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C entral E xclusive M eson Pair Production in Perturbative Regime.

C entral E xclusive M eson Pair Production in Perturbative Regime. (KRYSTHAL collaboration). V.A. Khoze ( IPPP, Durham & PNPI ). (based on works by V. K h oze, M. RY sk in and W.J. ST irling and L. HA rland -L ang ). For more details see: ArXiV:. 1105.1626. CEP-spin-parity filter

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C entral E xclusive M eson Pair Production in Perturbative Regime.

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  1. Central Exclusive Meson Pair Production in Perturbative Regime. (KRYSTHAL collaboration) V.A. Khoze(IPPP, Durham & PNPI) (based on works by V.Khoze, M. RYskin and W.J. STirling and L. HArland-Lang) For more details see: ArXiV: 1105.1626

  2. CEP-spin-parity filter (KMR-00,KKMR-03) CEP is reported by LHCb (DIS-11) new CDF CEP results (Erik, low x-11) All measurements in agreement with Durham group (pre)dictions.

  3. Now 43 events Prior to this Workshop (KMRS-04) (LKRS-10) (now proved to be small)

  4. (Mariola’s talk) 40 diagrams (4 basic) (M.Benayoun,V.Chernyak,-1990)

  5. (explicit calculation) is this easy to understand ?

  6. is this easy to understand ? currently popular (among the more formal community) MHV- technique

  7. g g

  8. (KRYSTHAL coll.- 09-11)

  9. (K-factor,..) New CDF data nicely confirm this ! (Erik’s talk)

  10. New CDF data confirm both Durham predictions for CEP and strong suppression of the

  11. PT expectations if no proton tagging Violation of ppY+X+Z -momentum transfer through the ‘digluon Pomeron’ In the low mass region: is small. Non-relativistic effects for spin 2. Non-PT contribution ( for spin 1, still ~ ). for CEP (KMRS-04) Spin-2 quarkonium suppression is easier to violate!

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