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Inspections and Ofsted Ken O’Connell Tel: 07976965565 Email: ken.oconnell@cwc.ac.uk

Inspections and Ofsted Ken O’Connell Tel: 07976965565 Email: ken.oconnell@cwc.ac.uk. Session aims: Increase familiarity with proposals for the new Inspection Framework Understanding the changing emphasis from CIF to EIF - Consider how you might prepare for an

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Inspections and Ofsted Ken O’Connell Tel: 07976965565 Email: ken.oconnell@cwc.ac.uk

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  1. Inspections and Ofsted Ken O’Connell Tel: 07976965565 Email: ken.oconnell@cwc.ac.uk

  2. Session aims: • Increase familiarity with proposals for the new Inspection Framework • Understanding the changing emphasis from CIF to EIF • - Consider how you might prepare for an • ‘impending’ Inspection if inspected from • next academic year (2019/20 ) • N.B. Anything in red is important/a tip

  3. What Ofsted says: • There are 2 linked themes that run all the way through the DRAFTEIF • Education Inspection Framework: • https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/770937/Further_education_and_skills_draft_handbook_140119.pdf • the substance of education • integrity • Ofsted, ‘… are proposing an evolutionary shift that rebalances inspection to look rather more closely at the substance of education: what is taught and how it is taught, with test and exam outcomes looked at in that context, not in isolation’ • Amanda Spielman (Ofsted Chief Inspector)

  4. ‘JEDI’ • Judgement • Evidence • ‘Dent’ (Impact) • 0n the INDIVIDUAL • CHALLENGE! CHALLENGE! CHALLENGE everything!

  5. Frequency of inspection: Mainly the same: • Grade 1: Inspection is not routine, but if ‘performance’ (in the new system*?) declines … • Grade 2: 5 years(?)….but if ‘performance’ as measured by EIF,declines, possibly Full(?). • Also part of Ofsted surveys/monitoring visit. • Grade 3: Full re-inspection within 12/24(?) - 30 months, with monitoring visit beforehand • Grade 4: Re-inspection monitoring visits (MV), i.e. a graded inspection. MV: • - is ‘graded’: Insufficient/reasonable/significant progress, • explores 1+ themes, ‘…to assess progress against these themes in order to encourage improvement and assess risk’ • can lead to full (early?) inspection’; • Full (re)inspection within 15 months

  6. Frequency of inspection: • New Providers: i.e. directly funded for Apprenticeships: • - monitoring visit within 24 months; • - inspection within next 24 months • Merged Providers: • Normally full inspection within 3 years of merger

  7. Before the inspection • Selection for inspection • Risk Assessment in 2 stages: • Stage 1 analysis of published data • Stage 2 in-depth (about March?) , desk-based review, including: • previous Ofsted records • Your SAR (TIP: Make it match the new EIF???) • Your Performance data • Your Destination data • Info: concerns raised, by a funding body/govregs, employers, parents, carers and/or learners • Your learners/parents/carers/employers views (online) • Your ‘local’ intelligence, e.g. changes to leaders/structures • Info re: significant changes to TOP/No. of learners • Your size/complexity e.g. no. and range of TOP, geographical spread • Any relevant info received at any time in the year

  8. Inspection duration: Days allocated to inspection and inspection team members: No change Full: normally lasts between 2-5 days on site Short: 2-3 days on site; Monitoring visits: 1-2 days, depending on the scope of visit/size of provider; No. of inspectors will vary given size/complexity of provider NB No Campus Inspections (See next slide?)… If not, there will be implications. TIP: Make sure all are compliant! Ofsted want to see consistency!

  9. How are we judged? • In line with the EIF, inspectors will make judgements on the following areas: • overall effectiveness (OE), • OE informed by 4 key judgements (KJs): • quality of education • behaviour and attitudes • personal development • leadership and management • How are the revised KJs made up? Next slide • What do the revised KJs cover? Slide following

  10. In summary Focus on curriculum: - Quality of Education replaces TLA • Curriculum intent, implementation and impact • Outcomes subsumed into impact Separate judgements on Personal Development; Behaviour ans attitudes? Fewer provision types • Education for young people; Apprenticeships; Adult LPs Curriculum implantation and Careers added to short RI – max re-inspection moved from 24 – 30 months Campus Inspection delayed

  11. What are the ‘User’ Views and how significant are they? • Views of learners, parents/carers, employers • and staff are important • -As before: Ofsted’s online questionnaires, Learners; • Parents/Carers/Employers • Added: Employees • Internal surveys do not replace those conducted by Ofsted • Views will be sought through meetings during inspection of learners selected by inspectors/through open-invitation meetings • TIP: Start training students (sts) and staff(?) now

  12. Evidence gathering and recording: • No realchange except for these in red • Focus of meetings: Evaluating impact on learners’ personal development, learning, progress, outcomes by ‘the provider’s staff’ . • Discussions with learners • (Increased?) scrutiny of their work (TIP: Start working on this now) • - KJ: the quality of education: based on, ‘the impact that • education has on learners’ outcomes & personal development’ • Evidence: • direct observation; • evaluation & use of of learning materials; • use of technology to deliver content/assess learning; (TIP: as above…make sure your Observation system focuses ion this too) • what learners know/understand/ can do/make as a result of their learning.(TIP: Test through Obs of TLA/Focus groups)

