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Nonprofit Management Certificate Course. Organizational Assessment & Planning: Day 2: Morning Karen A. Curtis, Ph.D. Strategic Planning and Operational Planning. Strategic High uncertainty Future-oriented Top Down Outside In Big Picture Qualitative Entire Organization, Function or Site.
Nonprofit Management Certificate Course Organizational Assessment & Planning: Day 2: Morning Karen A. Curtis, Ph.D.
Strategic Planning and Operational Planning • Strategic • High uncertainty • Future-oriented • Top Down • Outside In • Big Picture • Qualitative • Entire Organization, Function or Site • Operational • Low uncertainty • Present-oriented • Bottom Up • Inside Out • Detailed • Quantitative • Department, Team or Individual
From SWOT to Strategic or Priority Issues • When performed correctly, SWOT analysis helps identify choices facing the nonprofit, providing a problem-structuring tool to help ask the right questions about mission, programs and interaction with the environment • When performed poorly, SWOT can be a superficial list generating exercise that produces 4 unconnected lists
Common Problems in SWOT Analysis (Kevin Kearns, 1992) • “Missing Link” problem – Neglect of inter-relationship between SW and OT • “Blue Sky” problem – Unrealistic view of Strengths & Opportunities • “Silver Lining” problem – Under estimation of external Threats • “All Things to All People” problem – Overcome Weaknesses at expense of core Strengths
“Putting the Cart Before the Horse” Problem • Decision makers develop strategies and action plans before they have sufficiently clarified the choices facing the agency • Source: Kearns (1992) “ From Comparative Advantage to Damage Control: Clarifying Strategic Issues Using SWOT Analysis” (see Website links) • Bryson – “An answer without an issue is not an answer.”
Classifying Strategic Issues Using SWOT Analysis: Mapping Interactions Adapted from: Bryson, 1988 and Kearns, 1992.
Classifying Strategic Issues Using SWOT Analysis: Issue Classification Source: Kearns, 1992: 13.
Critical SWOT Questions • How can the organization leverage its strengths to achieve or enhance its comparative advantage, thereby capitalizing on a perceived opportunity? • How can the organization mobilize its strengths to avert a perceived threat or even transform that threat into an opportunity?
More Critical SWOT Questions • Should the organization invest scarce resources in weak programs to become more competitive vis-à-vis a perceived opportunity? • In light of its vulnerable position, how can the organization control or at least minimize the damage that may be inflicted by impending threats?
Classifying Strategic Issues Using SWOT Analysis: Issue Classification Source: Kearns, 1992: 17.
Identifying Strategic or Priority Issues • Strategic issues have long term implications & consequences • Can be resolved in multiple and sometimes competing ways (i.e., no one answer) • Affect organizations in their entirety • Involve major financial risks and opportunities
Identifying Strategic or Priority Issues, 2 • Involve some or all of the following: new revenues, new programs, new resources, new facilities • Are central to the organization’s mission • Are within the organization’s control and have consequences if not addressed • Strategic issues are often “dynamite”
Identifying Strategic or Priority Issues, 3 • Strategic issues may require additional research in order to clarify the choices • There may be competing agencies addressing the same issue. • Strategic issues should be phrased as questions (to which there is more than one answer). If there is only one answer, it is a priority issue. (Worksheets 23, 24-25 – see Website links)
Strategic Issue Examples • 1. What can we do, through the re-development of the Board of Directors, to ensure that the agency establishes itself in the community with local and state leaders, and with current and potential funders as a “go to” organization? • 2. What can we do to broaden the reach of the agency in order to improve referrals for services we are already contracted to provide? • 3. What can we do to establish a competitive edge in a funding environment that has become saturated with other agencies providing similar services? • 4. What can we do to more rapidly address our technology needs in the areas of telecommunications and data management?
Strategic Issue Examples, 2 • 1. How can we develop partnerships with the community, particularly the XXX community, to meet the adoptive needs of children and families? • 2. How can we add new services and respond to the growth opportunities in current services that involve financial risk? • 3. How can we attract talented, experienced staff, committed to our mission, who will increase our racial diversity to more closely match the composition of our service recipients?
Strategic Issue Examples, 3 • 1. What should be our service area? How will it impact our organization if we go statewide? • 2. What is or should be the role of individual membership? Should membership be required in order to receive services or to participate in programs? • 3. What groups of xxxx are we not serving? Are these groups being served by other organizations with similar mission, & programs?
Strategic Issue Examples, 4 • 4. How are we seen in the community? What should our brand image be? • 5. How can we reduce turnover and promote longevity among staff? • 6. How should we respond to the changing technological environment to ensure efficiency and effectiveness?
Strategic Issue Examples, 5 • 1. What design and structural improvements need to be made to our facility to best serve the needs of its mission? • 2. How can our organization continue to deliver the highest quality and level of services? • 3. In what way should the mission of our organization be broadened to serve other groups?
Strategic Issue Examples, 6 • 4. How can we expand our funding from current sources and diversify to new revenue sources? • 5. In what ways can developments in technology help broaden and strengthen our services and mission? • 6. How can we better define the respective roles of staff and board to enhance the effectiveness of the organization?
Selecting a Strategy (Worksheet 26, see Website links) • Is it realistic? • Is it clear? • Is it reasonable? • Is it consistent with mission and mandates? • Can we identify a path forward? • Are we ready to commit?
Making It Relevant • On-going means of accountability at board and staff level • Align staff roles with planning goals and objectives • Refer to regularly • Review formally on an annual basis
Moving to Action Planning • START • Staffing • Timetable • Authority and Accountability • Resources • Tracking