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Visualization of the data set used – spanning over 1300 trips and 2 million records

Visualize over 1300 trips and 2 million GPS records to model and predict SnapWeight values based on position, velocity, and heading. Explore linear regression, Beta regression, AR models, and Time Series Models. Transform response variables, combine similar trips, and validate covariate combinations. Motivation is to respect the boundary of SnapWeight between 0 and 1. Address challenges of massive dataset, IDs, and regression coefficients. Future steps include AR/MA model fitting, validation, beta regression with various parameters, data elimination, model comparison, and application to untouched test data.

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Visualization of the data set used – spanning over 1300 trips and 2 million records

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  1. Predicting Map-Matching Values using GPS Data from Navigation Software Visualization of the data set used – spanning over 1300 trips and 2 million records

  2. Overview • Objective: • Map-Matching Values, or SnapWeights, are a measure of data point error. • Our aim is to model and predict this based on variables such as position, velocity, and heading • Approaches: • Linear Regression of logit-transformed response with I.I.D. data assumed • Beta Regression of Independent responses that are Beta-Distributed with different parameters • AR model, treating data as a Time Series. • Illustration of Data:

  3. Time Series Models: AR/MA • These models assume a linear dependence on previous data points and require stationarity and ergodicity • AR(p): • MA(q): where all are White Noise error terms • Different distributions for different trips. Generally appear stationary with no clear trend or seasonality. • Auto-correlations plotted. Generally slow decay indicates low probability of AR/MA process • Similarly, not likely high value in trying combination model ARMA

  4. Linear Regression of Transformed SnapWeight • Response variable transformed using a Logit Function and then linearly regressed on covariates such as speed, bearing, and acceleration where • To uphold I.I.D assumption, trips with similar distributions are to be combined • Similarity of distributions determined empirically using either Kolmogorov-Smirnov test or Mutual Information function (less rigorous but so far less implementation problems) • Not many covariates. Just a matter of training and then validating an assortment of covariate combinations using OLS and regularized methods such as ridge regression • Initial runs on single trip data sets give very low prediction error values (R-squared)

  5. Motivation: • The SnapWeight is an indication of error rate and is constrained between 0 and 1. We would like to respect this boundary. • Assumption: Beta Regression Beta distribution, parameterized by mean (μ) and precision (ϕ): Regression based on these assumptions: Link Function (e.g. Logit, Cauchy,..)

  6. Beta Regression beta_logitbetareg(formula = SnapWeight ~ Speedx10, data = data.train.small) • Current Problems: • Huge dataset impedes the use of Summary() • Not sure about the effect of IDs and whether it’s necessary to separate them Coefficients in two cases of regression formula: (Intercept) Speedx10 Headingx10 1.170e+00 1.034e-04 -4.888e-05 (Intercept) Speedx10 1.0773586 0.0001835

  7. What’s Next • Fit AR/MA models to many IDs and find most common p and q. Then validate using validation data set. • Regress on larger aggregated data sets and then validate. • Do beta regression with the assumption of non-identical precision parameters, also different link functions • Eliminate incomplete/irrelevant data from corpus, based on both intuition and regression results • Compare different test values • Pick most likely models and apply to untouched Test data.

  8. References • [1] René A. Carmona. Statistical Analysis of Financial Data in S-PLUS. Springer, 2004. • [2] Cribari-Neto, Francisco and Zeileis, Achim (2009) Beta Regression in R. Research Report Series / Department of Statistics and Mathematics, 98. Department of Statistics and Mathematics x, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna. • [3] Ferrari, Silvia and Cribari-Neto, Francisco (2004) Beta Regression for Modeling Rates and Proportions. Journal of Applied Sciences, Volume 31, Issue 7.

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