  13. Observations: • - Few‘long’ observations with feedback (?); • Most short (5-15 mins), focused ‘visits’ to lessons/workshops, which may have a specific focus, e.g. attendance, learner support, ILPs. No feedback • No grading of the teaching or training observed by inspectors • TIP: Start a system now which focuses on your weaknesses (attendance/punctuality/ lesson plans, etc.) and report back on it

  14. Observations: • Joint observations: no change • Purpose of Observation • For gathering evidence: • - about ‘implementation’ & how sessions contribute to QOE • - about how well staff implement curriculum, i.e. by ‘looking at teaching …evidence collected through discussions and work scrutiny, contributing to KJs, including behaviour and attitudes. • N.B. Work scrutiny: as now: Connecting work scrutiny to lesson observation/discussions with students/employers. N.B However, staff may (will?) be invited to participate in joint scrutiny of work (Tip: Prepare for this: Volunteers/Train ‘staff’ and/or have your own tested systems for scrutinising work and show Inspectors the results)

  15. DATA • No change: • Analysis of performance of the provider will use most recent validated data at: • overall provider level; • or individual subjects • or TOP. • ‘Although data alone will not lead directly to judgements, the primary data that measures success for each type of provision will provide important evidence for judging the impact of the quality of education.’ Tip: Know your 3 years trends: teachers and managers. Even better if students can quote to say whey they joined a course

  16. Learner Progress (LP): No real change • LP will be evaluated in relation to learners’ starting points, ‘based on their: • rate of learning; Are they are where they should be? • acquisition of knowledge; Ditto • skills and behaviours: Ditto • whether they have achieved their individual, challenging targets.’ (at this time in the year…think about how you do this?)

  17. SAR Tip: If you haven’t got a SAR, prepare for one NOW SARs: Used to assess risk, monitor standards and plan for inspection (Tip: Update this info frequently on Ofsted site). Tip: If not available/in advance, the provider should share the latest report/plan(s) i.e. Tip: Get Position Papers/Statements, with Lead preferably at notification inspection or on Day 1. N.B. ‘Where a report is not available at the risk assessment and planning stage, inspectors will use readily available data, using these to compare their findings.’

  18. Types of Provision (TOP): • Education programmes for young people • Same as for schools re 16-19 and 14-16 (including EHC Plans and SEND/HN Learners): • Inspectors will assess: • How well leaders/teachers promote high expectations and progression (TIP: Have a clear system in place to provide this) • How leaders/teachers develop/adopt ‘a purposeful curriculum’ for progression…including EMS, WEX, other activities (TIP: EMS, how do you show development in/out of class? Good WEX? Other activities: visits, outside speakers, volunteering?) • Quality of careers guidance for progress to other education/employment/training/ independent living (TIP: Sts need to know what CE is & how and have accessed this. Make sure there is evidence) • observations of teaching/assessment & discussions: consider how well learners develop personal, social and independent learning skills; good punctuality, attendance, attitudes (TIP: Policies fully in place, evidenced by practice?)

  19. TOP: Adult learning programmes • Inspectors will judge: • Curriculum relevant to their interests and the needs of local employment* • How L&M focus public funding on: • disadvantaged/least likely to participate in education and training/work with other partners to widen participation/support* • progression to further learning and/or employment ‘relevant to their personal circumstances.’* • TIPs: • a. Make sure you have evidence to support * • b. Record progress/achievements to inform • teaching/support

  20. TOP Apprenticeships No change • initial assessment; • reviews. • up-to-date technical training • behaviours

  21. What you should do to prepare: • Start thinking about: • And concentrate on your deficiencies (and even Grade 1 College have these) identified: • at your last inspection; • in your SAR • 2. Emerging common strengths • 3. Emerging A4I • 4. what teachers need to start preparing (SOW; Lesson Plans; Assessed work; Profiles, etc.) • 5. Anything else you can think of…including everything in red in this presentation • Plan for every eventuality

  22. CONSULTATION? • Give your views… • Consultation closes: • - at 11.45pm • on 5th April • Go to: • https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/education-inspection-framework-2019-inspecting-the-substance-of-education

  23. Recap of Session • Increase familiarity with proposals for the new Inspection Framework • Understanding the changing emphasis from CIF to EIF • - Consider how you might prepare for an • ‘impending’ Inspection if inspected from • next academic year (2019/20 ) • Round table discussion on Inspections • Feedback

  24. Teachers • Know your data • Know your students (tracking, profiles, targets, progression…’ • Students know where they are; what they are heading for both outcomes and destinations (Careers) • Observation Prep…docs etc. • Assessments/marked work

  25. Presentation • If you use this presentation, make sure you refer to the latest version of the CIF Handbooks… N.B. Latest version is Jan 2019…to which much of what is covered by this presentation, is what supports this presentation

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