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1. Local Government White PaperStrong and prosperous communities
Richard Sheard
Deputy Regional Director Local Government
Blair We want a new relationship with local government based on a mature conversation about what is best for local people we want them to be more confident and proactive, working with their citizens to create strong and prosperous communities
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Paul Coen, LGA Local Governments greatest opportunity for two generations. Are councils and their partners ready to take up the challenge?
3. Strong and prosperous communities - changing relationships
4. Strong and prosperous communities the context
5. The big drivers LAAs shaping places
New Performance framework
6. LAA From the margins to the mainstream. Not an add on
Critical to delivery of the new central/local relationship
No longer about specific funding for specified targets
35 +18 targets covering everything local government delivers on its own or in partnership
THE contract between Government and the PLACE
7. LAAs Some Challenges Locally
Getting heard
Balance between national and local
Moving away from the silos into cross cutting agenda
Departmental buy in
Speed v Quality
8. The New Performance Framework Strengthened citizen voice
Call to action/petitions
Duty to ensure participation
Community management and ownership of assets
Users shaping services and monitoring performance
9. And some more challenges How to secure greater user involvement?
Finding the right measures to gauge improvement in the area.
Citizen satisfaction measures that truly reflect their view on performance across the public sector.
Capacity of the voluntary sector and others
10. Six Masterclass tips Seize the opportunity
Influence along the chain (note the language!)
Focus on the outcomes desired
Use process to get there, not as an end in itself
Build resilience setbacks inevitable
Challenge behaviours, including your own
11. Strong and prosperous communities - changing relationships
12. White Paper implications for
13. South West Unitary / 2 Tier Proposals
14. Effective, accountable & responsive LG Stronger, more stable leadership
3 options mayors, elected execs and indirectly elected leaders
No referendum
4 year term
Permissive whole council elections / single member wards
Restructuring and improved two tier
Power to pass Byelaws
Councillors as democratic champions
Championing citizen interest
Driving service improvement
Strengthened O&S
Non-exec members as champions for local areas
Involving under-represented groups as Councillors
15. New Performance Framework Better balance between national and local priorities
Single set of national outcome indicators (1200 to 200)
Local improvement targets (35 + DfES targets)
LSP targets no need to report
Greater responsibility to LAs and partners re service improvement
risk assessment
Use of Resources judgement
Direction of travel
Risk based inspection
Support and intervention for struggling LAs
16. Ladder of intervention
17. Strong Cities and Strategic Regions Taking forward the debate on economic development devolution of powers and resources
Reform Passenger Transport Authorities
Multi Area Agreements
City development companies
Further work in run up to CSR07
18. Responsive services & empowered communities Extending choice childcare, choice based letting, provision of social care
Giving people more say - BV duty to inform, consult, involve and devolve
Listening to local concerns
Community Calls for Action
Budget delegations
Community ownership and management of assets, TMOs,
Power of well-being for Quality Local Councils
19. LG Strategic Leader and Place shaper Duty to develop LAAs in partnership
A leading role on LSP agree chair
Portfolio holders on thematic partnerships
Duty on partners to co-operate in agreeing LAA targets and to have regard in meeting them
Area based funding through LAAs
Removal of funding blocks but themes retained
Streamlined procedures for involving communities in SCSs, LAAs and LDFs
Integrating spatial strategic planning
Strategic commissioning & incentives to secure outcomes
20. LAAs and MAAs LAA central delivery contract between CG and LG and partners
Voluntary cross boundary LAAs mainly economic development
New 4th theme of Economic Development and Environment
4 themes but single pot funding by 2009
Funding pooled in return for outcomes and targets set across MAA
Funding provided to Single Accountable Body
Links between LAAs, MAA and LSPs
21. Efficiency Ambitious efficiency gains CSR 07
More collaboration remove boundaries
Business Process Improvement
Greater contestability / fair and open competition
Stable finance
Coordinate capacity support to LG and partners
22. Community Cohesion Identify places where cohesion is a priority
Promote cohesion through SCS and LSP
Share best practice
Support forums on extremism
23. Framework for agreeing priorities
24. Government More space for local govt to innovate and respond to needs
Less ring-fencing of funding
Stronger focus on top priorities
25. Messages for Economic Partnerships Newly defined role
Economic portfolio holders should play a leading role in the partnership
Role for the voluntary sector
Possible scrutiny of the partnership by frontline members and Overview and Scrutiny Committees? Not the same as a new roleNot the same as a new role
26. Implications for GOSW More of the same. Anticipated the changes
Unitary bids role as critical friend and helping judge proposals
Improved 2 tier pathfinders evaluation?
NDTCR stimulating consultation responses; supporting and influencing policy development; MAAs
Place tailoring relationships
LAA development and delivery any tensions?
