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Geometry Scavenger Hunt

Geometry Scavenger Hunt. Come along with Amie King at Cape Henlopen High School. Application. DCET Traveling Lab email http://www.dcet.k12.de.us/instructional/index.html Digital Imaging Lab. Lesson Plan. Most geometry vocabulary involves things that you can see .

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Geometry Scavenger Hunt

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Geometry Scavenger Hunt Come along with Amie King at Cape Henlopen High School

  2. Application • DCET Traveling Lab email • http://www.dcet.k12.de.us/instructional/index.html • Digital Imaging Lab

  3. Lesson Plan Most geometry vocabulary involves things that you can see.

  4. Lesson Plan, con’t. This lesson guides the students through a camera scavenger hunt that requires that they photograph objects that represent or incorporate geometric shapes.

  5. Lesson Plan, con’t. • Mathematical concepts are especially well suited to discovery through scavenger hunts. • Teams of students find and photograph illustrations and examples of concepts we are discussing in class.

  6. Lesson Plan, con’t. Each student has an opportunity to share the experience of finding and recording the pictures.

  7. Math Standards • STANDARD 1 – Number Sense • STANDARD 4 – Geometric Concepts, Properties, and Relationships

  8. Learning Objectives • The learner will • use the digital camera • identify geometric shapes in nature as well as man-made • gain a better understanding of geometric vocabulary

  9. Learning Objectives, con’t. • The learner will also • search for and recognize geometric shapes in unusual settings • make a presentation that displays required elements

  10. Materials • Floppy disks • Vocabulary lists • Score sheets

  11. Assessments • PowerPoint slide show presentation • Grade Yourself and Your Team rubrics

  12. Procedures • The students work in groups using a digital camera to photograph math shapes. • They use the score sheet provided as a guide. • Each group prepares a PowerPoint slide show presentation using their photos.

  13. Procedures, con’t. • Students use vocabulary terms from the list provided. • Points are awarded for each vocabulary term used. • A title slide is included with each group member’s name.

  14. Procedures, con’t. • Groups present their slide shows to the class. • A copy may be printed of each slide show for each group member’s binder.

  15. FREE Consultation! • Will you be requiring consulting assistance prior to the lab arriving? • This can include: • creating a lesson plan or project, • creating a webpage for student access and direction, • classroom management ideas, • classroom assistance

  16. My (free!) Consultation • Information & Directions, including: • replacement cost is more than a digital camera costs now • floppy only goes in 1 way • charge first, use power strip inside bag • remove stopper and plug in – a light will come on

  17. My Consultation, con’t. • Instructions & Suggestions, including • menu file → image size • 640 x 480 • will shut off automatically • .mvs/.mvc

  18. My Consultation, con’t. • Recommendations & Reminders, including • try not to take multiple shots of the same thing • “I’m open to creativity” • “demonstrate your knowledge”

  19. Directions • As a class, we will go outside together to take pictures during one class period; the rest of the pictures must be taken indoors. • Each team must take their special pass to be out of class to take pictures.

  20. Directions, con’t. • All presentations must be completed by the end of class on Wednesday, 13th December. • Team presentations will be Thursday 14th and Friday 15th December. • There will be a prize for the team with the most points!

  21. Team Passes with teacher’s signature

  22. Score Sheet Try to locate at least one item from each category (A-K).

  23. Vocabulary List Each vocabulary word used in the PP = 1 point • Chapter 1 • Arc • Betweenness of numbers or points • Chapter 2 • Antecedent, consequent • Center • (part of) Chapter 3 • Acute angle • Acute triangle

  24. PP Presentation RUBRIC • Originality • Digital Camera Use • Cooperation • Use of Graphics • Details, Spelling, & Grammar

  25. Grade Yourself & Your Team RUBRIC • Working with Others • Preparedness • Focus on the Task • Time-Management • Contributions

  26. Camera Groups

  27. Group Scores

  28. Student Samples Oblique Line

  29. Samples, con’t. Parallel lines Discrete lines

  30. Triangles

  31. Three- Dimensional

  32. Coplanar

  33. Collinear

  34. Counter-clockwise Direction Clockwise Direction

  35. Arc and Semi Circle Horizontal Line

  36. Polygons Decagon Hexagon

  37. Quadrilateral

  38. Discrete Line

  39. Dense Line

  40. Vertical Angles

  41. Vertical Lines

  42. Pentagon

  43. Right Angle

  44. The Aquafina bottle is a diagonal.

  45. One of the sides of this pyramid is a triangle.

  46. This is a picture of a 5 sided figure. (pentagon)

  47. This is a picture of a nine sided figure. (nonagon)

  48. This is a picture of a six sided figure. (hexagon)

  49. The trailer of the Sysco truck is a quadrilateral. (4 sided shape)

  50. This is a picture of a betweenness.

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