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ATMO 1300 – Introduction to Atmospheric Science

ATMO 1300 – Introduction to Atmospheric Science. Spring 2014. T/ Th 11:00am – 12:20pm MCOM 265. Professor Brian Ancell. ATMO 1300 – Overview. Atmospheric Science is the study of weather (e.g. thunderstorms, hurricanes, cold fronts) and climate (e.g. drought, global warming, El Niño).

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ATMO 1300 – Introduction to Atmospheric Science

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  1. ATMO 1300 – Introduction to Atmospheric Science Spring 2014 T/Th11:00am – 12:20pm MCOM 265 Professor Brian Ancell

  2. ATMO 1300 – Overview • Atmospheric Science is the study of weather (e.g. thunderstorms, hurricanes, cold fronts) and climate (e.g. drought, global warming, El Niño)

  3. ATMO 1300 – Overview • Atmospheric Science is the study of weather (e.g. thunderstorms, hurricanes, cold fronts) and climate (e.g. drought, global warming, El Niño) • This class will focus on a conceptual understanding of the processes that govern the atmosphere

  4. ATMO 1300 – Overview • Atmospheric Science is the study of weather (e.g. thunderstorms, hurricanes, cold fronts) and climate (e.g. drought, global warming, El Niño) • This class will focus on a conceptual understanding of the processes that govern the atmosphere • A short weather discussion (~15 minutes) will be given each Thursday

  5. ATMO 1300 – Overview • Atmospheric Science is the study of weather (e.g. thunderstorms, hurricanes, cold fronts) and climate (e.g. drought, global warming, El Niño) • This class will focus on a conceptual understanding of the processes that govern the atmosphere • A short weather discussion (~15 minutes) will be given each Thursday • A recurring theme of this course will be to explain common and interesting phenomena with the principles learned here

  6. ATMO 1300 – Overview • Why does liquid stay in a straw when you put your finger over the top?

  7. ATMO 1300 – Overview • Why does liquid stay in a straw when you put your finger over the top? • Why are downslope mountain winds warm?

  8. ATMO 1300 – Overview • Why does liquid stay in a straw when you put your finger over the top? • Why are downslope mountain winds warm? • Are weather forecasts ever right?

  9. ATMO 1300 – Overview • Why does liquid stay in a straw when you put your finger over the top? • Why are downslope mountain winds warm? • Are weather forecasts ever right? • Why do my bottles of lotion always erupt like a volcano when I go to Denver?

  10. ATMO 1300 – Overview • Why does liquid stay in a straw when you put your finger over the top? • Why are downslope mountain winds warm? • Are weather forecasts ever right? • Why do my bottles of lotion always erupt like a volcano when I go to Denver? • Do bathtubs really drain in different directions in the northern and southern hemispheres?

  11. ATMO 1300 – Overview • Why does liquid stay in a straw when you put your finger over the top? • Why are downslope mountain winds warm? • Are weather forecasts ever right? • Why do my bottles of lotion always erupt like a volcano when I go to Denver? • Do bathtubs really drain in different directions in the northern and southern hemispheres? • Why is West Texas weather among the wildest in the nation?

  12. ATMO 1300 – Overview • First part of this class deals with basics: • Composition and structure of the atmosphere (Chapter 1) • Important external properties important to the atmosphere (the sun, a spinning earth) (Chapter 2) • Atmospheric properties (temperature, pressure, wind, moisture, clouds) and how we measure them (Chapters 3-7)

  13. ATMO 1300 – Overview • First part of this class deals with basics: • Composition and structure of the atmosphere (Chapter 1) • Important external properties important to the atmosphere (the sun, a spinning earth) (Chapter 2) • Atmospheric properties (temperature, pressure, wind, moisture, clouds) and how we measure them (Chapters 3-7) • Second part of this class deals with understanding atmospheric motions based on the ideas learned in the first part of the class: • Air masses, fronts, and mid-latitude cyclones (Chapters 8-10) • Thunderstorms, tornadoes, lightning (Chapter 11) • Hurricanes (Chapter 12) • Weather analysis and forecasting (Chapter 13)

  14. ATMO 1300 – Overview • First part of this class deals with basics: • Composition and structure of the atmosphere (Chapter 1) • Important external properties important to the atmosphere (the sun, a spinning earth) (Chapter 2) • Atmospheric properties (temperature, pressure, wind, moisture, clouds) and how we measure them (Chapters 3-7) • Second part of this class deals with understanding atmospheric motions based on the ideas learned in the first part of the class: • Air masses, fronts, and mid-latitude cyclones (Chapters 8-10) • Thunderstorms, tornadoes, lightning (Chapter 11) • Hurricanes (Chapter 12) • Weather analysis and forecasting (Chapter 13) Numerous in-class demonstrations will be done to reinforce concepts

  15. ATMO 1300 – Syllabus and General Information • Class website: http://www.atmo.ttu.edu/bancell/atmo1300.html • Textbook: Understanding Weather and Climate by Aguado and Burt, 6thedition • Office hours (MCOM Tower Rm 1216):Tu/Th1:00 – 2:30 or by appointment – please don’t hesitate!

  16. ATMO 1300 – Syllabus and General Information • Grading: • 3 exams (90%) • 5 in-class worksheets (10%) • There will be an optional extra-credit project • Exams may include material covered in the lectures, textbook, in-class worksheets, demonstrations, and weather discussions

  17. ATMO 1300 – The GOOD, The BAD, and The UGLY The GOOD – How to succeed in ATMO1300 • Come to class and take notes • Read the text chapters covered in class • Be responsible for any missed classes • Work outside scheduled class time to understand concepts

  18. ATMO 1300 – The GOOD, The BAD, and The UGLY The GOOD – How to succeed in ATMO1300 • Come to class and take notes • Read the text chapters covered in class • Be responsible for any missed classes • Work outside scheduled class time to understand concepts The BAD – Don’t do the above things!

  19. ATMO 1300 – The GOOD, The BAD, and The UGLY The UGLY • Any missed exams or worksheets must be discussed with me within 2 days of the due date • In order to be fair, final grades will not be adjusted.

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