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Outline. IntroductionMotivation for Pursuing Energy Savings in PumpsEnsuing Standardization ProcessTask ForceE54 Specific Device Model StandardStatusDevice High Level StructureSpecific Device Objects and AttributesSpecific Device Object Behavior DescriptionSummaryFuture Update. . Motivation: Typical Energy in a Fab.
1. Achieving Energy Savings at Fabs by Leveraging SEMI Standards to Implement a Pump 'Idle' State
2. Outline Introduction
Motivation for Pursuing Energy Savings in Pumps
Ensuing Standardization Process
Task Force
E54 Specific Device Model Standard
Device High Level Structure
Specific Device Objects and Attributes
Specific Device Object Behavior Description
Future Update
3. Motivation: Typical Energy in a Fab
4. Motivation: Pumps in Energy Picture According to ISMI research projects and surveys on tool energy use the typical fab facility uses:
In excess of 10,000 kVA in Process Tool load
New High Volume Manufacturing Fabs may have 2500 kVA in Vacuum pumps
In excess of 8.50M m3/hr of recirculation air and corresponding make-up air.
In excess of 5100 Nm3/hr each of compressed air and nitrogen with over 750 kW required for each system.
All of these system requirements may require in excess of 250,000,000 kWh per year in electricity.
5. Motivation: Pump Application Energy Process tools use vacuum pumps for load lock, transfer chambers, and process chambers.
Pump energy may average as much as 52% of total tool energy.
Pump duty configuration in a standard FAB is 70% light and medium duty and 30% harsh duty
Current installed base of semiconductor vacuum pumps is in excess of 150,000 world wide for just the top 5 suppliers and consume in excess of 3x109 kWh per year.
For this reason, any utility savings in the light and medium duty will result in greatest cost savings.
6. Typical Pump Configuration
7. Pump ‘Idle’ Mode Opportunities
8. How Much Could Be Saved at a Typical Fab? Assuming a 300mm fab with ~540 pumps
Utility Costs Assumed (2004 North American example)
Power 0.057 $/kWh
Water 0.00038 $/l
N2 0.000011 $/sl
Comparison between a fab utilizing iH/iL and the new iGX/iH mix
70% iGX, 30% iH
9. Utilities Cost – US 300mm Fab Example
10. Active Utility Controls Could Gain Even More… Active Utility Control (AUC) enables a “standby” mode
Pump is in a reduced state of operation
Speed slows
Water and N2 are reduced
Simple signal from process tool is required
Signal indicates tool is in a “safe” standby mode
Pump is not at process capacities but is idling
Signal removal brings pump out of standby
Pump is ready for service in less than 1 minute
11. Utilities Cost Including AUC US 300mm Fab Example
12. Outline Introduction
Motivation for Pursuing Energy Savings in Pumps
Ensuing Standardization Process
Task Force
E54 - Specific Device Model Standard
Device High Level Structure
Specific Device Objects and Attributes
Specific Device Object Behavior Description
Future Update
13. Standardization: E54 Sensor Bus Standard The E-54 Standard provides a mechanism to model and standardize on device capabilities
This standardization is communication-medium independent
This standard is thus an ideal environment to standardize on an “Idle” mode
…and provide a mechanism to verify that an incoming device has this capability
This would be pursued through development of a Vacuum Pumps “Specific Device Model”
14. SEMI E54 Standard:Sensor/Actuator Network Standard
15. Standardization: The SEMI E-54 Solution Components of Standard
SAN Network Communications “Standards” (NCSs)
Cafe Standard (DeviceNet, LonWorks, Profibus, Seriplex, Modbus/TCP, SafetyBus p...)
Common Device Model (CDM)
One Model
Specific Device Models
MFC, Endpoint, ISPM, Vacuum Pump, etc.
