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Education for All. THE QUALITY IMPERATIVE. Education for All THE QUALITY IMPERATIVE. The world is not on track to achieve the six EFA goals Without better quality, EFA is unattainable
Education for AllTHE QUALITY IMPERATIVE • The world is not on track to achieve the six EFA goals • Without better quality, EFA is unattainable • This report defines education quality, shows why it matters and indicates how it can be improved, particularly in poorer countries • Achieving this and the other goals will require both policy change and more resources from the international community
Out-of-school children by region (in millions), 2001 Progress towards UPE 81.7% in 1990, 84% in 2001 NET ENROLMENT RATIOS IN PRIMARY EDUCATION Pace of change too slow to reach UPE by 2015 103.5 million out-of-school children in 2001 Net enrolment ratio: 85% in 2005, 87% in 2015
Gender parity Progress towards Gender Parity 57% of out of school children are girls Girls’ enrolment lags behind boys’ in 40% of countries at primary level Disparities more extreme at secondary and tertiary levels
Gender parity GPI (F/M) in adult literacy, 2000-2004 Literacy and adult learning 800 million adults without literacy, 70% live in nine countries 64% of adult illiterates are women
Progress towards ECCE A strong influence on future school performance • Slow global progress: in the majority of countries, GER in pre-primary education is still below 50% • Children from disadvantaged backgrounds more likely to be excluded • Attendance rates considerably higher for urban children than those living in rural areas
Overall progress The EFA Development Index measures progress towards UPE, gender parity, literacy and quality • 41 countries have achieved or nearly achieved the four goals • 51 countries have EDI values between 0.80 and 0.94. Almost half the countries in this category, most of them in Latin America, lag on the education quality goal • 35countries are very far from achieving the goals, with EDI values below 0.80. 22are in Sub-Saharan Africa, plus Bangladesh, India and Pakistan
Education QualityGoal 6 “Improving all aspects of the quality of education and ensuring excellence of all so that recognized and measurable learning outcomes are achieved by all, especially in literacy, numeracy and essential life skills” Dakar Framework for Action, 2000
The Quality Challenge A good quality education encompasses: • Cognitive development: reading, writing, numeracy • Creative and emotional development and the promotion of attitudes and values necessary for effective life in the community A good quality education carries personal and social benefits: • better health, lower fertility, lower exposure to HIV/AIDS • higher personal income • stronger national growth
Education and HIV/AIDS:Knowledge causes behaviour to change HIV prevalence in rural Uganda (%) by education category, 1990-2001 (individuals aged 18-29)
The Paradox:Test scores and changes in per pupil expenditures in OECD
Expenditure Impact Production function studies, developing countries
Learning from the evidence A wide range of evidence indicates that additional resources improve education quality, particularly where they are scare • Studies show that more resources for: • Low pupil-teacher ratios • more and better textbooks • time spent learning in school or at home • teacher qualifications and experience • matter for quality
How resources are used is important for quality Research on the characteristics of effective schools highlights the importance of the following factors: • strong leadership • emphasis on learning basic skills • orderly and secure school environment • high expectations of pupil attainment • frequent assessment of progress
Rising to the challenge The report draws lessons from 11 “ambitious” and “high-performing” countries on the quality front The ambitious countries Bangladesh, Brazil, Chile, Egypt, Senegal, South Africa and Sri Lanka have introduced policies to expand access and address quality. Reforms focus on teachers, training, curriculum, management and achieving greater equity The high-performing countries Canada, Cuba, Finland and Republic of Korea have achieved universal access, give teachers high status, have explicit vision of education’s objectives and policy continuity over time
Quality diagnosis highlights In many low-income countries more than one third of children have limited reading skills even after four to six years in school • Stark regional inequalities: a child in Africa spends five to six fewer years in school than one in Western Europe • Drop-out: in 30 out of 91 countries with data,less than 75% of children reach grade 5 • Large classrooms: pupil-teacher ratios on the rise in countries where education has expanded rapidly. • Lack of teacher training and poor conditions of service hinder learning in many low-income countries.
