spirit we focus onbeing a difference
We must first see the world in all its life-destroying detail and not grasp for small shreds of evidence that the old maps Still work
We must acknowledge where we are lost in violence, greed, self-interest & cruel powera dark place and our familiar practices and maps no longer give us the information we need to find our way.
Only as we open ourselves to the world as it is, to the enormous tragedy of this time will we find the strength and confidence to do meaningful work in a terrible time.
Skills of insightand compassionto serve this dark time with bravery, decency, and gentle power, free from fear, aggression and violence.
God puts out our lights to keep us safe • We are never more in danger of stumbling than when we think we know where we are going • W hen we can no longer read the maps we have brought with us .. Then are we vulnerable to God’s protection
It is only a sense of God… not an idol …should I lose it again, I hope I will be given the wisdom to continueto trust God in the absence of any sense of God.
“La noche obscura”“dark night”a loss of illusion where the spirit of God moves
A warning call to attend to what God is allowing to happen to us here and now
change –conversionisolation –independence/interdependencedarkness -faithfear –couragepowerlessness –surrendervulnerability –self acceptanceexhaustion – endurancescars -transformation
Each step = A call • To move from spiritual torpor to spiritual vitality • To live at an antipodal depth of soul
New strength & new sense of selfNew compassion & new sense of the purpose of lifeHope
Warriors of the spiritdevelop skills of insight and compassion to serve this dark time with bravery, decency, and gentle power, free from fear, aggression and violence.