Performance framework role on intervention ladder; closer relationship with AC, SHA and others
27. Local Strategic Partnerships Over-arching partnership
Key role for Council - LAA and opp to agree LSP Chair
Executive members on themed partnerships
Statutory Health and Well-being partnership
O&S scrutiny of LSP
Key role for LSP in delivering better public service outcomes through the SCS and LAA
Duty to cooperate - commitment & engagement
Opportunity to innovate & respond to local needs with new ways of working & commissioning
Involving and communicating with citizens -cohesion
28. LSP - Possible challenges Key part of performance framework
Engaging communities & local councils
Data sharing & analysis
Potential use of MAAs wider perspective
29. Inspection Agencies Reduced inspection
risk based
LDF statement of community involvement need for inspection to be repealed
Audit Commission as gatekeeper for proposed inspection
Amalgamation / merger
Relationship to GO role
Greater need to share information
30. Executive members Fewer Executive members across the country potentially fewer in SW arising from reorganisation
Increased accountability
Power vested in Leader / Mayor
Enhanced role on themed partnerships and LSP
More strategic focus
4 year term / more stability
31. Front-line councillors Key role representing community
Increased role in scrutinising external agencies
Community calls for action louder voice
More visible locally especially if moving to single member wards and whole elections
Possible area decisions via local neighbourhood arrangements
Increased community contact responding to petitions
32. Partners Duty to cooperate on agreeing targets and achieving outcomes
Increased accountability
Impact on budget allocation and commitment?
Access to pooled funding streams
Increased joint commissioning
Greater opportunity to influence
33. Citizens More involvement through consultation, communications use of ICT
Opportunity to run things and get involved in own area
eg tenants forum, running library
Neighbourhood based participatory budgeting
Minority groups more involved
Greater voice petition, Call for Action
More choice
More coordinated point of contact for services (Unitary / imp two tier)
More informed
Raised awareness of councils?
34. Citizen Challenges Getting people interested!
Information overload
Time and competing commitments
Engaging hard to reach groups
Skill levels
35. Voluntary / 3rd Sector Enhanced role / emphasis on role
Louder voice
Opportunity to manage facilities and services
Increased expectations to be involved
Community assets
36. Challenges for Vol Sector Capacity to respond
Being representative
37. Local Area Agreements More area based funding streams in the LAA pot
Key delivery contract between central and local govt
Focus of Performance Framework
Doing away with blocks but keeping themes pooled pot
Key link to Sustainable Community Strategy
Commitment to achieve outcomes from partners to the LSP / LAA
38. LAA issues LAA transition
for all in 08-09 or pilot for round 1s?
Timescale for change
Mar 07 Round 3 LAAs agreed for 07-08
July 07 new outcomes and partial indicator set
Autumn 07 CSR07 funding streams and Royal Assent for LG Bill
Mar 08 new LAAs and indicator set
Mar 09 rest of performance framework
What is Govt role re MAAs if these are voluntary?
39. Council Staff Senior Mgt Potentially fewer senior management roles
More emphasis on leadership
Increased scrutiny?
Skills required:
relationship building
skilled commissioning
Influencing skills
Change management
40. Council Staff New / developed skills required
Retraining and skill transfer
Cross authority working
Customer and citizen focus
Potential change in work locations
Career / development opportunities
Increased outsourcing?
Staff either commissioning / customer access / community focus / coordinating
Increased work from contact centres / neighbourhoods
41. Services Joint commissioning by public sector
Local delivery / joint contact points
Shared services
Wider spread of providers including voluntary sector
Increased focus on contestability? Readying the market place / ensuring competition
Redesign Business process improvement
More focussed on individual needs
Responsive to neighbourhood and citizen needs / views (individual packages, child care choice,)
42. Local Councils Opportunity to
take more responsibility asset mgt and services
Create new Parish Councils
Raise precept to meet local need (as before)
Change approach from passive to proactive
Stimulate work with VCS
Increase community links and representation
Increased influence
Local leadership in civil renewal and community issues
e.g. environment, community safety, young people, local services
Where new unitaries are set up fewer relationships with other tiers of govt
Closer relationships with front-line councillors?
New names!
Cohesion mediation role
Increase quality of councillors
Use the power of well-being (for Quality Councils)
43. Local Council Challenges Are local councils representative?
Are they in shape to deliver services locally?
Are they flexible enough to work in clusters?
Do they have the mandate of the electorate?
Are they being innovative?
Are they fit for purpose?
Developing skills to:
manage assets, negotiate charters, involve public, mediate, influence front line councillor, promote local service choice, support CCfA
44. District Councils Reconfiguration of service
Stronger requirement to work in partnership Have regard to LAA
Increased accountability for delivery
Shared and outsourced services
Cross boundary working on planning and housing
Choice based lettings schemes by 2010
No BVPP or BV reviews
By-Law enforcement and fixed penalties
Potential whole council elections / single ward member
Reorganisation / organisation design
Managing transfer of staff
Asset management
Handover to communities etc
45. County Councils Enhanced leadership role generally and re LSP
Relationship managing and rebuilding
2007-2009 upheaval / redefining organisation
More communication, consultation, involvement
Strategic focus
No BVPP or BV reviews
By-Laws and fixed penalties
Leadership models
Strengthened Executive / focus
Challenge re local v strategic approach
Workforce planning
Reorganisation / organisation design
Managing transfer of staff
Asset management
Handover to communities etc
46. Existing Unitary Councils VFM effective shared services, BPR, procurement, partnerships
new models, new election periods, changes to wards/no. of councillors? front line councillor role, expanded O&S, potential devolved budgets, support and training for coucillors, support to develop local councils?
Leadership LSP, CCfA, petitions, member support, responding to new empowering citizens, devolved assets, devolved services, local charters, local access to services, engaged voluntary orgs, information / communications increased, citizen centred service
Performance mgt of
Partnerships, LSP, MAAs, LAA, Contracts, service standards, local Charters, local target setting and monitoring
Soft Skills
Developing others, communications, consultation, delegation and performance mgt, leadership / negotiating / influencing, contract mgt, BPR, partnership working, relationship mgt