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The European Networked University - as part of the EU e-Learning Initiative Harald Haugen & Bodil Ask

The European Networked University - as part of the EU e-Learning Initiative Harald Haugen & Bodil Ask ICT in Teacher Education, Rosendal, June 28, 2002 Background The European e-Learning initiative The mENU project Objectives Organisatio n and activities Outcomes

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The European Networked University - as part of the EU e-Learning Initiative Harald Haugen & Bodil Ask

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  1. The European Networked University - as part of the EU e-Learning Initiative Harald Haugen & Bodil Ask ICT in Teacher Education, Rosendal, June 28, 2002

  2. Background The European e-Learning initiative The mENU project Objectives Organisation and activities Outcomes From a model to a permanent ENU We will talk about -

  3. Norwegian projects Norwegian Networked University (NVU) IT for teachers In service training for teachers (in ICT) Experiences

  4. HØGSKOLEN STORD/HAUGESUND European situation

  5. The European Union intends to - design tomorrow's education foster the European dimension of joint development of ICT ... in higher education stimulate European networking for virtual European universities partnerships and cooperation university degree programmes The e-Learning Initiative

  6. Partnership between 11 partners in 7 countries Contracts and commitment Funding Grant from European Commission (~50%) Partners' own resources (50%) - and enthusiasm, 100% ! Project homepage for info: http://www.hsh.no/menu/ The mENU project model for a European Networked University for e-learning

  7. Homepage mENU

  8. Partner locations

  9. Create a network of institutions Establish joint study programmes across institutional and national borders A demonstrator - a master degree programme Quality assurance system Develop a model for management and services of a virtual university Objectives

  10. Partnership between independent institutions, based on a signed agreement Sharing of duties, responsibilities and funding; project organsisation Central secretarial function; support & linkage Dissemination of reports and findings for dissemination (Valencia conf. for dissemination, 24-25 April 2003) The model organisation, mENU, will act as a 'core' for a future ENU, allowing new partners from F/03 Organisation and activities

  11. Co-operative model Tested Models Previous projects

  12. Model Study Plan for ICT in Education Background Goals Content w/matrix of modules + appendixes Assessment Organisation Litterature Revision of previous study programmes New Model to be Tested

  13. International degree standard 3 years higher education for Bachelor degree Another 2 years for the Master degree Professional master degree Based on professional certification Scientific master degree Scientificly founded on R&D within a specific discipline Master Degree in ICT in Education

  14. Master Degree in ICT in Education

  15. Set conditions for the MD at HSH: Each vertical column: 30 (ECTS) credits Each module still up for discussions Total: 120 (ECTS) credits, i.e. 2 years All study material to be available on web physical and/or netbased seminars Open for new methods of assessment Master Degree in ICT in Education

  16. Flexibility Content of modules may vary internally New /other modules may substitute for the listed ones Exchange of students & modules accross boarders Collboration on student tutoring & registr. Master Degree in ICT in Education

  17. A functional model for an international, networked university Documentation of (m)ENU Strategic plan, business plan, study plans etc. Routines for exchange of students, learning resources & courses across borders Established master degree programmes, mutually accepted by partner institutions Expected outcomes

  18. The model will be evaluated, revised and pre-pared for a permanent, sustainable structure Partnership will be open to institutions outside the mENU partner group and countries The number of study programmes and courses will increase English will remain common language, but national translations will run in parallell From a model to a permanent ENU

  19. Academic flexibility and collaboration content of study programmes; new modules may substitute for standard ones interinstitutional collaboration and exchange of resources, students and staff - virtual mobility available studies where and when desired Characteristics of ENU

  20. Mutual trust and acceptance between academics - bridging ivory towers Status of e-learning for academic credit Focus on collaboration vs competition Overcoming internal barriers economy, power and envy - "The Law of Jante" Loyalty and self-esteem within the group Critical factors of success

  21. Standardisation of learning material (?) Support function Technical structures and maintenance Organisational structure ('a secretariat') System that rewards those who contribute in order to maintain motivation and efforts eLearning as a combination of technological push and educational pull Critical factors II

  22. Bottom-up The marriage of top-down and bottom-up strategies The eLearning initiative Top-down ENU Innovative practitioners

  23. Relevant URLs • Stord/Haugesund University College: http://www.hsh.no • MENU project: http://www.hsh.no/menu/ • Norwegian Networked University (NVU): http://www,nvu.no • In-service training in ICT for teachers (only in Norwegian yet): http://www.larerikt.no/infosite/forside.shtml

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