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BOREDOM BUSTERS. Breaking the Bonds of Boredom. Everyone is bored… Sometime Boredom is….. boring. Boredom is…. The place where we begin to hate the sameness of our lives. Everything becomes tasteless . Nothing satisfies . Avram Davis. Boredom is….

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  1. BOREDOMBUSTERS Breaking the Bonds of Boredom

  2. Everyone is bored…SometimeBoredom is…..boring

  3. Boredom is… The place where we begin to hatethe sameness of our lives. Everythingbecomes tasteless. Nothing satisfies. Avram Davis

  4. Boredom is…. When we must do what we don’twant to do OR don’t want to do what we must. Linda Deal

  5. RESEARCH says…. Some people are more prone to boredom than others (Farmer & Sundberg, 1986, Eysenck & Zuckerman, 1978, Sundberg & Bisno, 1983) Adolescents Males Seniors Extroverts


  7. RESEARCH Says: Boredom leads to other problems (The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University) Drug Abuse School attendance School dropouts Overeating Underachievement Alcoholism

  8. Boredom occurs in and out of school (Larson & Richards, 1991) Boredom can be situational or dispositional (Farmer & Sundberg, 1986) RESEARCH SAYS:

  9. Boredom and Gifted Research • A student does not have to be gifted to be bored in school (Feldhusen & Kroll, 1991; Gallagher, Harradine & Coleman, 1997; Larson & Richards, 1991) • A lack of challenge is the most commonly identified cause for classroom boredom. (Gentry, Gable & Springer, 2000). • Gifted children spend at least one-fourth to one-half of the regular classroom time waiting for others to catch up. Boredom is rampant because of the age tracking in our public schools. Webb, Meckstroth and Tolan, 1982; Winner, 2000 • 871 gifted students cited lack of challenge with boredom when they stated their opinions of their schooling. (Gallagher, Harradine, and Coleman,1997) • Boredom occurs when teachers expect too little" Csikszentmihalyi, Rathunde, and Whalen (1993)

  10. CAUSES Not enough physical activity Does not feel in control Basic needs are not fulfilled Does not have coping options

  11. Physical Activity • Gifted children have psychomotor intensities. • Talk fast and often • Always fidgeting • Nervous habits • Compulsively doing something • Marked enthusiasm

  12. Feelings of Control • Gifted children have sensual/intellectual intensities • Pressure for action • Compulsive organizing • Detailed planning • Internal locus of control

  13. Basic Needs Fulfilled Gifted children have many needs • Need for competition • Need to be in the • Need for positive feelings of self worth • Need to have fears and anxieties • Need for others to understand them in relationships • Need for emotional ties and attachments • Need to have feelings of inadequacy and inferiority allayed limelight calmed strong

  14. Coping Options Because many gifted children are creative and intelligent, they may have a range of possible coping skills. wider

  15. Ask your students:Are you really bored?OR……

  16. Do you fully understand the assignment and what is expected?

  17. Are you afraid you will not perform well?

  18. Are you simply disinterested in completing the work?

  19. Do you know why it is important to complete this work?

  20. Does this work remind you of something you had to complete in the past that you did not like?

  21. Do you think if you wait long enough, you will not have to complete the work?

  22. Do you believe you have any choices?

  23. Have you worked on this activity too long?


  25. Tired, apathetic, listless Impatient, trapped Helpless, confused, conflicted Sad, displeased, Annoyed, angry, frustrated Dull, disinterested Repetitive When we are bored we …. feel

  26. Responses to Boredom Believes work is too easy, too difficult or just acts disinterested Procrastinates because it requires too much effort to begin

  27. Responses to Boredom Act inappropriately • Talk back • Challenges authority • Disregard the rules • Shows hostility • Damages property • Truancy

  28. TRACK IT! Boredom Log

  29. Track It!...The Boredom Log WHEN? Time of day? Check for physical reasons

  30. Track It!...The Boredom Log WHAT? Type of Activity? Plan ways to remain engaged to hold interest

  31. Track It!... The Boredom Log WHAT? Content Area? Keep a RELEVANCY LOG Content? teaching style? learning style?

  32. Track It!...The Boredom Log WHERE? Environmental… (light, heat, noise, distractions) Address learning style

  33. Track It!...The Boredom Log WHY? FEELINGS Confusion, lack of direction

  34. What’s a Teacher to do? • Take a break during class Change physical position in the room • Stand up instead of raising hand Move desks mid class • Do some quick easy movements

  35. What’s a teacher to do? Offer multiple-intelligence type choices for students Create tiered assignments Offer choice of products and assessment Brainstorm a class list of things to combat boredom

  36. What’s a teacher to do? Help students recognize their feelings of boredom so they know how to initiate coping strategies Give class directions in a way emphasizing fun/enjoyment to reduce stress

  37. What’s a teacher to do? Help students know the relevance of the studies. Pretest and skip Use a variety of presentations and activities to learn material

  38. Assess Your Class • Ask your students: • What was boring and what was interesting • Sound an alarm and have students write down what was on their mind at that minute. Keep track of the time and topic • Give a rating scale of things covered in class

  39. Be Enthusiastic Even when giving directions Change the assignment to become more exciting

  40. Pace Change the Use graphic organizers and PowerPoint's instead of wordy handouts

  41. your Lesson Disorganize Talk less. Let students provide the information while you fill in the outline. Role play. Let students become the teacher, designing worksheets, activities, presentation

  42. your Lesson Disorganize Fishbowl. Divide into groups and let each group present a different chapter or topic Use games. Let students create games, designing questions, rules etc. Use “fat” questions. Use Bloom’s higher level questioning.

  43. Develop Boredom Awareness Help students become self aware Brainstorm boredom behaviors Brainstorm a list of coping strategies

  44. Develop Boredom Awareness Help students have an internal file of alternatives.

  45. Tips for Battling Boredom Use different color notebook paper Use sticky notes to collect good ideas you have when you’re supposed to be thinking of something else. Use another part of your brain. Turn the class into a movie set. Imagine how it would look from different camera angles. Imagine the scenery, costumes, maybe a different place…the moon?

  46. Tips for Battling Boredom Ask fun questions to yourself about the topic. How would a clown, a movie star, or how would I use this information in ten years? How would I explain it to my dog?

  47. Tips for Battling Boredom Make lists of everything…. gifts to buy, ideas for projects, places you want to go, slogans for campaigns, favorite meals or songs. Sit in a different chair

  48. Tips for Battling Boredom Play games with opposites: similar to, different from, its opposite. Comedy like/unlike drama. Girls like/unlike boys Think about how inanimate objects feel: Would three rather be a five? How a noun feels about being a noun?

  49. Tips for Battling Boredom Remember: Students need to keep their imagination going while staying connected to the material that is being taught!

  50. So….. What are you willing to do to become a BOREDOM BUSTER?

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