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Bill of Rights Flash Cards. 6th Amendment (right to an lawyer, legal counsel). This amendment guarantees you the right to legal assistance, or a lawyer to defend you in a court of law. 1st Amendment (freedom of speech).
Bill of Rights Flash Cards
6th Amendment(right to an lawyer, legal counsel) This amendment guarantees you the right to legal assistance, or a lawyer to defend you in a court of law.
1st Amendment(freedom of speech) This amendment gives you the right to give a public speech without fear of being punished for your opinion. (pictured: Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream Speech)
6th Amendment(right to an impartial jury of peers) This amendment gives a person who is on trial the right to have a fair and impartial jury of their peers decide whether they are guilty, or not guilty.
1st Amendment(freedom of religion) This amendment stated that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”; there is a separation of church and state (government).
3rd Amendment(no quartering of troops) Based upon their experiences with the British and the Quartering Act, some wanted to protect Americans from having to house troops in their homes against their will.
4th Amendment(no unreasonable search and seizure) If the police want to search your home, they need probable cause (some evidence) and they need a warrant from a judge which states where and what they are searching for.
5th Amendment(guilt beyond a reasonable doubt) The prosecution must prove their case against you beyond a reasonable doubt. If there is any doubt, the judge instructs the jury that they must rule not guilty.
8th Amendment(no cruel and unusual punishment) This amendment protects you from having the police or court system from inflicting “cruel and unusual punishment” on you. Nor excessive bail or fines. The punishment should fit the crime.
1st Amendment(freedom of speech) This amendment protects the freedom of the press. We can publish newspapers, books, magazines, radio, internet, etc., without fear of having the government punish you for your views.
9th Amendment(Rights to the people) 1. Rights not listed in the Constitution are retained and kept by the people (ex: the right to privacy).
2nd Amendment(right to bear arms) Many felt this amendment needed to be part of the Bill of Rights. Based upon the Americans experiences under British rule, they felt that a “well-regulated militia” was necessary to the security of a free state. Or, the right to bear arms.
5th Amendment(no double jeopardy) This amendment protects people from standing trial for the same crime twice (once guilt or innocence has been determined). OJ Simpson could’ve said “I did it.” after he was found not guilty. He could not be charged again for the same crime. (This doesn’t protect people from getting sued by someone in a civil court for for money). This is the cover of his controversial book “If I Did It”
7th Amendment(Civil Suits) In cases where one person is suing another for more than 20 dollars, they have the right have a trial by a jury to decide the outcome.
5th Amendment(no self-incrimination) This amendment protects you from having to testify as a witness against yourself, or no self-incrimination (“I plead the ….” ).
7th Amendment(jury decision cannot be re-examined) Once the jury has announced their verdict (decision), the judge can’t overrule that decision.
5th Amendment(eminent domain) The government can’t take away your property unless they can justify it and pay for what your home is worth.
1st Amendment(Freedom of Assembly) People have the right to peacefully assemble (gather) to express their viewpoints; protest, picketing, marches, etc. (pictured: Washington D.C. Mall - MLK’s “I Have a Dream Speech” - August 28th, 1963)
10th Amendment(Powers to the states) 1. The states retain (keep) powersexcept those denied to them by the Constitution, or those which are given to the federal government (ex: the right for the states to run their own schools).