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Cohesion, Adhesion, and Surface Tension

Properties of Water:. Cohesion, Adhesion, and Surface Tension. Warm Up NEW PAGE 1 November 1. What happens to the volume of water when it changes from a liquid to a solid? What two factors determine the way in which water flows over land? How do aquifers clean water?

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Cohesion, Adhesion, and Surface Tension

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  1. Properties of Water: Cohesion, Adhesion, and Surface Tension

  2. Warm Up NEW PAGE 1 November 1 • What happens to the volume of water when it changes from a liquid to a solid? • What two factors determine the way in which water flows over land? • How do aquifers clean water? • What is solubility? • Describe two ways in which temperature can affect the solubility of a solute… Objectives: TSW understand the properties of water including cohesion, adhesion, and surface tension. Essential Question: What is the difference between cohesion and adhesion?

  3. Warm Up November 2 • What is the difference between cohesion and adhesion? • If an object is more dense than water (1g/ml), how can an object float on top? Objectives: 8.E.1.1/1.2 -TSWU 2 factors that cause ocean currents and how these currents regulate Earth’s climate. Essential Question: -What causes ocean currents?

  4. Warm Up NEW PAGE 1 October 27 • What happens to the volume of water when it changes from a liquid to a solid? • How can geologists determine that the Earth is 4.5 billion years old? • What two factors determine the way in which water flows over land? • How do aquifers clean water? • Explain why organisms die and disappear without leaving a trace of their existence. Objectives: TSW understand the properties of water including cohesion, adhesion, and surface tension. Essential Question: What is the difference between cohesion and adhesion?

  5. Warm Up February 3 • What is the difference between buoyancy and surface tension? • What is the difference between Cohesion and Adhesion? Objectives: -TSW understand the properties of water including specific heat and density.

  6. Objectives • TSW understand the different properties of water. • Cohesion, Adhesion, Surface Tension, and Capillary Action • TSW understand specific heat as it relates to water and other substances.

  7. Warm-up 2/2/2012 • 1. What is surface tension and provide an example. • 2. What property of water allows more dense objects to float in water? Explain your answer. Objectives: TSW- understand the concepts of surface tension, cohesion and adhesion -TSW understand capillary action by designing their own experiment

  8. Objectives 1/31/2011 TSW -understand the concepts of surface tension, cohesion and adhesion -explore capillary action by designing their own experiment

  9. Objectives January 28 • TSW understand 3 properties of water: Cohesion, Adhesion, and Surface Tension. • TSW understand buoyancy by molding clay to make it float.

  10. Warm Up January 30 • What is the difference between cohesion and adhesion? • How do more dense objects float on water? Objectives: -TSW understand the concepts of cohesion, adhesion, and surface tension. -TSW understand buoyancy by molding clay to make it float in water. EQ: What is buoyancy?

  11. Buoyancy Reflection Questions – Notebook Entry Page 5 • Draw an illustration of your design. • What happened to the clay when you first placed it into the water? • What did you do to make your clay sphere float? • How do you think you can improve your design? • What is buoyancy? AND How was buoyancy displayed in this lab activity?

  12. Warm Up January 26, 2012 • What is chromatography? • Describe the process of capillary action. Provide one example. Objectives: -TSW understand three different properties of water. • Cohesion, Adhesion, and Surface tension Essential Question: -What are the three properties of water?

  13. Objectives 1/26/2012 • TSW understand three different properties of water. • Cohesion • Adhesion • Surface Tension

  14. Cohesion • The ability of water molecules to stick to other water molecules is known as cohesion. • Puddles of water on a flat surface • Cohesion is responsible for the tension on the surface of water that permits you to fill a glass with water beyond the top.

  15. Adhesion • The ability of water molecules to stick to other types of molecules. • Water droplets on a car windshield

  16. Surface Tension • The pull on the surface of liquids caused by the attraction of the molecules to one another. • Surface Tension makes it seem that there is a thin, elastic cover on the liquid. • It allows insects to walk on water.

  17. Buoyancy • The upward force on an object in a liquid or gas. • Buoyancy allows boats to float and makes a rock feel lighter in water than in air. • Buoyancy- if an object pushes away more water weight than its own weight then the object will float.

  18. density Amount of matter present in a given volume D=m/v Styrofoam metal

  19. Capillary action • Rise of a liquid through a tiny opening or tube • Capillary action gives plants the ability to absorb water from the ground.

  20. Capillary Action Lab Report • Question / Identify Problem - Given 3 different brands of paper towels, which one will display capillary action the best? • Hypothesis -Choose A,B, or C and provide support for your hypothesis • Design an Experiment - List your procedures step-by-step • Data Collection and Analysis- Write down what you observe and try to explain why • Conclusion – Summarize what happened. Was your Hypothesis correct? • Reflection Questions

  21. Capillary Action Lab Report • Step 1: Label paper towels A, B & C. • Step 2: Fill 1 clear cup with about an inch of colored water . • Step 3: Dip a quarter inch of paper towel A in the colored water. • Step 4: Time for 30 seconds and record your data. • Step 5: Repeat steps 1-4 for paper towel B and paper towel C. Record all data. • Step 6: Complete your Capillary Action Lab Report and turn it in. Include both refection questions.

  22. Data Collection and Analysis

  23. Reflection Questions – Write and answer on the back of your lab sheets. A. What were the variables for each of the experiments? B. What was the independent variable for experiment 1 and 2? C. What was the dependant variable for experiment 1 and 2? D. What is the difference between cohesion and adhesion? E. What property of water is responsible for surface tension?

  24. Specific Heat • Specific heat is another physical property of matter. • The temperature of matter is a direct measure of the motion of the molecules: The greater the motion the higher the temperature: • The energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of any substance 1 degree Celsius.

  25. Homework • Describe the following terms: • Buoyancy • Capillary Action • Specific Heat • Provide 1 example for each • Half a page minimum

  26. Bill Nye: Oceanography Word Bank -1.5 -Heat -4 -Siberia -Water -Food -Ocean Currents -Oxygen -Density -Norway -Rain -Salt Water -Sun -Clockwise -Wind -Gulf Stream -Britain -Movement or transportation -Equator -Mt. Everest

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