Object Oriented Approach
Attributes, services and behavior for each object
NCS’s must support object data communication
16. Standardization: E54 Sensor Bus Standard
17. Standardization: Process Steps Formalize a Vacuum Pump Task Force
10+ members
Report to Sensor Bus Sub-committee
Focus on existing pump platform requirements from participating Task Force OEMs and End Users
Identify supplier pump specific requirements (variables, services, and device behaviors)
Review other industry standard groups for current vacuum pump definitions (ODVA, Profibus, etc)
Allow flexibility for supplier product differentiation and technology evolution
Maintain independence of the Sensor/Actuator Network communication interface
Drive task force to Consensus
18. Task Force Leadership Task Force Leaders
Thomas Russell, BOC Edwards
Mark Curry, Applied Materials
Richard Gwizdak, Canton Control Solutions
Standard Sponsors
Integrated Measurement Association
19. Status Last face-to-face meeting Oct 2004 Portland Oregon
Reduce complexity of definition and implementation
Defined “Basic Vacuum Pump Device” SDM
Provide for capability to extend SDM
Mechanical Roughing Vacuum Pump
Turbo Molecular Vacuum Pump
Cryogenic Vacuum Pump
Ballot 3979
SDM Blue Ballot submitted, February 2005
SDM Yellow Ballot submitted, April 2005
Review SDM Yellow Ballot results, July 2005 (SEMICON West)
Resbumit SDM Yellow Ballot 3979A, August 2005
Review SDM Yellow Ballot results, October 2005 (Portland)
20. Common Device Model -Specific Device Object Model High Level Object View - Required from CDM
21. Vacuum Pump -Specific Device Object Model
22. Vacuum Pump Device - SDM Objects Common Device Model
SAC Object
Defined in Common Device Model and Extended
Device Manager Object
Defined in Common Device Model and Extended
Assembly Object
Define input/output and configuration
Actuator Object
Define common actuation elements
23. SDM Object Modeling Process Extending CDM object definitions
Sensor/Actuator/Controller (SAC) and Device Manager (DM) objects
Extending sensor, actuator, controller hierarchy to specific pump objects
Defining an assembly object for reporting of data
24. Extending CDM Object Definitions:Example: Sensor/Actuator/Controller Object Sensor/Actuator/Controller Object - Common Device Model
25. Extending CDM Object Definitions:Example: Device Manager Object Device Manager Object - Common Device Model
26. Device Manager -Exception Detail Alarm Attribute Definition Device Manager Object - Exception Detail Alarm Bit Assignment
27. Device Manager -Exception Detail Warning Attribute Definition Device Manager Object - Exception Detail Warning Bit Assignment
28. Device Manager - Extended Service Definition Device Manager Object Service - Set Pump Access Mode
29. Device Manager -Extended Service Behavour Definition Device Manager Service - Set Pump Access Mode Transition Matrix
30. Providing a Vacuum Pump Assembly for Data Reporting Assembly VP#1 Object - Common Device Model
31. Extending Hierarchy to Specific Pump Objects:Example Actuator-VP – Vacuum Pump Object Actuator-Vacuum Pump Object - Vacuum Pump Model
32. Actuator-VP Object - Vacuum Pump Service Definition Actuator-Vacuum Pump Object Service - Pump (On, Stop, Idle)
33. Actuator-VP Object - Vacuum Pump Service Definition Actuator-Vacuum Pump Object Service - Pump (On, Off, Idle)
34. Actuator Object -Vacuum Pump Service Definition Actuator-Vacuum Pump Object Service - Pump (On, Stop, Idle) Transition Matrix
35. Actuator Object -Vacuum Pump Service Definition Actuator-Vacuum Pump Object Service - Pump (On, Stop, Idle) Transition Matrix
36. Extending Hierarchy to Specific Pump Objects:Example Sensor-AI-VP – Speed Object Sensor-AI-VP Speed Object - Vacuum Pump Model
37. Outline Introduction
Motivation for pursuing energy savings in pumps
Ensuing Standardization Process
Task Force
E54 Specific Device Model Standard
Device High Level Structure
Specific Device Objects and Attributes
Specific Device Object Behavior Description
Future Updates
38. Summary Benefits and ROI of energy conservation through enabling a pump “idle mode” clear
E-54 provides a way to standardize this capability and ensure compliance in providing it and providing access to it
The E-54 Vacuum Pump Standard effort is in full swing
Users should be able to begin referencing it by the end of the year
Reference it regardless of whether or not you are utilizing sensor bus for communications.
39. Future Efforts: Task Force Review Yellow Ballot 3979A Otober 2005, Portland SEMI Standard meetings
Extend E54 Standard To Include
Roughing Vacuum Pump
Tubo Molecular Vacuum Pump
Cryogenic Vacuum Pump