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Cash Receipts Accounts Receivable Cash Receipts/ Account Receivable “The End of the Road” These modules show the results of the rest of the modules combined. How well did things work? What went wrong? How do students get charged?
Cash Receipts Accounts Receivable
Cash Receipts/ Account Receivable “The End of the Road” These modules show the results of the rest of the modules combined. How well did things work? What went wrong?
How do students get charged? • How much a student is charged is determined by rate tables. • Built within the tables, are rules that help determine which table and how much to charge. • Tables and rules are looking at criteria such as: residency date, gender, date of birth, schedule type.
Charges (continued) • When registrations are done through RGN, registration charges should happen automatically. • Any registration error messages that are received when registering, should not be ignored. • Generally errors are something that happen in another part of the system and must be fixed in another part of the system, then the student must be rebilled.
When charges need help! • Anytime that registration dates and statuses are changed on something other than RGN, students must be rebilled by the business office. • Anytime that there are billing errors that occur during RGN, the errors must be fixed and then rebilled.
Examples of items that AR/CR look out from other modules • Residency date • Gender • Selective service information • Date of birth (for age) • Mechanics of “how” classes are added and dropped
Examples of items that AR/CR look at from other modules (continued) • Hours at census date for financial aid • General ledger account numbers • Project I.D.s
What can go wrong? Student doesn’t get billed because: • Student doesn’t have a gender on NAE • Student’s selective service information is not consistent • Student’s schedule is changed other than RGN and is not manually rebilled • Residency date is after the start of the class
Results in: • Students getting classes for free • Student gets grades
What else can go wrong? • Financial aid students that were greater than 6 credit hours at their census date, are not when their loans come in. Even if they are less than 6 credit hours, their loans will pay through. Those have to be stopped manually. • Students that are added back after the census date, will not get their financial aid unless the dates are adjusted.
Accounts Receivable/Financial Aid • When financial aid can be credited to the student accounts is determined by federal regulations – no earlier than 10 days prior to the start of a quarter. • The business office runs the process to move financial aid onto the student accounts.
Accounts Receivable/Financial Aid (continued) • Only one person at a time can be running the process. • Currently running the process wide open takes approximately 15 hours per quarter. • We are trying to get a saved list that will allow us to run only people that need to be processed to cut down on time.
Cash Receipts • Cashier’s look students up by Cougar ID on CREN. • A term is specified. • Cashier’s see only a balance owed. They do not know if that is for all classes, or if financial aid or something else has covered a portion of the classes. • Cannot see if they owe for another term.
Cash Receipts, Continued • Only way to see what terms are owed for, and specific terms are to go into specific AR screens • ARTI – Shows all the terms for specific AR Type with charges, credits and payments, and balance owed. • ARAI – Details for every transaction for a specific quarter.
How registration is reflected in AR • Any time a student adds or drops a course, the system will automatically take off the entire old schedule and put on an entirely new schedule. • That is why a large portion of our students have over $10,000 in charges and credits/payments each quarter.
How registration is reflected in AR • Two lines of activity are created on ARAI. • Screen becomes very difficult to read and comprehend due to large number of adds and drops. • You can drill in on the invoice voucher date to get details about the actual classes. • It is in the details that you can see tuition forfeiture.
A word about Student Owed Debts • By law cannot be written off • All student owed and company owed debts were converted to Colleague • Student owed debts from legacy are in a different AR Type, so will not be shown on ARTI, at the same time as current debts. • You will be prompted for an AR type right after putting in the Cougar ID.
Sponsors • Sponsors are third party payments being made by companies or organizations. • They can be section sponsored (paying for the entire section of students) either a flat amount or our regular amount that we charge per credit hour.
Sponsors (continued) • They can be student sponsors where the company is paying for specific students to take specific courses, which can result in a sponsor paying part of a student’s fees and the student being responsible for the balance. • They can be credit or non credit.
Sponsors (continued) • Some third party sponsors must go through Financial Aid, rather than Accounts Receivable. • Continued problem, which is Project ID 04-046 is that students are receiving refund checks for dropping classes instead of the sponsor that paid for the class.
ACH • We are able to transfer students excess financial aid and funds from dropping classes directly into their bank accounts! • We had this capability in legacy, but lost it with the implementation of Colleague. • Have it back better than before beginning Winter, 2005
ACH (continued) • The first time we used direct deposit, we sent almost 4,200 students money directly to their bank. • Programming specs were developed by Columbus State, and programming was done by Datatel. • They are already beginning to have clients call me about how it works!
1098-T • Informs the student what they were charged for the year, and any financial aid that they received, other than loans. • Submitted first half of year in legacy and second half of year in Colleague • Next year, all colleague.
Projects Not Frozen • 04-035 Record Locking on Automatic Transmittal of Financial Aid. • Causing the DREG process to take longer because we need to run the transmittal process wide open. • When students add and drop courses they can’t immediately tell how much money they are due back or need to pay.
Projects Not Frozen (continued) • 04-036 Destination 7 Award Transmittal Problem. • Causes students that have particular Aid Award Codes (like employee fee waivers and others) to receive checks for refunds when they should be going back to the aid source.
Projects Not Frozen (continued) • 04-046 Sponsor Billing Drop/Refund Issue • Students are getting refunds when they are dropping their classes instead of the refund going to the Sponsor. • These are not being run through financial aid.
Projects Not Frozen (continued) • 04-016 Virtual Field X.AR.PAR.MISC1-MISC5 • Allows us to exclude students in collection, bankruptcy and other population of students from getting statements that we are not supposed to be sending them. • 03-008 Optional Fee Interface – Telephone fee payment for tuition, fees, parking, etc.
Projects Not Frozen (continued) • 03-007 Parking Management System – • This has to do with registration, paying for, and distributing parking stickers. • It also includes vehicle registration information, etc. • This is a collaboration between Public Safety and Business Office.
Projects Not Frozen (continued) • 04-030 Web Page Account Summary Change • This will allow the name and term to print on a receipt from the WEB. • This is used by students submitting information to their employees. • 03-079 – Cash receipts Posting Query • Query to confirm that everyone that is registered got billed.