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THE ASSOCIATION OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP PROMOTION in Rzeszów. THE ASSOCIATION OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP PROMOTION. COMPANY PROFILE. AEP in Rzeszów was established in 1992 Non-profit, non governmental institution Operates in the area of: education and training, professional advisory services,

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  2. THE ASSOCIATION OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP PROMOTION COMPANY PROFILE • AEP in Rzeszów was established in 1992 • Non-profit, non governmental institution • Operates in the area of: • education and training, • professional advisory services, • EU projects. • Employs: • 25 full time staff, • 180 people in subcontracts.

  3. THE ASSOCIATION OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP PROMOTION AEP’s agencies and associated institutions • BUSINESS SUPPORT CENTRE • EURO INFO CENTRE • RZESZOW SCHOOL OF MANAGERS • University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów • Institute of Economics • College of Management and Administration in Zamość

  4. THE ASSOCIATION OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP PROMOTION AEP’s structure Association of Entrepreneurship Promotion in Rzeszów Business Support Centre Euro Info Centre Rzeszow School of Managers Projects Preparatory Team University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów College of Management and Administration in Zamość Institute of Economics

  5. THE ASSOCIATION OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP PROMOTION AEP’s UNIQUE SELLING POINTS • professional regular and subcontracted staff • contacts with national, regional and local governments • co-operation with institutions dealing with regional development and labour market • close co-operation with business environment • rich experience in terms of education, training and advisory services as well as EU projects preparation and implementation • back-up of scientific environment

  6. Poland – active companies

  7. Share of SME sector in GDP generation in 2003

  8. Employment in Poland by company size

  9. Employment in Poland private and public sector

  10. Education and training system in Poland for SMEs The most general frameworks of education and training activity are expressed in a document of the Board of Ministers of 2003 - "Lifelong Learning Strategy until 2010". Its aim is to establish the conditionings and mechanism of lifelong learning for the needs of knowledge based society.

  11. Education and training system in Poland for SMEs One of the main areais the increase of accessibility of lifelong learning, irrespective of age, gender, disability, place of residence, social status, education, and wealth. It needs to create programmes for the removal of barriers in the access to education for adults, and their monitoring, which is offered by the strategy.

  12. Education and training system in Poland for SMEs Secondly, it is necessary to increase the quality of lifelong learning. It is essential to perfect the teachers and methods of teaching. Thus, there are particular tasks in the "strategy" as the creation of a bank of programmes for adult training, equipping schools in computer equipment, popularisation of e-learning, accreditation of training institutions, or introducing standards of vocational qualifications.

  13. Education and training system in Poland for SMEs Local government administration is responsible for: • the training of the unemployed, • refund of employees' training costs, • vocational guidance, • pays out or gives loans for training grants.

  14. Education and training system in Poland for SMEs Local government administration co-ordinates operations connected with the creation of training agreements between the employer and the training institution, which trains the unemployed from public resources, for the need of particular enterprise. And this is the kind of training that SME support particularly.

  15. Education and training system in Poland for SMEs Educational institutions which conduct lifelong learning on the Polish market are public and private. There are around 500 of such institutions - self sufficient units or are affiliated with various schools, educational and vocational associations,and enterprises. As far as public institutions are concerned, of key importance are Centres for Lifelong Learning (CKUI) and Centres for Practical Training (CKPI).

  16. Examples of projects for SMEs • Social and Economical Coherence PHARE 2001 • TOR#10 project "Development of Small Entrepreneurship" • "PHARE - Development of Human Resources„ • European Social Fund „SME development” • Investement in human resources.

  17. Conclusion Poland has created a legal infrastructure for trainings offered to SME and attempts at filling it with specific trainings executed by various institutions financed from various sources.

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