Quality diagnosis: achievement tests International assessments point to weak performance • Southern Africa: in 4 countries less than 10% and in 3 others around one-third or less of tested grade 6 students reach a ‘desirable level’ in reading • Francophone Africa: in 6 countries, between 14% and 43% of grade 5 pupils have low achievement in French or mathematics • OECD countries: between 2% and 10% of 15-year-olds have serious deficiencies in literacy skills, whereas in middle and low-income countries, between 20% and 50% do so
% that has ever % that % that achieved NER in primary enrolled survived to minimum for the period Study (ages 6-14) grade 5 mastery before the test Country Cohort SACMEQ Malawi 100 91 31 7 69 (1995) Mauritius 100 99 98 52 99 Grade 6 Reading test Namibia 100 97 74 19 84 U. R.Tanzania 100 87 70 18 54 PIRLS (2001) Colombia 100 98 60 27 87 Grade 4 Reading test Morocco 100 99 77 59 81 PASEC Burkina Faso 100 35 25 21 28 (mid 1990s) Cameroon 100 88 45 33 73 Grade 5 French test Côte d’Ivoire 100 65 45 38 49 Guinea 100 48 32 21 36 Madagascar 100 78 31 20 63 Senegal 100 48 42 25 51 Togo 100 82 49 40 66 Quantity versus quality in primary schooling Quantitative versus qualitative indicators of participation in primary schooling
Towards better quality: a holistic approach Start with learners and take all actors into account
Primary education: pupil/teacher ratios and survival to the last grade, 2001 In the classroom: investing in teachers Only one-third of students reach last grade of primary education where pupil/teacher ratios are high
Can conditions of service attract teachers? Real wages of teachers have declined relative to average incomes in low-income countries • In Africa, teacher earnings were lower in real terms in 2000 than they were in 1970 • Earnings often too low to provide an acceptable standard of living: less than $2 a day in Sierra Leone government schools, but even less in community schools • Significant reductions from 1998-2001 in Argentina, Indonesia, Philippines, Tunisia and Uruguay
In the classroom:pedagogical renewal Rigid chalk and talk pedagogy is widespread • Discovery-based pedagogies pioneered in many programmes are difficult to implement on national scale in resource-constrained contexts • Structured teaching is a pragmatic option in low-income settings. Teacher presents material in small steps, checks student understanding and encourages interaction • Regular assessment and feedback improves learning
Other essentials that make the difference • Curriculum: relevant, balanced with carefully defined aims • Instructional time: few countries reach recommended 850-1,000 hours/year • Learning materials: strong impact on learning but small percentage of education spending goes to textbooks • Language: Successful models start in mother tongue and make gradual transition to second or foreign language • School environment: safety, health, sanitation for girls and boys, access for disabled
Beyond the classroom: policies conducive to better quality • Governance: school leadership, room for consultation between teachers, governments and other stakeholders on curriculum, employment and working conditions • Participatory learning networks and professional advisory bodies to encourage sharing of best practice • Combating corrupt practices: fraud in public tendering for school buildings and textbooks, nepotism and bribes in teacher appointment and examinations • Equity: reducing regional and social inequalities advances education for all
National resources: finance and quality In low income countries, increasing spending has a positive impact on learners’ cognitive achievement • 6% of GNP recommended on education spending not reached in majority of countries • Education spending higher in rich countries (5.1% of GNP) than in systems where access and quality remain a top challenge (under 4% in Africa and East Asia/Pacific) • Spendingincreases in East Asia and Pacific and Latin American and Caribbean in late 1990s, but -24% in Philippines; -8% in Indonesia
National resources: finance and quality Students in countries that invest more in education tend to have better literacy skills. In high-income states, the impact of additional resources is less clear
International commitments: the need for sustained investment • The Dakar Pledge: No country seriously committed to education will be thwarted by lack of resources • Bilateral and multilateral aid to basic education = $1.54 billion • New pledges could increase aid to $3.2 billion • This falls short of $5.6 billion additional resources to achieve UPE and gender parity goals • Fast Track Initiative: total resources so far raised are tiny compared with requirements. Even in the first ten countries endorsed, a financing gap of $200 million remains
Improving aid effectiveness • Eight donors account for 85% of bilateral aid to education • All donors -except Finland - that give relatively high priority to education aid make post-secondary the most important level • Fragmented programmes: donors disburse aid to an average 63 countries; recipient countries dealt on average with seven to twelve bilateral donors in 2001-2002 • Few studies link aid and better learning outcomes
Wrapping up Education quantity and quality are complements, not substitutes • Successful qualitative reforms require: • Prime attention to quality of teaching profession • Strong leading role by government • A societal project for improving education • Policy continuity over time EFA Global Monitoring Report www.efareport.unesco.org / efareport@unesco.org