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Introduction: Labor Unions. Goals: 1. Shorter Hours 2. Higher Pay 3. Better Working Conditions 4. Job SecurityNo successful labor unions before the Civil WarNational Labor Union-1860
1. Tim Cantrell History of Organized Labor
3. Labor, contd Knights of Labor-1870s & 80s-Led by Terrance V. Powderly. Didnt believe in strikes. Secret organization because of the weapons businesses used against them: 1. Black listing 2. Yellow dog contract
They tried to from cooperatives to get cheaper prices for products. They used boycotts and tried to abolish child labor. The many strikes of the 1880s made them
4. Labor, contd unpopular. The most famous strike was a railroad strike in Chicago which led to the Haymarket Riot of 1886. Police fired into the crowd and several killed. The next day, a bomb killed 7 policemen and 8 civilians. This resulted in the arrest of 7 anarchists-4 executed-1 suicide-2 later pardoned by Governor John Altgeld-a pro-labor Democrat.
5. Labor, contd American Federation of Labor(AFL)-Founded in 1886 by Samuel Gompers, this union was successful because it used the strike as its chief weapon and it was for skilled workers only. It represented trade organizations and was federally organized by each state having an organization affiliated with the national organization. Gompers led until 1924. Affiliated with the CIO(unskilled) in 1955.AFL-CIO
6. Labor, Contd Other Early Unions-Most famous and successful was the United Mine Workers, founded by John Mitchell. John L. Lewis was a young miner during the famous Anthracite Coal Strike of 1902. He later led the union for many years and was the founder of the CIO in 1937. Union membership reached its max. in 1945-36%
7. Labor Legislation Government Policy toward labor until 1902 was to intervene on behalf of business. Example-Cleveland put down the Pullman Strike of 1894 with troops. During the Coal Strike of 1902, T. Roosevelt intervened as an arbitrator of a dispute between the miners and company. Result-Strike settled and TR created a new cabinet post.
8. Labor Legislation Department of Commerce and Labor-1903-This department was divided by Wilson into separate departments in 1913.
Clayton Anti-Trust Act-1914-Labor Unions were exempt from anti-trust laws. Legalized strikes.
Wagner Act of 1935-guaranteed the right of workers to organize. Set up NLRB
Taft Hartley Law-1947-Pres. can end strike
9. Conclusion-Labor Labor gained a greater degree of equity with business.
Unions improved the pay and working conditions for all workers because of the threat of union organization.
Todays membership is down to less than 15%, but everyone is treated better because unions exist. Unions usually endorse the Democrats, but are not as united now.
10. Social Aspects of Reconstruction Black-Scalawag-Carpetbagger Coalition
White Supremacy Groups-KKK-Mississippi Plan of 1875
Jim Crow
Economics-The New South
11. Factors Leading to the End of Reconstruction Readmission of the Southern States
Liberal Republican Split of 1872
Amnesty Act of 1872(14th Amendment)
Democrats take House in 1874
Election of 1876-Disputed Election decided by a committee, 8-7, when Republicans agreed to carry out the Democrat Platform.
12. Conclusion Created one Party South
Caused Racial problems for the future
Not enough done for the Blacks-they were not given a fair chance to own property
Diversification of the Southern Economy